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I'm not giving this swedefag any views
What'd he do

just your average youtuber bitching about youtube cutting off their revenues


i must say im a fan

You know the world is fucked up if pewdiepie is the biggest redpill on jewtube

I don't understand why doesn't he set up his own website and cuts the middleman.
He makes enough money, just contact sponsors to set up contracts and move everything off youtube.

I watched his videos about shadow of the colossus.

He hasn't done that shit for like 2 years

I dont understand why he still has to do the stupid voices.

He just mocks people who voted for Hillary Clinton in a subtle way.


He's fine he's the one YouTube artist that will not be effected

I'm starting to like this guy the more I watch him

>denying a right-wing artist his craft

big mistake

When did this guy just decide not to make autistic videos for toddlers

Election has happened, that's why. He moans about traffic drop in november.

I wonder if PewDiePie has had a single honest working day in his life...

No one will visit.

Or at least my as much.

It's all about the platform and they all know it.

>working when you can earn money doing something you enjoy

Literally why? Are you really that cucked mentally?

dont listen to this moron, he wants to fuck people over

>Working to contribute society
>Milking YouTube for gaining wievers
Choose one.


Your subscribe to a youtube channel and they frequently don't show you the videos for the chanel you subscribed to because they are's viral enough.

Paying like for CTR shit has been becoming a legit way to go viral.

Youtube seems like they have been pushing suggested videos to be more multicultural by what seems like pushing down white video channels.

Pewdiepie only touched on the race problem in an earler video. But long story short he wants to bring some attention to these issues...

he mocks neistat

i feel him, but he is just losing the spotlight

if he wants to milk the cow, he can keep.doing mediocre videos
or he can cash on his e-celeb status and take the risk to change the subject

I would start making videos about another thing,.bitching about political.stuff alla Varg

Mocking casey neistat for selling his soul to the devil

>Enslave yourself doing shit you hate for a shit pay
>Jest and fuck around in front of a camera for a fuckload of money, fame, contacts and opportunities

I know the one I would choose

he literally talks about having had shitty jobs in this or his previous video...

What are you?

Then apply for a job what you love to do, that's so simple.

>be tall aryan man
>pinnacle of human genetics
>live in Sweden among world's most gorgeous women and beautiful scenery
>get lucky making stupid video game home movies on a Jewish streaming site
>make millions of dollars
>can live anywhere in the world
>can fuck any woman you want
>move to Brighton, UK of all places and marry a squeaky voiced, beady eyed bimbo

What the fuck

he keeps hinting at it, but hasnt outright said whatnis up with youtube recently.

it is pretty obvious that youtube jumped on the we are the msm train and tried to throw thir entire content creation towards political bullshit.

almost all the trending and suggested vids were holdawg or communist bullshit.

im sure he knows this and is just teasing on hs younger audiance until he drops that bomb

sweden run by finn and the're happy with it.

>>Working to contribute society


If you want to be a slave to society then that's your choice, just don't force others to do the same.


btw he is imitating Casey Neast

>>move to Brighton, UK of all places and marry a squeaky voiced, beady eyed bimbo
He hasn't married her, and fuck off she's not bad desu

If you think that makes you slave, then you cannot value real work.

his nasal pronunciation of words hurts my ears.

>be tall aryan man
>pinnacle of human genetics
>have 20% chance of winning the nobel prize if he devoted himself to science or be the next inventor of a world changing technology
>instead he decide to make videos pandering to children age 5 to 12 by playing random video games and acting retarded like a clown live on camera
>tfw he actually got cobain like depression from the internet fame

He cares everybody.

She's not bad but she's not great. She's also pretty dumb from the videos I've seen.

He should marry a white woman.


wtf, I love Pewdiepie now

Ă…land is no mans land. Ethnically they are closer to finns, but they speak swedish

PewDiePie is a handsome and talented person.

Live streaming is the new trend. It's recently started blowing up outside of Video Games with normalfags just livestreaming their everyday life or activities.

These internet trends never last more than 5 years. GoyimBook is dead, Twitter is dying, Youtube is dying etc. They're just being replaced by newer and different things.

These people just need to adjust or it's back to working at McDonalds for them.
I have seen Pewdiepie on Twitch, he's extremely boring when he is unscripted and live, he barely gets 6000 views. He prob won't make it and will die with youtube.

top kek

This is politics related how?

It's not about who you want to watch, it's about who youtube wants you to watch

Also, pwediepie, since I know you're lurking here - I wouldn't get too cocky. You're just a Youtuber and there are plenty other people to take your spot.

YouTube is 10 years old tho

youtube is prospected to live for at least until 2080

I think the US government pays these companies to push this shit with our tax dollars

That's how they are able to justify the hit to their profits, because they get paid by the government to do it.


us govt and ctr are two farting degrees worth of seperation, so yeah id agree.

i wonder when he will say that is what has been up.

So what? He's not selling his soul anymore and you are afraid of that? Fuck you and fuck the jew system, we will not be intimidated anymore by that "plenty of other people to take your spot". Your kind will hang.

Good point, I don't have an argument. I agree

pewds i just started watching your vids and i have to say i really like your in depth analysis of the inner working of youtube and Internet content creation in general.

makes me understand some decisions otber tubers have made. im only subbed now to you, hat films, some yogscast and sips and i have to say your vids explain alot of the challenges these guys have.

you think youtube will wake up to this problem, or will die slowly and painfully from a pc driven ministey of truth nonsense?


First he got 50 million viewers to his channel, then took a few jabs at some other guy who asked people to vote for hillary clinton, while burning an effigy of donald trump himself. I think the rest of the video is mostly him rambling about how youtubers doesn't make enough money.

Anyone else stopped watching youtube a year or two ago?

The decline in quality just got too much for me to enjoy.

>So what? He's not selling his soul anymore
he never sold his soul when he first started. all those reactions of him playing creepy games late at night alone were genuine.
he sold his soul when he started pandering to keemstar and h3h3 audiences like you see today.
fucking faggot shouldve just killed himself or get a real job already if he wont return to vidya

>Oy vey goyim, there is nothing more important than contributing to your society, so it can vote to flood itself with refugees, which now are also part of said society

Willingly working for one's society and not only for oneself is incredibly cucked, so nice try Mr. Goldstein.

he says that buzz feed are cucks

cuck is now confirmed for an immortal meme

>makes a vid subtly hinting trump support
>his videos stop being "suggested" to viewers

really makes me think

They are trying to kill the freedom on YT we need a backup plan ASAP

It is the swede way.

If you subscribe to the right people the quality is fine

Best part is, cuck/cuckold is in most languages, in Spanish it is cornudo, or cornuderia for Cuckery.

This is Pewdiepie's interest over time from Youtube. He has already peaked and is on a downwards trend, almost perfectly within the 5 year period of my hypothesis.
I have been casually monitoring this process for years, having seen it myself happen multiple times with other eClebs. The problem is that they stop gaining new viewers and as time passes, their original viewers grow up, their interests change and move on.
This process relates to pretty much anything on the internet, from my personal observations.

As a thought experiment, Think about Pewdiepie's main demographic (11-18) year old children, then add a 5 year difference to the ages.
Have a think about these 2 questions.
>When you were 16 years old, did (you) share the same interests and have the same priorities as your 11 year old self?
>When you were 21 years old, did (you) share the same interests and have the same priorities as your 16 year old self?
The conclusion is self evident.

As for Youtube as a website, It's hard to measure if it fits into this 5 year mold. Youtube currently is more of vessel, where's one individual users popularity wanes over 5 years, another is already in the process of rising and falling, ad infinitum.
However, looking at trends, it does seem like Youtube itself has also peaked and is on a downwards popularity trend, but wont be gone for some time.
I would highly doubt that. With the way Youtube is currently cracking down on Wrong Think, it's not going to last long. Take a look at Twitter, people are already jumping to alternatives, like GAB.Ai.

However, maybe I'm just autistic and completely off base...

He's starting to look like Maddox

a 5 year run is p fucking good tho

It's called not being 14 anymore faggot.

>dissing on this guy for making autistic videos
>not realizing he's actually helping society by keeping kids focused on vydia and away from leftist propaganda

better have idiots than useful idiots, apply youselves

I think he's like 5'10 though

>random guys says something
>omg just like me :D

Are you guys that fucking pathetic that you need to gloat over other people to feel accepted, are you that desperate for self-approval?Grow up kids.



I don't enjoy many of the things I used to love. I don't even enjoy going on the internet anymore.

I just can't get away, I miss being happy.

Pewdiepie should really stop beating around the bush and just say he wants to leave youtube because he thinks it sucks but there's no alternative and just ask for one to exist.

She's ugly and sounds retarded.

>>not realizing he's actually helping society by keeping kids focused on vydia and away from leftist propaganda

>he doesn't realize that half of vidya nowadays is plagued with leftist propaganda

is that you felix?

It's easier to go to YouTube than to whatever-site-he's-gonna-have, and plus, it's also easier to monetize YouTube rather than having to pay another service just to reclaim 110% back

he's 5'10??
what a manlet subhuman trash

t. 5'10

True, especially if you make it big like he has. With each rotation, there is only a fraction of a percent of people who make it though. Like any entertainment profession.
It's just further evidence, that no matter who you are, a career as a personality on the internet has no real sustainability.

For PewDiePie specifically, it will be interesting to see where he ends up. I don't think he will make it as a live streamer.

>8 year olds
>mock a 6 year old

Times never change.

Why does this cuck cares so much about views and porn. What a cuck.

The first 15 seconds were the best seconds. I have been liking her more ever since I started browsing Sup Forums. He seems like he is being redpilled by someone.

This. Can 5 year olds really understand the shit he speaks of?

He could create an alternative if he partners with the right people, maybe ally with gab.ai / Sup Forums

that nose is a disaster, other than that shes bimbo arm candy material, i'm guessing there's not much going on in that head of hers

>i'm guessing there's not much going on in that head of hers
As long as there is a lot of head going on that isn't really a problem.

Am i rite?

He likes to do Youtube videos. Guess he got the "job" he wanted.


excuse me, texas?

>GoyimBook is dead
Said everyone since conception. Still alive and strong as fuck, replaced by nothing.

That stance against DEGENERACY at 7:40
He is becoming redpilled...

>Italy isn't white
Rome would like a word with you...

u r rite

She's fron Venice iirc
might be the highly toxic


> pinnacle of human genetics

not really, there are some but its still much more clean than other mediums