But seriously guys

But seriously guys

She literally got 2 million more votes but he utterly CRUSHED her in the electoral college

Not complaining of course, but why exactly is this allowed to happen? Who does it benefit that this can occur?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Who does it benefit that this can occur?

It benefits literally everyone who doesn't live in California or New York.

History. When the newly freed American colonies were discussing the prospect of forming a larger single country instead of a bunch of independent countries that occasionally acted together, the smaller colonies said "Go fuck yourself Virginia" cause it was the richest, most populate state and would have dominated any form of straight democracy. The people living in New York, Massachussettes, and Georgia did not want a bunch of rich, elite wankers in Virginia dictating everything to them. So they struck a compromise where there would be two houses of legislature - the lower being reflective of relative populations, the higher being equal representation of each state, and the method by which the presidency was determined would be by vote of the states where each state got as many votes as it had national legislative representatives. In that way, the small states still had a significant voice in electing the president, while the larger (by population) states had a louder, but not drowning, vote for president.

Without this compromise, America would be a set of balkanized countries, and just another 3rd world shit hole on the planet instead of being a 1st world shit hole super power.

If the majority of Americans do not like this system, they can always change it. But they never get around to it.

Why do you faggots think that chess is checkers? Go back to your soggy island, and stfu.

>If the majority of Americans do not like this system, they can always change it. But they never get around to it.
I thought you couldnt remove things from your constitution? or that it was just exceptionally hard to do so






>but why exactly is this allowed to happen? Who does it benefit that this can occur?

Trump isn't lying about the illegal vote.

>Who does it benefit that this can occur?
white landowners

the founding fathers and their electoral college system that was intentionally designed to do this very thing may have saved the nation

>I thought you couldnt remove things from your constitution? or that it was just exceptionally hard to do so
amending the constitution is exceptionally difficult, and no politician seems inclined to meddle with it, because it has taken on the importance of a religious document for some.

it already has been fucked with enough, imo.

>Who does it benefit that this can occur?
well, in the immediate it means that America currently doesn't have an evil bitch as its ruler and the globalist movement took, albeit a small and minor one, a hit.


>I thought you couldnt remove things from your constitution?

there is no delet on constitution

you have to add a new amendment to strike down a previous one

see the 18th and 21st amendments

>Not complaining of course
also, oddly enough I thought elections were based on how many votes you got, not how good you were at "playing" the system
do what very thing?
the way i see it, if it had gone the other way (and she had won the college but trump had got 2 million more votes) you and I would be seething with rage

>white landowners

Yeah but the weren't talking about average white people like you or me. They were talking about RICH MOTHER FUCKER WHITE PEOPLE! The ones Trump is putting in his cabinet.

>do what very thing?
give more voting weight to white landowners who tend to be right-wing conservatives

>Not complaining of course, but why exactly is this allowed to happen? Who does it benefit that this can occur?
It prevents tyranny of the majority and benefits those who do not live in a population centre.

>seething with rage
nah, I would just be disappointed that so many were hoodwinked. And tbph, I still am. We barely won, you and I, brexit barely got through and trump barely got elected. I still am disappoint in my country... yours not so much. At least yours has a majority of the populace that gets it. Mine???... way too many gib me dats in California have crossed the border illegally and/or drunk the kool aid. It still is dark days and the fight is far from over.

It benefits literally everyone in America.

>wah wah wah b-b-b-bug s-she won the popular vote!!!

The bitter tears never cease to amuse me. It only makes Trump's victory all the more sweet.


>The 52 of 57 counties Clinton purportedly won were in just ten states and the District of Columbia. Not mentioned in this list was the state of Alabama, where Clinton won 12 of the 67 counties, alreading bringing Clinton's total to 64 counties total. Arizona (where Clinton won four of 15 counties) was also omitted from the list. Clinton won eight counties in Arkansas, and 23 in the state of Colorado (which she won). She also took Delaware, despite winning one of three counties, and lost Florida with the exception of nine counties. And while Clinton lost Georgia, she did win over 30 of its 159 counties. Skipping to Texas, Clinton went home with 27 of its 254 counties.

>Even if you count only 17 states (Breitbart's ten and an additional seven), Clinton won 164 counties in those 17. Even without accounting for the other 33 states, the claim that Trump won all but 57 of America's 3,141 counties appeared to be completely untrue.

Reporting falsehoods does not shore up confidence.


The electoral college required building a strong policy coalition and voting caucus across a broader pack of America than a direct vote does. If we had a direct vote the population centers would decide everything. Like New York City which manufactures nothing, grows nothing, and produces nothing except bankers.

>w-we actually g-get to define the swamp
>h-hilary is not the swamp g-guise

Eh. I think it was written before all the States were called. Feel free to plug in the actual numbers and tell me if it changes anything.

I could swear America wasnt designed deliberately to be conservative/right wing, though maybe it was
more stunning reading comprehension here
well I would be at least, just as if the government decides to scrap brexit/keep freedom of movement over here
I think trump will need to do an actual good job if he wants a chance in 2020 though, he's not going to win people over easily
like I said before, an election is not a chess game. it is a popularity contest

the electoral collage has been around for hundreds of years, we aren't getting rid of it just so your candidate can win.

>like I said before, an election is not a chess game. it is a popularity contest
not according to the law

>like I said before, an election is not a chess game. it is a popularity contest
Actually it's not and never has been since the nation was created. These are the rules, for better or worse. However, it can always be amended if people really pushed for it.

Other have pointed out correctly that all states have unique interests and attributes. The states (and the humans that occupy the states) are not interchangeable. In heavily populated states, these interests could dominate the mood of the nation simply because they have recently imported more people. California has been radically transformed do to rapid importation of poor government leaches and totally defiant immigration enforcement (and the disastrous 14th amendment) This self serving state government move could further wreck the ENTIRE rest of the nation, simply because they now have even more big government loving human beings.

>expecting me to crunch numbers
kek, that's what snopes is for.

Just delete that retarded macro from your computer and stop perpetuating nonsense. Trump DESTROYED Clinton, there's no reason to trivialize that fact with false statements.


It's pretty telling that shitmonkeys keep spamming this site since about October

We've undergone a massive incursion by ribbitors

>Small margins in many red states
>Huge margins in liberal shithole states (NY and CA)
Guess where all the illegals and degenerates reside?

Because they only complain about it when it's not in their favor.

Because those were the rules laid out ahead of time. Both campaigns were based around these rules and the game proceeded with full visibility. Nothing else has any meaning or is relevant in the slightest. It's been almost a month. Kindly shut the fuck up, stop shitting this place up with these same threads day in and day out and go the fuck back to wherever you came here from,

Basically what happened in 2008 is that they thought that whites would turn out to vote against Obama while minorities would stay home, but the demographics in certain states like Florida and Virginia would enable Obama to win the electoral college while losing the popular vote

But that didn't happen, and four years later they bitched when the other party won the EC and not the PV

To guard against a tyranny of the majority.

I couldn't care less about reddit, you dumb false-flagger. Snopes is useful because it's transparent and non-subjective, unlike say, Politifact.

I mean, the fact you're so triggered that Trump's county landslide wasn't as land-slidey as you thought it was is kind of telling. I'm acknowledging he won and rightfully so. But being accurate about how and why he won is as important as the win itself.

I can hardly believe Slate STILL has that article and tweet up. When will they vanish it? After the transition?

The transparency is shocking and welcome, I can only assume they have overlooked this old article.


>United States

Pick one. We're a republic.

kek wills it


This is misleading as fuck.

>but he utterly CRUSHED her in the electoral college
The electoral college hasn't voted yet.


Guys, I scored 4 field goals and you only got 3 touchdowns. I won because of more scores.

Should actually be

732,075 Californians = 1 Electoral College vote
584,153 Wyomingites = 1 Electoral College vote

If you take out illegals, you get:
679,245 Californians = 1 Electoral College vote

1 Wyomingite = 1.16 Californian
Not absolutely equivalent, but a pretty fair ratio

Why is it so hard to explain to leftists that we're not a direct democracy, and set up as a democratic REPUBLIC for good reason. We can discuss the validity of those reasons, but instead they just want to cry about how it a republic strategized vote filtered into a direct democratic vote makes it look like they won.

We don't know what the vote would look like under a direct democracy. Who knows how many red votes stayed home because CA and NY were blue by default.


>584,153 Wyomingites = 1 Electoral College vote


Wyoming only gets one vote based on the number of people in the state. California gets 53. Every state gets 2 votes. I can see where the image is coming from, but it's a false equivalency.

>A system of white supremacy elected a black president

I see it now. You make a very good point.