Edgar Maddison Welch arrested at Comet Pizza after investigating "fake news" story.

"Edgar Maddison Welch"

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

keep this alive


Archive everything

spread it on twitter niggas

Careful. If they think we've got wind of this they'll try to erase their tracks.

>Shut it down!

>Sup Forums was right again


>mfw it wasn't my plan to get redpilled about sandy hook and other false flags

Shut it down

Do these people know the internet exists?

you autistic fucks must be getting close, false flag to shut it down. they're getting scared

Prove that this is a false flag attack. Give me some hard evidence.



post the press release faggot

not some tweet about it


Not for long which is the whole point of this fucking false flag.

many people saw this coming bro, you can drop it


Bump for the children

exactly. Only brain-deads didn't work the fake out minute one

See It shows the traffic cam was moved less than a day before it happened.

pic related shows a paper published a story about it before it happened

You guys realize if you don't stop your larping bs, they're eventually just gonna van all of you, right?

It was a nice run boys..

But ferreal if they were serious about a false flag nigga woulda started shooting

Good going, goys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.

Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed.

Same news story now comes up as "posted 5 hours ago". Were they caught red handed?

Traffic cam is showing traffic.

Who are you? This post is everywhere. CTR? CIA? NSA? FBI?

>Ruining the life of someone who ever had contact with Hillary's Staff
>Not great by itself

they don't even bother to wipe these peoples internet history. Every time, Sandy hook and even Omar Mateen. They're failing to control the narrative



cant prove shit

cant find shit


Good luck i'm behind 27 proxies fag


can someone explain what happened?
Was there a shooting at the pedo pizza place?

yes 20 people died, pizzatard got mad he could not prove anything and decided to shoot his way in this

>Do these people know the internet exists?

they have no idea

that exact post has been appearing for weeks. its either a forced meme, or it's actually ctr scripting.

Yeah, some guy confronted them about it and they blocked him on twitter, according to a voat thread.

Autists: 1 Pedos: 0

I am the MK ultra programmer of the mind controlled patsy that showed up at Comet pizza today in the false flag operation in order to make those investigating the truth look bad.

This is bullshit (in case anyone took it seriously)


It was pointed at the CPP entrance before it was moved, i believe

Just asking... so nobody recorded with their cell phones? We only got the stunt shown on the MSM??

prove its bullshit! no link! its true! REEE SHILLL

>gonna van all of you, right?

there are literally millions of half assed pedestagate investigators

actor comes in same day they remove the street camera. shoots in the air says muh pizzagate. media elites who are in league with the pedo's have pre cooked articles ready. CPP will likely use this to destroy fucking everything and pullout for "safety concerns"

>its either

it's a phrase recognizing bot

please tell me someone screen capped that with a fucking time stamp? useless otherwise.
also could you direct me to elusive voat thread pretty pls?



>role in "The Bleeding" is raver/victim
Well that's fuckin' weird

>have pre cooked articles ready.

this was mentioned by Fletcher Prouty as a standard tactic in psyops during the 1960s

clearly visible during the JFK assassination and 9/11

This shit is getting serious now, I believe that they used a gov official to pull the whole thing OFF.

John Doe had perfect posture, military style boots, a beard, and never said a word. Lets break this Down...
-When I severed Naval EOD, we grew out facial hair out to fit in over seas. Sure this could be a hipster or bum, or ordinary dude with facial hair
- This individual was wearing military style boots. Ok, so maybe he is a working class man or vet that still uses the same boots.
- His posture is up standing, as if he has had this training before, or was briefed on exactly what to do when the cops arrive. This is hard to discredit.
- The man never said one thing about comet ping pong, and could have been there for another reason, but immediately, media jumped all over this as a way to discredit pizza gate. Well maybe he did not want to incriminate himself, or is mute. The media always jumps all over everything anyway.
- He fired 7 rounds into the ground. I believe this was a way to get people attention, but for what reason?

I believe this individual is a CIA/x-Seal or ranger ...OR... a homeless vet/man ...OR.... some one with military experience that has recently gotten in trouble and is being used to stage this. Thoughts?

BTW, My datacenter is now open to start compiling Pizzagate, VPN access is open with 8 members from Sup Forums now helping out. We have a face for the organization who is in control of all the social media accounts. If anyone is Interested in participating with programming or investigative research, please reply to ...

Twatter " #4chanPizzaPartyZeroDay " and I will send you an IRC for chat.

I lived in Washington, DC for 5 years and ate at Comet Ping Pong a couple of times. Ask me anything.

how can you tell something like that? i'm not a regular on these threads. Is it in every one?

Jeb knew it all along.

All we had to do was clap

>an actor shows up at a suspected pedo-ring pizza place but doesn't fire a single shot
>he was there to investigate "fake news" of the place being a pedo-ring.

Hmmm this seems very suspicious for some reason but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Thinkin they can literally van The Creator's A team, nice try podesta.

A nearby traffic quite close to when this event happened. archive of voat thread about it:

Holy shit, we've just penetrated the surface


stop. stop making "organizations" look at what happened with anonymous, it's some stupid silly group nobody takes seriously.

you are the cancer of this site

Was the pizza good?

*Nearby traffic camera was repositioned




no surprise they got ZERO PROOF

So a shooter, who is an actor registered with IMDB, comes in on the same day that they remove the street camera, shoots into the air then surrenders to police, all the while the media is releasing pre-cooked articles some of which are released before the event actually occurs.

Some of you seem to be literal paranoid schizophrenics.

...What does child flesh bacon taste like?

most of them are




same as assangefaggots, do you see any other thread on assange? no because he is ok, and assangetards got btfo so now they shut the fuck up

pizzatards and assangefaggots are cancer

But the police could have easily shot and killed him, so are you inferring they were in on it too?

And btw that isn't evidence

that's about it as far as I can tell, nothing strange here at all

Negative. It still says 11hrs ago

heres how pizzatards define EVIDENCE:

- anything they think is evidence is evidence

just so you can set your expectations, talking to pizzatards and pointing out the factual errors and their flight of fantasies is a waste of time, just shitpost to trigger them, its funnier

(they) already have my friend.

>police could have easily shot and killed him
implying an actor would not willingly comply with everything the police tell him or put his gun down before they even got there.

Worst part is the moment you start telling normies they judge you as a paranoid freak

Sound like he was pretty tame for someone who just stormed into a pizza shop firing shots
really makes you think

No more or less fake than the normal run-of-the-mill phoney staged event they put out these days...

Yeah, not bad. My wife liked it more than I did. A little too hipster for my taste.

I don't know, I hope!

thanks for that. wonder why my browser says 5.

Not sure, im trying to think of other possibilities. And evidence or not it's a strange fact. How would you account for it?

i called it as well except i thought it was going to be jimmy who was sacrificed cause he knows too much and is too high on the radar

durr what is copypasta?

Sup Forums was right again

Time seems to be normal:

Check the inspector.

Published time => content="2016-12-04T16:10:18-05:00"

pizzatards see CTR everywhere, thats why i enjoy shitposting, retards like make it funny

They are so clumsy. It's like they don't expect people to investigate it themselves and take everything at face value from the MSM

some school shooter type shit desu

Would (((they))) be so bold as to send an actor into the center of the Internets search for a pedo ring involving people directly connected with some of the most high profile politicians to perform some type of false flag event?

Seems to me to be either a extremely desperate attempt to deter further investigation or to discredit the Pizzagate investigation.

Keep up the search and find anything this guy might have posted online and who he might be connected to.


actually get this, I go to a community college for process tech and I find some black people talking about this before I even mention it.

There is still hope out there.

I came here to chew bubblegum and investigate fake news stories, and I'm all out of bubblegum.

>he did not discharge the weapon
>WaPo says he did


>written by maddison welch

wrong person user

You don't know if the IMDB guy is the same as the arrested guy.

You fucking tards need to stop, or else I hope you all get V&.

you're awfully desperate

The quote came from They Live you stupid leaf.