/mlg/ - 1917 Edition

Welcome to Marxism-Leninism general.

This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism. Broader 'Marxist' discussion is also encouraged, but not general 'leftist' ideologies.
Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:
It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.

Other urls found in this thread:


kill yourself



Thanks for the last thread everyone, glad to see we hit the bump limit.

Unfortunately Im a little busy this afternoon, but i'm happy to start a thread and keep an eye out for some questions if people want answers.

As last time:

Does anyone have more links to videos/articles/books that could be useful in the OP?

I've already got a bunch but would like to get as many as possible.

stalin was a jew communist




My fav introductory piece to marxist theory

Retarded cummunist
Product of cuckoldry



>Unfortunately Im a little busy this afternoon
Finally deciding to get a job I see? Good for you.




It's time for some National Socialism in this thread!

If you really want to help the worker, National Socialism is the only solution!






>Doesn't solve the nigger problem
>Believe in open borders
>Biggest advocates are people who are lucky if they have jobs in mcdonalds

why should you be taken seriously again?


Yeah America sure is known for it's spiritual life, morality too is a US thing, not continental at all

Capitalism is the only moral system of exchange. Since communism inherently involves the coercive, non-consensual transfer of wealth, it is immoral and must not be practiced.

The best way to protect capitalism is a democratic Republic with proportional representation.

>implying i dont constantly shitpost while on the job

I work as a geologist, some times all im doing is looking at data and pictures on my laptop all day which means i can do other junk on my computer and other times i gotta go out and cut rocks, map outcrops and take a look at hand samples.

Gotta smash some rocks open this afternoon and have a look at the crystal structure and find out if the site they were gathered from will be a good source of copper ore, i wont be in my office all day but i am running in and out of it.


>biggest advocates are academics and economists

why should any other economic system be taken seriously again?


Well, not anymore. But thats going to change back soon.


Also get some stuff from Eugene Debs and Smedley Butler "war is a racket"





Capitalist scum. Let me live in your house for a while please. A true communist would help a fellow worker.





lmao we don't want to collectivize personal property we want to collectivize private property illiterate cunt

lets just admit that the only reason you are a communist is you want to pat yourself on the back for being "for the people"
>claim to care about the working class
>follow ideologies the working class hate.

What benefit is there to a communist state?



There is no difference between personal property and private property.





>living a full fucking century in the past
Is there anything more embarrassing than commieboos?




there are two reasons the working class hate commies
1. brainwashing by porky who quite literally want to keep draining them forever
2. liberals who act intellectually superior being lumped in with true lefties which give everyone a bad name

communism is literally 100% for the improvement of the material conditions for the people. socialism would improve the lives of the people especially in a first world country like America. So yes I am for the people and the fact that the people support politicians that are definitely not for the people is one the biggest hurdles we will have to face.

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

I'm personally not a huge fan of these explanations as they really do tend to trash talk Leninism and Maoism as 'failures' that caused a lot of damage which isn't really true. They skirt around the fact that they were ideologies of their time and place, and while those methods aren't accepted now its not to say they cant be adapted to fit the modern world.

The problem is, Marx never described a method of implementing it beyond some basic framework, and that's where Leninism/Maoism/all the other types come in. They are frameworks built for specific time periods and cultures to help reach communism.

They aren't a form of communism, they are political and social methods of being able to achieve socialist ideas and communism.

That being said, I'm still happy to add them in to give a more rounded view of Marxism.

Posting good communists.


Go back to plebbit and /leftypol/. The ideas of Marx are responsible for the 5 largest genocides/mass killings in recorded history. Abandon your cancerous leftism.



You wantings of build snowman, comrade?


Take your jewish bolshevism elsewhere, kike


Sometimes I start to wonder whether leftypol really is as retarded as they seem or if its just some big pet project to completely tarnish commie faggots created by 8pol. Either way its hilarious. They have no idea what they're doing.


Sounds like you want free stuff for doing nothing. Otherwise commies would pursue jobs in politics and economics rather than wasting their lives as social media advocates.


reminder that no one wants to toil away in some bottle-cap factory so you can sit at home and write poetry you fucking faggots. in a communist society you'd be on a field somewhere growing potatoes or doing hard labour on an oil field. no one would let you close to any political or social position of power.



Communists were always faggots, they just don't hide it anymore.


disgusting. these threads are worse than the nat soc generals. at least they have a general a e s t h e t i c about them. I hope you've all remembered to wear your sages so you don't spread contamination.



btw, you call those scare tactics but real communists put a lot of pride in their country and its people. they would spit all over your pseudo anarchist idealogy.


wow it sure is a shame that technology never developed far enough to have full automation. oh wait...

Of courshe my friend!


spidey spamming commie threads? jolly good
thank god Sup Forums taught this place a few things over the years


And you like child porn. Are you proud of yourself Mr. Nazi?


>scare tactics

oh my god


Historical question, Where was Stalin when Lenin charged into the palace? I can't find anything on where he was. Was he in the crowd?


All those years on Sup Forums have tempered my shitposting into a fine weapon

You want more???

>death is a preferable alternative to communism.

Chairman Mao killed 55 million innocent people. Sent millions more into prisons and exile.

Staling killed over 20 million innocent people. Sent millions more into prison and exile.

Pol Pot killed over 1.5 million innocent people. Sent millions more into prison and exile.

Castro killed hundreds of thousands of people. Sent thousands more into "re education" camps. Turned a decent country into a shithole. Lived in luxury fucking whores and eating good food while his people died of FAMINE

Anyone who sympathizes, supports of promotes communism SHOULD BE SHOT ON SITE

Robbing banks or some shit.



But back then they held strong values, both national and ideological. Today's communists don't care about their own people, they would gladly let in everyone into their country and shower them with benefits at the cost of the country they claim to represent. Then they claim, without any irony, that those 3rd world savages who would mutilate someone just a few months ago over petty theft are going to benefit everyone.
