
Does Sup Forums support freedom?


freedom is slavery.
slavery is freedom. it's better to be unfailingly subordinate to a higher idea than it is to be free to choose your own course, and thus be enslaved by your lower impulses.

he is a big guy

Not if it means THAT


>it's better to be unfailingly subordinate to a higher idea than it is to be free to choose your own course, and thus be enslaved by your lower impulses.

Beautiful quote.

Freedom ain't free.

A picture of failed parenting.

90% of the niggers in the military self segregate themselves and act like typical niggers on base.

Thank you João, I try my best

Of course not, pol hates everyone that isnt their exact definition of white

Im puertorican and i have a conservative, virgin , aryan qt gf and most of the fags on this thread will wish for my death because of it

race mixing is an abomination

Not to mention sucking the welfare teat which is the modern military.

Fuck off you maple nigger

Leafs are below niggers

least i'm white puertonigger

Can you blow my gf pls? :3

You're not even American, you rican filth. By the way I hope your "gf" drunk drives into a playground.

people have the freedom to moralize too


As we should.

wasn't that long ago race mixing was illegal
Courts had to invent a right to marriage to ban it

Yes sir I do!

Do you support freedom?

Freedom is chaos.

How does it feel to live in a cucked nation that lacks basic constitutional rights, has a military smaller than the NY police department, and is run by a man who praises fidel castro

Did one of your precious "refugees" give you an extra hard pounding today?

>it's better to be unfailingly subordinate to a higher idea than it is to be free to choose your own course, and thus be enslaved by your lower impulses.
commies out.

I'd much rather die in the hopes of freedom than to be subordinate cuck.

Why are you hardcore leaf, you are really triggered because it's an interracial couple? Really?

Your skin is the color of shit, and your bloodline is tainted with subhuman DNA. You're in no position to be condescending, Pablo.

You want to end up as brazil? everyone a fucking brown mongrel? average IQ in the low 90's or high 80's?

Don't you see how you are greedy for something better ("aryan qt") but you will just end up ruining her with your foolish greed (mixed, ugly children)?

The freedom of a Black Man's cock in a white Girl's Pussy.

Freedom fuck yeah!!!

>1 post by this ID

For you.

Yet im the one in power since im working on a computer engineering degree and already have an intership at pratt paying 22/hr

Sulk knowing this spic will be more sucessful and powerful than you will ever be.

Interracail couple are rare af. Why the hell shoul I care?


Her bf is a nigger btw

My babies will be brown, deal with it knowing that there are that many less white children :p

Shit colored people make for shit societies.

White makes right.

>im the one """in power"""
That's cute, Juan. Let me know when you get a real job.

Doesn't really matter. Porn stars can't be good mothers anyway. What kid would want to see videos of his mom getting fucked by black men in her past? Or really any man for that matter?

Of course. What self respecting white man would take her, after she got obliterated by nigger dicks on camera for years on end? Fucking a nigger literally destroys any value a woman has, especially when done on camera. She's damaged goods, ergo low hanging fruit that only niggers are willing to grasp. Suffice to say, she burned the coal, and now she's paying the toll.

No. Certain ideas are right. They must be enforced and protected. Certain ideas are wrong. The must be stomped out. Indoctrination and loyalty is the only path towards unity.


no their not
Lotta single women walking around with shitskin kids
It's just another part of the assault on whites.

No. You must submit to Allah and Communism

You meen like the one i have lined up with a starting sal of 70k? This is my last semester

You can say all you like about "muh iq" and "muh pure blood", doesnt change the fact that i am building wealth and i will birth brown children into that wealth

Because they are disgusting, repulsive.

Fuck off commie

>happy relationship

I saw a shit ton of this on bases where some idiot would marry or get serious with a stripper, it was like Sup Forums in reverse the black guy deploys and gets cucked by some white soldier

Listen Vicente, there's nothing special about "22/hr" or measly 70k salaries. You couldn't even afford to live in my city making that. Do you have any idea how laughably pathetic you are?


What city would that be? Maybe ill come and vring my extended family with me



>No. Certain ideas are right. They must be enforced and protected. Certain ideas are wrong. The must be stomped out. Indoctrination and loyalty is the only path towards unity.

Oh look, another communist.

Leftist niggers fuck off.

if its a stripper than probaly

would mean that who ever fucks a stripper whore is pretty degenerate only IF they are whorish and not clean n loyal

Why do some women do porn and then become mothers?

I'd probably an hero myself if found out my mother was an ex-pornstar.

>Army dude with a Wife/Girlfriend

Both of these people are hilarious.


Because you are a porn actress you are automaticity a bad mother?
Brandi Love is probably the most redpilled and conservative pornstar and she is blacked. Shekels is more important
Most normies in real life don't give a fuck Alonso

>What city would that be?
San Fransisco.
>Maybe ill come and vring my extended family with me
Good idea, Lorenzo. You're going to be need roommates to make ends meet.

I promise that I won't fap (too hard) :D :D :D

not to race mix

Both are being brainwashed by jews.

Communist? No. Communism must be stamped out. Loyalty to the state and to God is all that matters.

> Most normies in real life don't give a fuck Alonso

That study shows you the opposite, subhuman.


>loyalty to the state


>don't read the thread
They don't give a fuck not because they are agree with that but because they are rare af. If you are obsessed about a non issue, you have a problem Carlos Sainz


the state should only exist to maintain ORDER within the freedom and PROTECT the freedom

>Communist? No. Communism must be stamped out. Loyalty to the state and to God is all that matters.

Forced loyalty to the state is communism. So you're a communist who believes in a god, good for you, commie.

Do you not know how to read, subhuman?

>further proof that white women are not an equal, but a trophy to racist brown people like this sack of human garbage
>tfw double-digit IQ genetic waste can't create anything of worth, only gloat about destroying things of worth made by those superior to them

I love sneks!

You are talking to a chink you know this right? of course he can't read

I want the sauce of your study Pedro de la Rosa

So brave

No, I'm an adult with an IQ over 150

I really hate these yellow niggers.

Do you not even know how to use Google?

Spoken like a true cuck.

I don't think anyone cares if brown people make money..

Just do it way over there (where you came from) away from us whites.

You are all cock and balls but you had to go into a white society to make wealth. You still are a pathetic brown parasite.

Your people together and alone can't do shit.

>2016 in a nutshell

But I'm lazy, also you don't live in North America, how do you know this?

Congratulations on being an affirmitve action hire Juan!

Also the fact that you are bragging about making 70k a year is pretty sad.

Low IQ individuals and races cannot be trusted with freedom. When we establish a white ethnostate, we can start discussing freedom, but to think freedom is or should be absolute is foolish and the position of low IQs. We should distribute freedom on an IQ basis.

tfw Japanese wife
I mean, my eyes are green, not blue, and my hair is rather dark. I don't really know, I don't hate other races based on looks, but I despise race mixing that results in bad IQ. Am I a hypocrite for having kids with her? It's not like I'd let a random Sup Forumsack make me divorce her, but some insight would be good.

You're a cuck and a disgrace to your race. You gave your genes to the jew.

Lol you are the sack of shit

I came from nothing and im building a future for myself and my children

Fuck off cuck

>But I'm lazy

Then, it's your fucking problem.

nah it's good. create some Elliot Rodger identity crisis psychos.

It won't be forced loyalty, they'll be loyal of their own volition. From birth, they get taught to be loyal and productive to the state. They go into military youth programs, where more indoctrination is added and they learn useful skills, like how to kill enemies of the state.

Then they grow up, in high school they are enrolled in the local state militia, where they learn how to bandage wounds, produce homemade bombs, and fight a guerrilla war if the state is invaded. They go through a hazing ritual to mark them as a servant and soldier of the state.

After high school, they can join the military, for yet more indoctrination and training, or they can go into one of the respected professions and industries of the nation.

They will not care that their personal income taxes are so high, because it goes to the state, which they love dearly, and they will not care that corporate taxes are so low, because it helps the corporations produce more for the state.

They see the nation give them free healthcare, and useful skills, and work programs in case they lose their jobs, and they know that their nation loves them as much as they love it.

They vote on ministers related to the profession or industry that they work at. The very idea of these ministers being corrupt is preposterous, as they went through the same indoctrination as you did, and if you ever saw any corruption you would be sure to report it, but not before doling out a bit of your own punishment for hurting the nation you so love.

Race and culture is not an issue. There is but one culture, the one the state gives you, and race is but an outer wrapping to the delicious dedication the state has filled all of you with.

Individualism is only useful so far as it achieves progress for the nation. The state will not endorse tall poppy syndrome and cut down those too successful, but it will also not tolerate exploitation of your fellow citizen.

Race mixing is supposed to be bad because of the risk of making dumb babies.

Asians and Caucasians have some of the highest IQ's.

And Anglo-Asian race would literally be a super race.

>the jews wouldn't like that too much, hence all of the propaganda for white people to breed with blacks, not Asians

At least be somewhat coherent and consistent with your claims, if you're not trying to make white people look retarded.

Read my post again m8.

Holy shit, I'm not whether you're speaking as a liberal cuck or a fascist rn

I don't browse Sup Forums that often, but are people here this stupid?

asians are not human

Seriously, take your state worshipping commie bs and shove it up your ass.

Nobody gives a shit about your rebranded USSR drivel.

Corporatism is not communism mate.

Asians share roughly the same amount of neanderthal DNA as whites. That's the DNA that separates us from niggers.

>Race mixing is supposed to be bad because of the risk of making dumb babies.
Wrong. Race mixing is bad because it makes non white babies. If everyone had non white babies there would be no more white people in a generation. That is the goal of the jews. Also, using your IQ logic, mixing with a nigger would be good because it raises the IQ of the black genes

chinese aren't human

south korea and japan are ok

His dad was jewish and a toxic hollywood nu male, and his mother was some Malaysian whore