Do you have anything to say, Sup Forums? Oh yeah, that's right, you don't because you just got BTFO. Shut the FUCK UP

Do you have anything to say, Sup Forums? Oh yeah, that's right, you don't because you just got BTFO. Shut the FUCK UP.

Aww poor baby triggered by the election. SAD.

wtf that's not very tolerant, OP

wtf m8 that's pretty sexist.
are you also a racist? what a fucking intolerant bigot

Madame preside...oh wait she lost.

Clinton lost

Going to need a source for that senpai.

how did you type with all those tears in your eyes?!

wtf I hate nude models now


pol official response

>body shaming melania
That's how far the progressive left has sunk. Glad to see that they finally admit they stand for nothing though.


Woah.. That's pretty misogynist. Sup Forums should be a safe space for women and racists like you shouldn't be allowed to buy guns.

Even if I do have a problem with it, it's not like I can do anything about it now is there. That shit happened when I was a kid.

>democrats suddenly dislike illegal immigrants when they're republicans


Libs act like the saviors of immigrants but bash one who is married to someone they dislike.

Oh the compassion.

Shes white. Which means its all right. See, we dont hate you niggers because youre illegal. We hate you because youre niggers and USA belongs to the nords.

Heh, nice try pointing out our blatant hypocrisy, but you can't since you don't feel the same way we do about immigrants

If it is not WRONG to do so, then why complain?

Is the only thing left to complain about is which side has the bigger hypocrites? Stick to right versus wrong; it'll get you farther.

seriously, who's fighting this?
>muh illegal mexicans are safe here cus we love them
>fuck off flotus. u suck cus i don't like ur husband

>because I'm white and a model

You're pretty much on point. Of course we would want more attractive white models in this country, why the fuck wouldn't we?

>anchor husband


Joke's on you leaf, I don't care if she goes back.

Proof of any of this being factual?

Yeah she has contributed to society with those nudes. Stupid fucking democrats

>Liberals suddenly dislike illegal immigrants when they're republicans
>Implying i'm not annoyed by that still
>Implying she's as bad as shitty drugged up whores having 800+ kids so they can stay here.

>You must be new here

Back to Red-dit with you.

Proxy hohol gtfo