Alt-Left [General]

Alt-Left WHEN?

it's called bronyism & furryism

It's called SJWs

What would the alt-left be about? Kill all white people? We already have antifa and communists you know.

It would be left that disagrees with the current establishment left.

So let me think.

Stalinists. Stalin was bad goy because he hated the jew so it's probably this.

friendly reminder

AltRight was a bad idea and will die out like libertarianism after Ron Paul ran and lost and SJWism is currently doing now. Trying to copycat a made to fail ideology is the perfect example of how stupid leftists are.

wat? where? how?

Screencap from /leftypol/

here's the thing

the alt-left is called

"waaahhh, imma wear a safetypin and whine and bitch on facebook and twitter, and most important, tumblr, because i'm a fucking idiot who thinks the president is going to kill me!!!!"

here's a novel idea, live your life

honestly, i dont care

if you're gay, that's fine, just don't shove it in my face, hold hands, i don't care, just don't shove it in my face

the left wants more freedom for people, but in turn they want more government intervention

but the right wants less government intervention, let people live their own life, if they are within the law and not causing problems, dont fuck with them

standing and screaming "not my president" while blocking traffic just makes you look stupid, get a fucking job

trump just saved a thousand jobs in indiana, go apply for carrier, but you won't, that requires actual work

back to the inifinity shithole you came from,faggot

>leftypol tries to start an uprising
>actualpol uses meme magic to raise zombie lauri torni and a band of polish mercenaries from the dead
>rebellion ends in 15 minutes
>killing doesn't stop for at least another week
would be fun desu



Wew lads

fuck, i remember the tumblr war from a few years ago (it's almost 2017, may as well be a few years ago)

a dozen or so Sup Forumstards spammed hashtags on tumblr with offensive gifs and one bitch slit her wrists and 20 people started crying, and throwing a fit

these people are so easy to offend

She ain't left m8. Just cuckservative with a cardboard spine.

Never you leftypol raiding fucking pussy

Always sage.

There is no alt right you leaf. By making Alt left general shows all you lefties do is follow others. Think for yourself. But then again...

You're a fucking leaf!

Just another cucked thread to add to the filter list. Never thought I would have to use that feature buts it's real handy for cunts like (you).

It's ctrl-left

Op is gay

The open borders type? They are corporatists that are jealous that a job pays a little better in the west.
