Why do we hate Quebec again?

Why do we hate Quebec again?

First time visitor and I have to go back to fucking shitty shit Toronto tomorrow. Wish I could stay here forever, honestly. You frogs are alright

Montreal is infested with Arabs and Haitians, and also we're like the most socialist province. Other than that we're bretty gud

It's canada
They speak french
Doesn't get any worse than this

Never been, I'm spending the weekend in Quebec City. This place is majestic, I'm in love senpai

Also didn't see many minorities, aside from a few asian tourists and a few blacks/arabs near the laval university

Montreal takes the hit so that the rest of Quebec can live relatively free of muds

Is Quebec right-wing by Canadian standards?

Socially yes, Economically no

Can't be as bad as Toronto, is it?

No, but they sure seem ''xenophobic''. Being anglo they didn't take their defense down until after a few beers and mispronounced french words.

No, Toronto is uniquely bad as a city

Montréal is comfy af. Go every year in February for skiing and French Patisserie.

Economically, is it more to the left or more centrist?

Left for sure

Yeah Toronto is fucking weird, I'm a minority as a white in my city. There's also no spirit in that place, it's so bland. I don't like it, I really want to stay here.

I love Quebec city its great, the atmosphere is wonderful wish I could visit more often

Please no, we don't want immigrants here

Je travail déja mon français, c'est fini

Retourne dans ton pays, immigrant

which city is better, Vancouver, Quebec or Montreal?

this French is terrible

Quebec is the most redpilled place in Canada. We need our own flags, don't want to be associated with anglo leaf scum.

We're everything the Canadians wish they'd be: Nationalists, strong unique culture, our capital city is 95% white, we enforce laws against everyone that's not us (literally have language police that can close a shop if you use too much english in your advertising/menus/etc).

Feels good to live in a place where you are allowed to be proud to be white, proud of your heritage, and proud of your identity as french speakers.

Canadians are literal cucks compared to us.

Don't know much about Quebec's economic policies,I would say we are more left than USA/Canada, but more right wing than western europe.

My parents are pure anglo m8, been here forever

was meant for, fucking unibroue beer got me all fucked

You're still an immigrant if you move to Quebec

Je guess so, I'll work on that anyway. I'm an EMT so I can probably find work. Hope I don't see you!

Plz don't.

Pourquoi pas? je travail mon français et je ne suis pas Muhammed ou Lamumba le haitian

But you're an Anglo from Ontario, you will always be considered an immigrant in Quebec

And good luck getting work as an EMT as an Anglo in Quebec City

If I ever have kids they won't be considered as such, and thanks for the good wishes.

Yes you will, you'll be surrounded by Tremblays and Leblancs and your kid will be the only one with an Anglo name.

That's why you should just go to the Maritimes or something, it's like the Anglo equivalent of Quebec City. Plus you'll be among your own people

toronto is literally what is wrong with canada

Benoit, je vais venir vivre au Quebec. As mentionned previously I just need to find work that isn't in Montreal. People all over need EMTs, nevermind the language difference....I can probably understand them, or they probably understand some english. Same goes for the next guy working the shift with me

You have no loyalty to your host nation, Why would be want a delicate flower who is blown away by the slightest breeze.

You will weaken us.

The people are entitled, racist assholes. Toronto is just full of gays and ground zero for every SJW movement out there.

Take your pick, I guess.


you NEED to know french to live in Quebec city
too many muslims in Montreal

also Vancouver has the longest AI controlled train network in the world

but this is all theoretical. in reality you can fuck off because we are full

I like Quebec but the fact that they've turned their back on Catholicism and become arguably the most anti-Catholic province in Canada disgusts me.

>he thinks he can work as a unilingual Anglophone in a high-pressure situation like being an EMT

Oh boy, incoming disaster. Seriously, this has happened before and you should not do this while you still have the chance.

>calling someone racist
>also against SJWs
what the fuck are you then? a centerist from cuckgary?

This. It's the absolute worst thing about immigrants. No roots of any kind, so they'll just head on out as soon as things are better elsewhere

I'm from Toronto and I'm stating facts. Gotta be honest about where you live when you're being honest about the place you're comparing it to.

Fuck off

Really? Quebec is in fact the only true Papal state in North America, and thus the cancer of the new world, so I find that hard to believe.


Quebec turned its back on Catholicism during the Quiet Revolution. The revolutionaries believed that the Church was basically a mouthpiece for the Anglos and were obstructing the Quebecois from achieving their destiny, sovereignty.

Go talk to the average 20-something Quebecer. At best they are indifferent towards the Church, at worst they have a visceral hatred of her. I have met some elderly Quebecois who are still devout Catholics, however.

its not as bad as toronto but its pretty bad

because they think they are better and because of them we have to grow up learning french in schools

Quebec is shit