Was the Austrian election rigged again? It happened last time and i think it may have happened again...

Was the Austrian election rigged again? It happened last time and i think it may have happened again. The EU was probably very involved with this election and the EU didn't want to lose any more nations.

Of fucking course.

Wait until Trump is President and then you might get genuine results.

I would be suprised if it wasn't, the marxists will stop at nothing to destroy Europe.

This time the results were less close
But they probably were anyway
>EU didnt want to lose any more nations
Looks like they majorly fucked up with Italy then

>Austria is the only country in Europe with a voting age of 16.

No, we are just cucked. Good night.


This is a Canadian, I don't believe an Australian would ever do something as shitty as this.

>Thank God
They cant even produce quality bantz

Funny, I don't see right wingers rioting in the streets, and crying for safe spaces. We take the blow and move on.

>Was the Austrian election rigged again?

I'm sure there was some voter fraud. But I think allowing brainwashed 16 year olds and non-white immigrant citizens to vote probably handed over the election to that Green party candidate.


The people voted. Thats democracy.

Youre the same kind of person crying over "boo hoo Trump is not MY president".

>Funny, I don't see right wingers rioting in the streets, and crying for safe spaces. We take the blow and move on.

^This. Best post in the thread.

>the people

The only people who voted for him were women. Get out in the streets and take your government back.

So the people protesting Trump are criminal losers amirite?


I'm not talking about protesting, I'm talking about taking your government back by force, m8.

The libcucks and women don't stand a chance.

>I'm not talking about protesting, I'm talking about taking your government back by force, m8.

But the communists (Stalinists) are the worst amirite?

Italy no, Austria yes.

The pressure will continue to build for the fragmentation of the EU, as better off countries are increasingly tasked with propping up the rest. Once enough do, Austria will shift center-right.

No, the people who allow women to decide their elections are. We had a good streak going and you cunts had to go and muck it up.


Brexit was a child throwing a trantrum against the establishment. It will be worse in the long run for the UK.

Trump can go either way, but seeing as hes already backtracking on everything and appointing Goldman Sachs jews to his cabinet, Im gonna say:

>"Id run as Republican, because they make for the dumbest voters."

Read a fucking book for Christ sake.

>believing a fake quote

It's no wonder you share a language with the people of Merkel.

Just stop. Youve embarrassed yourself enough already.

Nawwww somewon is a wittle sad.

>16 year olds can vote.

Sort it out Austria.

>Vienna has been cucked by marxist jews since ww2...sad.

This is what a shill looks like, they own this board now

Here's enough (You)'s to sustain you and your boner, shitposter. Also, yeah it's only okay when we do it, because we are right. I don't give a fuck about hypocrisy and neither should other right-wingers, it's only okay when we do it. Fuck off.

This would honestly scare the fuck out of me.

>16 years old votes
>Merkel and Soros fingerprints everywhere

You tell me.

>right-wing tears over a presidential election during the self-destruction sequence initiated by Italy's rejection of the EU-backed constitutional reforms in today's referendum

Unlike lefties, we don't fight battles. We fight wars.

>"Id run as Republican, because they make for the dumbest voters."
>Read a fucking book for Christ sake.

He never fucking said that. That quote is fake and probably came from some occupy democrats meme.

>when we lose we win


the george washington strategy

Didn't they make it legal for 16 yr olds to vote?
I don't want some snotty nosed brainwashed 16yr voteing wtf

And we only lost the presidential election, when the general elections (the ones that actually matter) happen next year(?) we will most likely come out ahead anyway.

Lose some battles, Win major battles.

Trump and Brexit were Major.

Mad, little faggot?

No brah that's actually an emu.

The only good thing in this election is that the green cuck is going to do massive damage.


>The only good thing in this election is that the green cuck is going to do massive damage.

Massive damage that will hopefully wake people up and vote the green party out next election.

I really enjoy real violent rape pornography so im chalking this one up as a win personally...