Jill Stein says she'll 'escalate' Pennsylvania recount case after earlier plans to drop it

Jill Stein says she'll 'escalate' Pennsylvania recount case after earlier plans to drop it


how did the recounts done turned out?

My she certainly is a rubber band

Yeah Jill, if Pennsylvania's electorates end up getting voided since they couldn't meet the 13th deadline in time. You'll be just as guilty as those "Russian hackers" for not making the voice of the Pennsylvanians heard.

That's not how the system works. See OH 2004.

She's such an attention whore.

What's her endgame?

If it goes like Wisconsin then I guess Trump will win more votes.

I think she wants the electors from the 3 states to be tied up and not show on the 19th, which means the vote would have to be settled by (the rebulican) congress and then for the whole of Trumps presidency they'll cry that he's not "legitimate" because a republican congress put him into office.

She was jealous of Bernie and his "no refunds." Now she wants a slice of the Democrat's sheckles

That narrative would only work for a matter of days until the recounts completed and showed that Trump picked up more votes.

You think the left cares? Even when the Florida recount was conclusively finished they still called Bush Illegitimate because "muh supreme court put him in."

Hillary literally got 1 extra vote.

when is the fucking vote because I'm getting sick of this God damn shit


They wont waste millions of dollars for the same narrative that they're already pushing via Popular vote vs EV narrative. It doesn't make any sense as that money would be better spent hiring rioters and creating unrest through destruction of private property.


A comfy retirement with plenty of shekels

I hope the left never stops acting like retards, all they are doing is forcing voters to the right. Please keep burning flags, screaming buzzwords, and being ignorant. It's wonderful


Oh yes they would. Ultimately it's the agenda that the left covets above all, and they would certainly piss away a few million dollars if they feel their agenda gets advanced through a narrative.

I thought Stein was based plant lady, what happen

#audit the recount money

see how she responds to that

She didn't get as much shekels as she wanted. Tried to court the alt-right, with her anti-Hillary rhetoric, got nothing, and is now milking impressionable Hilltards.

From day one, she was the controlled opposition, but sadly she has revealed her true self as soros lap dog