Trump not taking any shit

He is probably a huge narcissist.

He's stubborn as a mule.

He might be clumsy.

But he really is what we need right now. For far too long the liberals and the left have had a free fucking pass ON EVERYTHING. I remember how all those late night comedians used to joke about Bush on every goddamn night. Then they had Obama on as guest comedian, instead of joking about him.

Finally someone is just telling them to fuck off. No matter how silly he is, this is so refreshing. And I'm not even an American.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cucks hate this because they think that when someone talks shit about you you should just sit there and take it.

It's the same mentality that tells kids not to fight their bullies, even though it's often the only way for them to end it

>He might be clumsy.
says who?

>tfw I got suspended for 3 days for throwing a left hook at my bully
>tfw grounded when I got home
>only my brother cheered me on.

He's just going to force people to talk about him for 4 to 8 years. SNL will take the bait.

He's the only one that mattered.

Sucks you have faggot parents.

Better hope your Mom goes before your Dad, because if he goes first she'll be dating another woman within two weeks

Man your parents sound gay. I flipped out on a kid who choked me with a jump rope in gym and because we were technically "both fighting" and this was proximate to Columbine, we both got a suspension.

My parents just let me watch movies and told me I did exactly what I should have.

Your brother is a true bro

I'm 30, they're divorced, and this was 20 years ago.
Literally 1992 and I can still pick out subtle subversion from my memories.

He is who I trusted growing up. He was my hero.

and he's going to respond with a "fuck you" every time.


"Just ignore them" is the biggest fucking bullshit meme ever.

Have you ever seen the left go "just ignore them"?

>tfw parents always told me that I won't be in trouble for protecting myself as long as the other guy goes home more fucked up
>my older brother(5yrs) brought a truckfull of dickies shorts wearing, SRH loving, Oakley endorsing "bros" to make sure some faggot who threatened to jump me over myspace messages kept it 1v1
do people seriously teach their kids to sit there and absorb all the fuckery just to keep it stuffed inside waiting to turn into a school shooting?

Every time I fought my bullies I got support from my parents. I even got support from my doctor after breaking my hand on some fuckers jaw.
Your brother is based.

>tfw you were always one of the smallest kids, but never got bullied cause you were a manipulative little fuck

And now several years after HS I lost all ability to manipulate people and in general am an autist in social settings. Man what I would give to be as socially aware as I used to be

> he's probably a huge narcissist

Pride =/= Narcissism

>tfw nobody tried to bully the 6'3" 287lb teddybear

Even Sven can understand, I hope you've boarded up your house and gathering up recourses for the death of swedistan, Godspeed friend

i dont understand why this tweet is a big deal.

hes just saying that he doesnt like the show lmao

besides columbine, what happens when kids are taught to just bottle up all the abuse they take?

They become neurotic pussy whipped faggots.

White people are literally brainwashed to kill themselves. We got played.




It really shows the nature of his character when he can't laugh at himself. How the fuck could this happen

>Laughing at yourself
>Laughing at anything on Saturday Night Live

>Not understanding a metaphor

As expected from an americuck.

This. As much as I dont care for Bush, look he sat there and took it, tried to even be funny himself and all it got him was more redicule; then got zero credit for being a good sport.

he's the fucking president people are going to talk about him no matter what

Those groups dont attack libs

Man I hate Jon Stewart Sarah Silverman Bill Maher SNL and other Jew Kikes who think they are funny.

Whites had let those Jews mock and ridicule too long.It's time to fight back with Alt-Right


This is good. If the left is correct in that the president sets the tone of the country then this man is toughening us up. He is being the dad that most millenials never had.

Why does Saturday Night Live get to be social commentary without any criticism? Why is pop culture the the last appeal? If someone pushes you and it's not warranted you push back. He's not a bully. He's standing up to the bullies.

I just love that the liberals won't let him have an opinion on anything. SDL does suck these days, it's not funny. If Obama did this, it would be "OMG, it's so cool, the Presdient watches SNL" - if Trump does it, he's "whining".

The next 4 years are going to be epic for liberal butthurt.

Ever hear the song "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam, and the song it's based on?


I would cheer you on user

You mean to say he's a crybaby who can't handle a comedy tv show making fun of him? Yeah, what a tough guy.

The sad thing is if SNL doesn't get cancelled (it won't) then it's just going to become more liberally biased as trump fans refuse to watch it anymore.

tfw I was born in the south, but my parents split at 2 years and my mother, a cuckville native, took me to grow up in cuckville, upstate NY. My father was always either stationed far away or deployed in Iraq. I was never put in sports, taught never to fight etc. My mom was poor and dated aggressive, abusive alcoholics all the time.

I was groomed and raised to fucking kill myself or shoot up a school or some shit. My friends, weed, and buying into leftist pacifist shit actually kept me sane, even though it kept me weak. I would eventually turn 17, graduate with high honors, and move in with my father, at his last station before retirement, in Hawaii.

In Hawaii, white people are a minority. I gained some perspective, but spent most of my time on-base, around soldiers my age. I learned some basic fighting skills, gained some strength, and learned I am basically a perfect 6'1 Aryan with a perfect physique, I just never had muscle mass. I had recruiters, and my dad's chain of command, up my ass for literally everything: they saw me and wanted me to enlist infantry. They saw my test scores, wanted me to enlist as an officer or computer scientist or what have you.

I also found I have a fuckton of lifelong, pent-up frustration and anger and I can funnel it into just about anything. I got a shitty job at a pizza chain (the busiest location of said chain on the planet, thanks to population concentration) and excelled at everything, moving up to management past 30-someodd Micronesian and Filipino employees in about 10 months. I resent the fact that the opportunity to grow up in the glorious dirty south, where I was born, was taken from me, and I plan to move there to settle down for sure. I never even learned to use a damn firearm... nothing but 'gunz r evl' rhetoric in new york.

>storyfag isn't even greentexting

Yeah, well, my point is take heart, because we are capable of fucking anything and that's why they have to keep us down.

Not saying anything about it doesn't make you a "tough guy" it just makes you a cuck. He's not literally crying you faggot, he's just commenting on how retarded it is.


Video games.

>He is probably a huge narcissist

Upstate NY? Dads a vet?

Hows watertown this time of year?

it is glorious to watch the levels of triggered

My parents told me to fight. And when mymsister got bullyed they told me to kick their asses, i did. Tfw great parents. America is fucked

i honestly think he wants people to watch. i just can't see his angle yet. maybe soften his image, or so people keep underestimating him


He's just saying what everyone thinks. SNL has been shit for decades.

>he's from florida
>I was born in alabama, where he enlisted

They actually did grant him Fort Drum at first, but I was 2-5 so I don't remember shit. I think we made a giant snowman one time lol

After that they put him in South Korea and I would see him once every couple of years until he was back from Afghanistan (2nd tour after Iraq obviously) and in Hawaii.

To answer your question, I would hazard a guess that it's snowy over there.

I know that feel

4th grade, 4'5"

5th grade 5'11"

Bullies were like who the fuck are you?

Wow, triggered doesn't even begin to describe it

Holy fuck that's a full meltdown

SNL is completely shit, he is right

I fucking love it when trump goes after the media. They have had a free pass for too long, where they could say and do whatever they wanted about a conservative, and those right wing cucks wouldn't say a word about it. Well now we've actually got someone who will hit them right back.

>be the fat kid everyone in junior high picks on
>some manlet with little man syndrome ties my shoelaces to the bus seat
>I get up and look quite the fool and he gets in my face and taunts me
>grab him and slam his face into the bus window, busting his lip and cracking the glass
>nobody fucks with me ever again
>get sent to the dean's office
>he only gives me a token detention because he knows I did the right thing but will get shit on by our cuck principle if he lets me slide

>there are people who still doubt Trump

He knows exactly what he's doing.

Pic related, satire is dead.

> do you know how many trans people were murdered since election night?

This kind of comment always makes me wonder if the day of the rope has already started and I just didn't get invited.

>I remember how all those late night comedians used to joke about Bush on every goddamn night. Then they had Obama on as guest comedian, instead of joking about him.

Oh no, not the late night comedians with their 1 million viewers, how can we let that happen. You fags obsess about John Oliver who has that many voters, 800k for shittier shows. Colbert and Fallon get like 3. Fucking Survivor on its 10 billionth season gets around 9.

The thing is all of you SJW-obsessed fags are just as detached from reality as SJWs themselves. You are not shaping shit, certainly not public opinion, but wasting your life away arguing on the internet with people who have zero intention of ever changing their preconceived notions. If you're entertained by that, good for you. But don't, for a moment, think you are actually changing anything or anyone.

Trump won on hollow, undeliverable promises. He did so because there are huge swath of voters so incredibly left behind by life (mostly because of their own arrogance in believing they can just do the same job their grandfather did and get the same rewards in exchange) that at this point they'll vote for anyone who promises them their miserable life will change. It won't, but they have about 2-3 years to go before they realize that.

These people are clueless, half-baked Luddites who oppose to technological progress that deemed them surplus. No country election is going to stop that, though.

I, personally, tend to laugh at funny things.

King Ludd was right.

>For far too long the liberals and the left have had a free fucking pass ON EVERYTHING.

Thanks for confirming that you lot don't give a shit about anything except maybe gaining a little self confidence behind your shitposting..

I don't think he even knows the answer though.

BLM loves asking "how many people...?" Like Trevor Noah vs Tomi Lahren. He asked "How many" people are violent in the name of black lives matter, as if not knowing the exact quantity means the answer isn't clearly "very many!" and the claim isn't valid.

china cant take the banter

god damn he's taking no prisoners. the absolute MM

Delicious. As soon as he mentioned Taiwan it's pretty clear he's serious about confronting China

Man, it is about time some one was elected to the presidency to manage late night comedians making fun of presidents.

You see, all problems come down to removing a large part of the population for life to become better again but noooo, population has to increase, we can not just kill half of everyone. Well, that's where you are wrong kiddo, you could and it would be the right thing to do.

>crying about comedians on Twitter
>toughening up

Pick one you oversensitive faggot

THIS. I fought all the way up until 9th grade. Trying not to fight past then was an extreme exercise in willpower, for myself and everyone around me.

what was it called, poe's law?

Its less that they are more successful, they are the same as ever, its that their message is reaching stupider and stupider peoples.

where is hyperlink to last nights Alec Baldwin impersonating Donald Trump impersonating Alec Baldwin

>Kraut calling for the extermination of large swaths of the populous

Don't make us East/West you again you sausage sucking fucker

>101539419 (You)
>>where is hyperlink to last nights Alec Baldwin impersonating Donald Trump impersonating Alec Baldwin

Found it. Norm MacDonald refers to current SNL as "Agenda Comedy"