What went wrong?

Why wasn't Hofer able to win? What change occurred from last time to turn a nail-bitter into a fairly decisive loss for him?

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Social media is cancer, basically. People believe the first thing they read and most city-folk have no experience with refugees, so they vote for liberal shit.

Germans are cucks that's what went wrong

He tried to pull the same shit as trump but didnt had kek on his side.
He basically tried to do a bit of a smear campaign against his opponent but it backfired. Actually i like this outcome. The FPÖ(most right party in austria and also Hofers party) is run by idiots.

you can't expect continentals to do anything right

Doesn't matter. Hofer planned to overuse Presedential power, VDB said he would be ceremonial.what matters is who will be a Chancellor. When Strache hits the floor...oh boy, he's more tough than Hofer. I hoped VDB would win as I love to see him swearing in Strache

I found this from the first attempt at election.

Now it's 56-38 (for Hofer) and 44-62 for Vdb

So men moved more towards Vdb in this attempt than Hofer? Pathetic.

t. Kanake

Where can I find the actual election results? When I try to Google them I only find shit saying how Europe rejected the radical right today, but nothing of the actual numbers

See what I mean? This was more cucked men's doing than anything else.

Brexit and Trump showed people that populism is retarded. So more showed up to vote.

We're a small country and elections are easy to rig. They had more than enough time.

The real question is, why is the Green party so popular in Austria? In North America the Green parties are nothing.

Maybe protest voters. The Green party is one of the few parties which is not involved in corruption.


(((The Green))) is involved in treason which is worse

Trump won, only 6% of austrians liked him, people are afraid of "far-right" politics, Trump was a great reminder

its funny, 63% of austrians are fucking cucks, easiest time to win in life ever

Austrians are complete and utter cucks. Disgusting. Sad!

Fucking cucks

The lefts fear mongering was to strong

> All the men votes Hofer
> All their cucked women votes green party

Is the austrian presidency a no power presidency like here?
The president is just signing shit and it is over?

Yes. Chancellor got all the power. Elections next year.


>56-38 (for Hofer) first and now 44-62 for Vdb

30 point swing? not normal

lol those are wrong you idiot.

Ing. Norbert Hofer 1.928.530 48,3 %
Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen 2.062.920 51,7 %

(((they))) rigged the election. Not even kidding.

he talked about the percentage people voted for men and women, Hofer lost in both genders, this doesnt matter, men are cucked thats true, but if only men voted and if we had neutral universities over 60-70% of men would vote for the reality

obviously, since they knew it's not gonna be an option to call rigged again for the FPÖ

If the Hofer won I would've been looking to move to Austria in the next year or two. Now it'll become another Germany. Austrians confirmed cucks

>Muh 6 gorillion

Then it doesn't really matter


Sauce you fucking faggot?

pic from state tv

(((O R F))))

Also Austria's voting age is fucking 16



official, not some media, you faggot.

Austria is fucking pathetic.

>Austria's voting age is fucking 16


here this would cause a fucking madness

t. Hans "dont talk to my wife's son" Cücker

Hitler dub s confirm

Groß Deutschland when?

Everything is good

no it doesn't, there are no meaningful elections in europe until march

The obviously better candidate won. We got an economics professor instead of a wannabe nazi who buys into the chemtrail conspiracy. We can count our lucky stars that Hofer didn't win. Sanity prevails.

Votes (without postal votes)

May: 1.937.863
December: 1.928.530

Hofer nearly stayed the same.

Van der Bellen
May: 1.793.857
December: 2.062.920

Van der Bellen gained nearly 270.000 votes.

How does this make sense? I know, there are less postal votes and therefore more people who voted today. But it still looks strange.

Good job ruining your country with immigrants you stupid fuck

Prep the bull

Just let it go. It's over.

t. cuck

Is it really a loss when the government is already doing opposition politics because they are hounded?

Less media attention for refugee crisis now is my guess

Enjoy your new refugees next summer. He is an ((expert)) in hitlershaming so he will know how to liberate your culture from nazi guilt.

just kill yourself, universities are propaganda faculties, you voted for a commie who said he is a feminist on live tv, you should just end it already, we will remember your traitor name

The outcome is sad BUT the austrian president isn't as powerful as it sounds.
By law he's the most powerful person in the state but he's actually more like a controller of the government. He can do something if the Chancellor or the ruling party is going nuts or something.
But actually he's just smiling and shaking hands for 6 years.
The Nationalrat Election is far more important (Planned date is 2018 but could be earlier).

AHAHAHA, all this cry babies on social media, who are screaming, not my president!

Is this the meme sentence of the year?

I thought last time the media proved there was voter fraud on vdb's part beyond a shadow of a doubt. Who the fuck would vote for him after that?

>city-folk have no experience with refugees
it seems you have never been in any city at all.

urr durr inmigrants

Are you so delusional that think Höfer wouldn't be an European Union puppet and would do whatever Merkel have said to him? Top fucking kek, for being in a forum that proclaim itself like "redpilled" you are naiv as fuck.

>that English

Illiterate shit :^)

It doesn't matter, Hofer had a lower turnout. It's because of lazy cucks not going to vote, or choosing Vandercuck that he lost.

still, it shows there are almost 2 million people in this country who are immune to the media propaganda.

>still, it shows there are almost 2 million people in this country who are immune to the media propaganda.

Isn't that the population of Slovenia? Looking at the state votes, would it be feasible to have the blue ones in the south/east go their own way to escape the Viennese cancer? Slovenia and Hungary should be open to cooperation and they'd be neighboring those parts.

probably alot more people have been mobilized to vote? it's that easy (and still, i think it's just 78% or something of the people allowed to vote)

i stand corrected, just around 64% of the people went voting.
pretty sad

I think that Austria elections show interesting turn of events, and while on the first look reasons for Hofer's failure seem obvious, I would like to disagree. I think there are other factors involved and studying reasons behind Hofer's loss could prove valuable to other election-campaigns. From what I have seen the enthusiasm simply wasn't there compared to first round. Also lot of right-wing misinformation got BTFO about Van-der Ballen it seem (like the fact that he allegdly said about/did to Austrian flag).

I've heard one user few months back saying that Austrian election result would be regardless opposite to the US election result, I found that statement and hypothesis interesting.

Next interesting elections will be Hungary, in 2018.

>most city folk have no expirience with refuguees

...what the fuck are you talking about?

>don't vote for the nationalist party because muh nazis in the 1930s!
>vote for the Green Party instead!
>vote to allow all the backwards sand people in who hold anti semitic views to a degree not seen since the nazis!

It'll be interesting to see how all the women green voters react when they're getting enriched by Arabs shouting "ficki ficki" at them as they walk home in the evening, or how this guy reacts when said sand people are spitting at people wearing kippahs in the street.

But nevermind, because nationalism and muh nazis.

Europe is actually fucked.

Too much Germanic cuck blood in Austrians.

how this woman* reacts

>The FPÖ(most right party in austria and also Hofers party) is run by idiots.

100% true

Just Kanake

They updated the voter registry, adding 17000 new 16 year olds.

Kickl is probably the single smartest person in Austrian politics

Same for people like Mölzer, they are highly intelligent. Strache surely isn't the brightest, but the people behind him definitely are.

The Jew already allied with the sandnigger. As long as it goes against the peoples of Europe, it is good enough a reason for them.

Not sure, but I heard a few teams before in Europe a lot of the most desirable cities are very white and wealthy, compared to here where we let all of our most desirable areas of the country turn to slums filled with niggers.

>The Green party is one of the few parties which is not involved in corruption.
t. Green party member

Ever since the glorious Serbs cucked the Austrians, they were never able to uncuck themselves. Sad!

Prior Austrian poll was 70 percent Remain 30 percent Leave. Therein lies your answer.

Our guy did VERY well considering those conditions

Why is Sup Forums sucking your dick again, useful idiot of Russia?

Well they don't have their own currency do they?

Gonna be hard for a lot of these countries to leave the EU without their own currency.

They lowered the voting age to 16.

Are you drunk, Hans? What the fuck does your post even mean?

They were more professional in their vote rigging this time.

Most Austrian women have been raped by this late stage and realize they love the Dindu cock.

I really can't believe this. How at this moment in history did people think this is fine? Many of my countrymen are awful but this is surprising.

why do cityniggers vote for more refugees even though they should know better?

It's pretty crazy.

The Greens here are "powerful", but the idea of them ever having enough clout to run an election for a Prime Minister is hilarious.

I guess when your leadership is largely ceremonial as you reside under the wing of Merkel, it's irrelevant.

Leave it to Germanic cucks to slow down the momentum. I fucking hate the Germanic """people""".

Because they are the refugees.

Holy shit.

That's insanity.

Austria and Germany are still too damaged from WW2 for right-wing populism. Give them a few more years and they'll uncuck themselves hopefully.

>We got a guy who believes Dindu's are Europeans and flooding our countries with them will benefit us culturally and economically

I'd rather vote for a wet rag. At least it would have more common sense.

refugees can't even vote

wow no fucking wonder the gibs candidate won

teenagers still living off their parents will undoubtedly vote for a prolonged free ride

>how the women will react

That's why they voted for the Dindu's.

Their men are dickless. They want real men, real virile, young negroes, to protect them.

They're sick of living under limp wristed left wing faggots, and need some real Muhammdeans to put patriarchal right wing order back into place.


even if the voting age would still be 18 Hofer would have lost

>The Green party is one of the few parties which is not involved in corruption.

kek what?

you ever have looked what shit they do in vienna?

Is it? Any austrian to confirm?

>Next interesting elections will be Hungary, in 2018.
It's already rigged to get 70% Fidesz in the parliament. Again.

All our parties suck, and only pensioners vote here

yes, it was changed from 18 to 16 8 years ago iirc