Worst US President of All Time

Who is the worst US president of all time? I'm tossing up between Bush jr and Obama. Those two are basically the same, so it's hard to split them. Bush sr and Clinton are also very similar to Obushma.

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Johnson by far, runner up would be Carter and Reagan quite a bit down, no one can touch Johnson though


W is definitely down there.

In order from worst to best in the past 30 or so years:

1. W
2. H.W. Bush
3. Reagan
4. Obama
5. Clinton

Bush 2 and Reagan

Carter no question


if you're excluding Johnson you're just wrong or an immigrant, here's just a few things on his legacy:

65 immigrations reform
Affirmative Action

this alone would be way more than enough to put him as by far the worst president in the history of the US

Why don't you write up your top 10 worst presidents?
Here's my guess: you have no idea about US history, and are filling your lists with recent presidents simply because you're not knowledgeable about anyone else.
Honestly, if you say Obama or Dubya are worse than Buchanan, you simply have no idea what you're talking about.

FDR for inventing the modern liberal cucks.

GWB for Afghanistan, Iraq

Obama for Libya, Syria

Johnson for being a cuck and Vietnam


Wilson is pretty high up there.
>Entered WW1
>League of Nations
>Let his wife govern for him for a while
>Federal Reserve Act

Hard to choose between Wilson, FDR, or Johnson

Johnson or Wilson. One of those two is the absolute worst.

100 percent Johnson. His great society ideas destroyed everything we had built. Eisenhower, his predecesor, is one of my favs though.


Other shit tier presidents are Coolidge and Hoover.

Obama doesn't even compare to those 3 in terms of being terrible.

He definitely ranks somewhere in the late 30's though in president rankings.

Woodrow Wilson

Do you really think the globalist, interventionist, world policing, region destabilising bank owned presidents like Obama, Clinton and the Bushs aren't some of the worst ever? Yeah, Eisenhower and LBJ were bad too, but any president before WWII is pretty much irrelevant to non-Americans.

>this alone would be way more than enough to put him as by far the worst president in the history of the US

this is how Johnson started the modern vote plantation

Sup Forums always says Obama is one of the worst and never defends that idea.

Someone give a concrete reason why he's the worst other than being a cuck

The only president to ever give into terrorist ransom demands.

Gonna have to agree with you here. At least Wilson and FDR knew how to answer the Negro Question, despite laying the groundwork for LBJ to strike the killing blow.

>Silent Cal

You're either a hipster, or love Wilsonian interventionist policies that gave us the shit we have now.

Unquestionably Abraham Lincoln. He created the empirical whitehouse we know today, instead of Jeffersonian rule like before.

Any other answer is a bluepill.



FDR created the shithole activist presidency. Wannabe tyrant. All these damn failing socialist programs. Prolonged the Great Depression. So destructive.

Bush is infinitely better than Obama.
The ape is as unamerican as you can get.

This user is pretty spot on.
Bottom three presidents are easily Johnson, Wilson, and Buchanan.


It's between them.

Well, his entire foreign policy was predicated around strengthening other nations at the USA's expense because he viewed himself as "the savior of the world economy,"
and yes he actually said that.

Obamacare has also been a disaster, fucking over 110 million to give insurance to 30 million that the 110 already put up with and pay for anyway.

Trump already

Neophytes every last one of you.

The correct and only answer:

1 carter
2 Obango fro the Congo
3 Clinton

4 thru 43 up for grabs

Race relations, debt, terrible foreign policy, Cold War 2.0, virtue signaling, supporting criminals and foreigners over citizens, expanding on anything wrong during the bush era, I.E. The patriot act, shilling for Clinton.
He's definitely one of the worst presidents.

Woodrow Wilson.

Read a book, nigger.


he got fired

obv the worst

Jimmy Carter

Washington is NUMBER 1 though.

That is not up for debate first president, best president.

Top 10 Worst Presidents, One being the Worst of the Worst.

1. Franklin Dicksucking Roosevelt
2. Buchanan
3. L.B. Johnson
4. Andrew Johnson
5. Obama
6. Carter
7. Wilson
8. Hoover
9. Clinton
10. Andrew Jackson

nigger please

>Nixon steps down for a few seconds of tape
>30000 fucking emails deleted from an already illegal server and nothing happens to Queen Hillary.

What a fucking sham.

>Andrew Jackson

You better back the fuck up

>I'm tossing up between Bush jr and Obama
why not both? We've basically had 2 terrible administrations back to back.

Nixon was based you hippie cunt.

You're retarded if you dont say Buchanan. Fucking bitch let the south leave and left the whole mess to Lincoln. Aswell as not doing shit to help mend the fueds between south and north.

I'd say Nixon is the worst in my mind with Reagan coming in close second purely because of the drug war. These two idiots fucked millions of lives and broke drug law for decades to come.

He destroyed two regions, created and helped fund terrorist organisations, continued wars he promised to end, started more wars. Disaster of foreign policy.
Just because the media tells you Bush is "right wing" doesn't mean you have to like him.

So many options.


>He created the damn democrats.
>He started the damn Jacksonian democracy, expanding voting rights to people who didn't own any property. Now every deadbeat welfare sucker votes for free shit at the expense of the system.
>Started the Bank Wars to defend the Southern agrarian economy, causing the South to lag behind in development in contrast to the North.
>Subsidized the purchase of land for those who weren't able to afford land (often because they were failures in agriculture), disrupting land speculation and effectively started the Panic of 1837 by himself.
>THEN he started that specie circular bullshit and people who just took out loans from the banks were failed to pay it back.

Presidency was a total mess. Only good thing to come out of it was he kicked the Cherokee out of Georgia.

Considering how bullshit the history being written during my life has been I can't really say. Cuckservatives promote a Reagan cult like he was an open borders globalist (elected for opposite). Obama got a piece prize. Its a total farce, who knows which president in history was actually worst? You can't read a history book and actually think you know, at best some faggot historian who looks like Ben Shapiro is spinning some tall tale.

Bush got you to attack a country that hated the terrorists who destroyed the twin towers.

That's still the largest sin out of probably even Trump's presidency.

>Those loans often taken out because of the large run on land due to Jackson's policies.

yes wilson, he sold the country that fuck

Go back to sucking Chrétien's dick.

Kennedy was the worst. Why? Bay of pigs and other fuck ups.

wilson got us into ww1 and gave us the federal reserve

no fucking his mistreses like pimp makes him ok

Nixon was total shit

Kennedy almost caused WW3... but in hindsight, he made a good call.

Started Vietnam though.
He was a warhawk and reckless but there's no nukes in Cuba.

Coolage or hoover.

Chaney and Obama were terrible but not Hoover camp terrible

you know he wasnt that bad, if he hadnt done watergate he would be fine

he opened up china and was a good republican

Coolidge was a great presidency. Did absolutely nothing. That's how presidents should act. None of this meddling with literally every aspect of America that he has nothing to do with. The opposite of FDR, Obama and all these other socialist scum.

Truman or Eisenhower should be blamed for Vietnam. Truman got the US involved and Eisenhower continued it after the French.

Literally Buchanan no competition. Don't know why you see these average presidents as horrible. Things could be worst.

Hoover was blamed for things he didn't do. It wasn't his fault. The media blamed the depression on him, but the depression lasted another ten fucking years under Roosevelt's big government policies.

Two sides of the same coin

>Hating Cal
Again, nothing bad happened during his presidency. People hating Silent Cal are the same type of Wilsonian interventionists (or as their now known as Neo-cohens who want to to stick their nose everywhere in the world).

i like bush. i feel like dick chaney fucked him over

We don't look at the isolationist era presidents as much because they're largely irrelevant to non-Americans.

What's to like?

wait who was the president that was a crossdresser

Bush Jnr is up there.

Obama is nowhere near the worst.

In the dustbin of history he will sit along Literal Who's like Jimmy Carter.


watch this it made me laugh hes dancing with black people

Hoover was a big government shill too! And the Smoot-Hawley tariff started the damn thing!

Hoover was not a non-interventionist government. He increased government spending in an effort to curve the effects of the Great Depression.

FDR ran on the position that Hoover was spending American into oblivion. A goddamn DEMOCRAT complained about over-spending. (ever though FDR was a lying communist cunt).

No one was responsible for Vietnam except LBJ. He saw the rise of nationalism and anti-US-imperialism and radically increased US troops because he thought a war would unite the country behind him.

Also Reagen is going to have A LOT of his shine knocked off him in the history books, alongside Bill Clinton. Their short term prosperity vs long term effects will see to that.

But surely you guys would look back to folks like Woodrow Wilson or older for truly bad fuck ups, right?

That's like saying Obama started the Iraq War. LBJ did make Vietnam 1000x worse and gave Nixon a shithole to clean up, but LBJ didn't start Vietnam.

Every single one has been progressively worse since Ike.

>Brought the Federal Reserve back
>Introduced income tax

No other president has fucked the U.S up more than Wilson's legacy

Reagan is not worse than Carter. Not great but certainly not as cancerous as Carter.

Coolidge was Way better than Hoover

It's a bit hard to say, given how much they've changed over the years (going from constitutionalists in powdered wigs to globalist cucks), so I suppose I'll divide it up this way.

Worst POTUS of the last three decades? Barack Obama. Worst of the last five decades? Jimmy Carter. Worst of the last century? Woodrow Wilson, probably.

He started the war on drugs. Albeit it was less malignant back then than it is today.

Nixon brought in the draft for Vietnam.

What a douche.

Dan Carlin said something along those lines. That starting with Kennedy it's just been a steady erosion of quality. Some a bit better, some a bit worse, but essentially a downward trajectory.

>Effectively Ended the cold war by opening up China
>Ended Vietnam before Ford fucked it up
>Drug war incarcerated all the commie dindus
>Had Milton Friedman in his ear the entire time

Bretty Gud tbqhwy family

Tough to argue against that. Wilson started this mess but imo, FDR capitalized on it and cemented this shithole.

>Smoot-Hawley tariff
Oh wow, an actual 7th grade textbook argument. Smoot-Hawley did nothing wrong. It was the Fed choking off the money supply that caused the Great Depression (which they did because of how they were expecting to handle both Germany repaying their onerous war debt, as well as using their new control over the US income tax revenues to loan the money out for repayment).

Replace Buchanan with Lincoln, remove Jackson and replace him with Buchanan.

I think spending ONE THIRD of your presidency on vacation automatically makes you a garbage president. Like what the fuck, just show up to work.


His Globalism was the worst part.

The U.S. could have just sat back and counted their money throughout the World Wars and been rich and peaceful as fuck.

>drug war

DEA IDF plz go

He also had Kissinger in his ear the whole time.

Except the major combat operations started under LBJ.

What I'm saying is about LBJ and Vietnam is like saying Dubya started the Iraq War (which he did).

>Andrew Jackson
>A bad president.

Really creative way to incarcerate literal parasites. Hard to prove larceny and degenerate traits in a court of law, easy to prove you had a baggie of weed. People who did drugs tended to also commit more serious crimes as well.

Wish he put them to work in prison, his only mistake

Kissenger isnt exactly a great guy, but opening up China and shutting down Vietnam were good moves. Nixon was a shark for this country.

Also hated the j00s. Realized we were a puppet for them pretty early, maybe why he had a scandal who knows.

>Muh freedom
>Smoke a leaf go to jail

>Andrew Jackson
Oh boo fucking hoo a couple of degenerate redskins died so now he's one of the worst presidents ever.