Congratulations To Socialism - Venezuela's Largest Banknote Is Now Worth 2 US Cents

How are our comrades in Venezuela doing?

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Pretty well, everyday i see more of them


HE's in columbia. Which is a horrible shithole.

And they're still fleeing to it. Which means it's worse.


I fucking love when countries go socialist.

I can buy a hooker for $5 USD in Poland today.

Incorrect. They got six new denominations today that are larger than the 100 Bolivar.

The absolute largest of which is worth 4 dollars. Kek.

They just solved their toilet paper crisis. Now everyone has a wallet full of it.

No you couldn't retard, Poland isn't even that poor.

And they haven't been socialist for your entire life.

Wow, really made me think.

That's where you're wrong buddy, I have family in Poland and I've done it when I visit.

They're recovering from socialism to this very day, that shows how devastating it was.

30 zł is just a little over $5 USD.

The prostitutes from Venezuela are the cheapest ones here right now, even cheaper than the niggers of Colombia and Haiti flooding this shithole. The market is also growing quickly so I guess normal women are turning into it to survive.

a good rule of thumb for Poland's prices is to take american prices and replace USD with PLN. It works for wages too.

Electromics are more expensive, though. And gas is about 1.20$ a litre. That's the biggest difference.


They escape and come here, the ones that come around where i live are pretty good citizens, a lot of them have good education

we zimbabwe now

So socialism cleans up the feral animal population too.

Must be good

Just like the russians? Just like the game of quantitative easing with which you are deluding yourselves? I can't wait until Trump makes you Haiti again

Your fight for 15 is winning!

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday announced a 50 percent minimum wage hike that takes effect on Sept. 1

"This is the third (minimum wage) hike this year," Maduro said during a televised broadcast.

>50% wage hike
>inflation is 700%


That's nice. How much did the tarp program cost you? How much has social democratic norway saved up? Shitty merkel is right wing and you want more of them. Whatever israel says israel gets. There is no crisis. Everything on here is made up. The whole thinf

>anybody gets min wage raises or raises that match inflation
Yeah ok. Maximum wage when

India? Right wing. Demonitised more than north korea. Caused actual panic and deaths. Soon to come to an empire near you. All in preparation for right wing phoenix global currency like the rothschild magazines predicted

If they can set a minimum wage, why not just set a maximum inflation rate? I though socialism was magic

Or just do nothing and have the vast majorities starve and declare bankruptcy

Kek, you should send that idea to Maduro.

>The government last published figures for inflation in December 2015, putting it at 180%, but the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that next year's prices will rise by more than 2,000%.

I hope they don't come here, i'm tired of seeing bolivians on the streets and these injuns all look the same.

Venezuela gave you free heating oil for new york poor people. What a thank you you gave them. From dominican on down you just fuck up everybody and pay for it. Not us though! We raped your shit and we'll do it again

>Jewters (reuters)
You're even more brown

This is all due to embargoes and sanctions on their oil. Also opec and stuff. All oil makers suffered with this

for 15 mins. I cum after 1 minute. The other 14 mins are a waste of money

This is really asinine.

The US goes out of his way to prevent socialist economies from working, transforming capitalism in a political statement by excluding from the free market players they dont want to deal with.

Then its easy to see them as failed nations.

When you cant sell your resources its easy to be poor.

do they stay near the border or do they go the biggest cities?


Good reply. Hooknosed fake jews don't like white Christians sharing their things. They need to be stolen by fiat money rabbis. God was a woman goy. Go fuck the vaginal serpent jew

They go to the big cities, i live in Rio and there's lots of bolivians selling clothes in the sidewalks.

Fucking commie apologist. Kill yourself, monkey

Even ants know they need to stick together. Since 1776 you have been a Babylonian operation. Trump is the antichrist

>tring to catch a falling knife

Venezuela is suspended from Mercosur

What are the implications?

If I went to Venezuela would I be able to buy a mansion?

We and Macri stop funding them

>I don't believe in Jewish ideologies
>that's why I support Marx and Trotsky

>Isis is americas fault
>Africa is americas fault
>Asia is americas fault
>venezuela is americas fault
>Cuba is americas fault
>Israel is americas fault
>Idi Amin is americas fault
>I stubbed my toe and it's americas fault
>my sister is a whore and it's americas fault
Keep it coming paolo

I think all of these are in the top 20 for most economically free. Anyway, commies BTFO.

By that time only your grandchildren would beneficiate from that


Only in your head. Also trump makes marx look like henry ford

nice bantz poland, however
>full wallets


Only a Canadian would argue that Karl Marx wasn't Jewish

most of those meme arrows are true though
America has its hand in everything to assure its domination

you guys really don't understand how corruption work in your country.

Anyway no is not America's fault. It was a corrupt system comanded by a corrupt politician, with a retarded "ideology" (if any) applyed to a group of highly uneducated people-

are the means of production in venezuela seriously privately owned?

I was thinking, why don't people just farm if they're starving. they're venezuelans, so surely they're capable of doing something like that?

isn't really difficult. just some seeds, some water, some sun and there you have it corn forever

>they actually tried that here

be glad you didnt vote a woman for president

>you don't understand how your country works
>let me tell you how your country works

that is the problem you guys don't get
the corruption of america does not help the american people but kikes corp.

>what is propaganda

So how am I getting Venezuelan qt gf?

>anyone who disagrees with me is a victim of propaganda

lmao I bet you believe the falklands are argie too

>no country would ever teach their citizens incorrect things about other countries
Government spending and the government pushing oil as the only export is what led to the situation. It has the 3rd lowest economic freedom behind Cuba and North Korea.
>current year
>I still blame the socialist government's failures on the capitalists

kind of sad that no more venezueland post anymore, guess the only one who had enough shekels to do so either died of starvation or fucking fled due to the oppression and famine.
Socialism is certainly paying off

>Venezuela, ruled by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which implemented the "Socialism of the XXI century" ideology, is a capitalist country

i'm not so sure what capitalism entails, but I do remember there was a streak of moments where Hugo was nationalizing absolutely everything

that reeks like socialism to me
>inb4 large bodies of government owning production means its a capitalism

It was socialism that got them there, though not in the usual way. It is normally price ceilings that lead to shortages that get them. This was the government investing everything in oil and then being surprised when the economy collapses when oil is down.

kek I wonder how many people wouldn't understand this

has your momma ever taken you to colombia you fucking neet ?

how the hell does such a thing even happen anyway? how does the price of oil affect the price of diary and toliet paper?

seriously such a thing is insane. can't people just barter or make up a new currency?

It is literally a capitalist country. Go read a book my fellow Nicaraguan.

Long enough to fuck them up.

>Venezuela's Largest Banknote Is Now Worth 2 US Cents
>Google USD to Venezuelan Bolívar
>1 usd = .10 Bolivar

Someone just please post a good article about venezuela and why it has failed so badly. Stefan molyneux's video does not give enough real info and I just want strong facts when discussing the shitty place.

>can't people just barter or make up a new currency?

absolutely not!

It is how currency works, its value was tied to the economy. Venezuela tanks, its money tanks because of uncertainty and shit and less people use it.

People do create a new "currency" ,but the government can't easily just wave their wands and make a new one since that one will tank instantly again. So instead people barter and use things like cigarettes, alcohol, and other relatively high demand luxury products.

So many people on Youtube post rant videos. Why does Molyneux's have such a cult following?

Because nationalizing industries and fixing prices is such a capitalist thing to do.
Of course it wasn't real socialism :^)

He's got a pretty cool name. Probably just that desu

Here u go pham

You mean his videos in general? It's not a cult following, but a lot of people watch his videos because he provides a good philosophical and unbiased review of contemporary subjects, especially when compared with most mainstream media outlets.

it failed so badly because oil prices went to the basement.

All they have is oil, and they are not able to get it out themselves because it is mixed with sand. They need oil prices to be at about 70$ a barrel to break even.

At 200$ a barrel chavez had money for his crazy socialist agenda, at 20 they are broke as fuck. Saudy arabia has just made a deal to keep oil in the 50 to 65 range, they are fucked

Why do you want access to our "filthy capitalist" ecomomies anyway?

5USD for a Polish hooker. Does it come with aids?

can I buy a portion of venezuela?

Oil is abundant in Venezuela, government only focused on oil, government spending out of control on welfare instead of focusing on diversifying the economy (who can blame them though it is called black gold for a reason), oil tanks, Venezuelan economy tanks, the Venezuelan currency tanks, now bread costs a full wheelbarrow of the most expensive currency in Venezuela.

On the bright side debtors are really pleased with the arrangement. That is, if they aren't starving.

does venezuela have a chance to make a comeback? or go back to being pre-chavez?

Yes. But the government is going to seize it 5 minutes after you paid.

It's time lads

Not in this century, i suppose.

Venezuelans usually don't look like Indios. They look more like Colombians or Cubans.


underrated post

tengo hambre

>Currently the largest note is 100 bolivars and worth about two US cents.

>INB4 the BBC isn't a reliable source

I don't like them either, but when even THEY are saying a socialist country's currency is fucked...

You poor bastards.

Oh shit rare flag.

Is it true that your phones are government issued to you?

>and they are not able to get it out themselves because it is mixed with sand.

Doesn't stop Canada.

*pays respects*