Have every intellectual, professional, and influential person in your corner

>have every intellectual, professional, and influential person in your corner
>still lose to a reality TV star

Isn't this election a crushing indictment of Democracy?

>Isn't this election a crushing indictment of Democracy?

It's a crushing indictment of Democrats ineptitude.

why wait for trump to build the wall? just pick up a few mexicans from the home depot parking lot and pay them to do it.

oh my, I've just thought of the greatest idea of our time.

we have the illegals build the wall and in exchange for their free labor we grant them citizenship.

>losing to a cunt

not going to happen. men are always superior

not merely of democracy but also of multiculturalism and large-state politics. States should conform to the cultures that they contain because law is a way of life and many ways of life cannot be codified into one set of laws.

Remember when they were saying this election would lead to the GOP in shambles?

Well, it turns out all Rinsed Penis had to do was not go against who people wanted to be the nominee.

Dems, on the other hand...
>Trump is popular because he is an outsider and non-establishment
>Bernie was popular because he's kinda an outsider and non-establishment
>Instead of going with Bernie, they went with someone who is as establishment as you can get (simply because it was "her turn")
You can't make this up.

The simple fact that a woman was allowed to run for an election to be president of the United States should tell any sane person all you need to know about democracy



>implying Trump hasn't thought about this

In general, a program to allow immigrants to work for citizenship would be a reasonable idea and add new legal avenues while serving as a de facto vetting period.

just pay them 20 an hour straight cash and they will do it.

problem is that their government will take most of it.

or you could hire many of the homeless white american veterans and stop spreading your asshole to any brown person willing to shovel dirt

it's true though, you don't build a wall over a river or a mountain

btw, know who said this before but you losers didn't listen?
Every other republican

pol BTFO

>it's true though, you don't build a wall over a river or a mountain

lol. you can't make this shit up.

Holy shit. Sup Forums is now cuckold central

Seems like a shitty idea to me.

You people are fucking retarded. Kill yourself now so our nation can advance, rather than just waiting for your inevitable childless biological death.

Remember the 1st day of the RNC with the nevertrump people

Rinced saw through it all

Intellectuals are as biased as the rest of us, and are assblasted no one cares what they think anymore.

And even if they weren't, and america truly was a nation of morons, it's still not an indictment of democracy. Democracy is merely a tool, like a hammer, and it not to blame if you hit yourself in the head with it. The hammer did it's job as intended. You just wielded it improperly.

If a nation of hammer swingers wishes to hit themselves in the head, then that is the right thing to do.


Why won't America make its own foreign legion?

It's funny that as soon as I read words as a hybrid of curses and other crap, more crap in terms of the content of their message immediately follows from it.

No, it's a crushing defeat of the elitist class.
