The richest person in Europe is a female novelist of a children's book series

>the richest person in Europe is a female novelist of a children's book series.
Defend this.

Other urls found in this thread:,_4th_Baron_Rothschild

i dont believe...theres got to be other Euro multibillionaires out there.

That's wrong.


No that would be the Rothschild family.

First of all, thats blatantly wrong
Second of all, its the free market cuck, dont like it, feel free to build a time machine and travel back to 1920's russia

This. She wrote an accessible fun version of the Bible and people ate it up because we crave the stories innately

she's nowhere near the richest person in europe

Pointless waste of a thread
Some people are rich
Their lives not yours

>tfw I came here to post this

Obscure Canadiana? I fucking love this guy.

Richest in Europe? Not even the richest in her country

Who the fuck would waste their time machine on 1920's Russia?

wrong, retard. she's not even worth a billion now coz of "charitable" giving. Putin is worth like 60 billion.

Voldemort was the good guy.

The series is like Elysium. Read between the lines.



Good goy, you're right, this old woman is the richest

is that a breastmilk stain on her right breast? please please let it be that oh god feed me from your bosom Mrs. Rowling.


Have you heard of the Aldi family? Bouygues? Bettencourt? Berlusconi?

The Spanish guy who owns Zara is the richest man in the world right now.

>dullest franchise
>at least the books are good
>streched his legs
>Trained to read Stephen King
>etc. etc.
You know the rest

It's literally false.,_4th_Baron_Rothschild

Check and mate. Lives in UK

So not any member of royalty, nor some mega-kike like a rothschild, but her
Yeah ok

People buy stuff, it makes someone money.

Kind of simple to explain.

Oh no capitalism actually works.

What's to defend? She became rich providing a product people loved.

guys pls, is that what that is?


Fucking Europoors!

What is Europe?

I'm starting to think that americans are worse shitposters than leafs

Not even close, Amancio Ortega is far wealthier.


Someone who wants to make the right side win.

you'd think with all the money she has she could afford to look better

that's how we get ants.

She's 51

Why do Americans always say this?

And by UK they really mean England.

>american education

I haven't heard of any of those exc berlusconi from when the Italian press banged that girl. I know it's cliche but the Rothschild family is the richest family ever why even the Zara guy is it because he made Forbes?

Does India even have an education system?

She should buy some better tits because her rack is disgusting.

I didn't know the Rothschilds wrote children's books.

shut the fuck up cunt, she's perfect
>tfw JK will never spray titty milk into your open mouth while you read her latest book

What do you expect from the writer ofthe dullest franchise etc etc...

She's ugly and you're into ugly chicks.

so is she

go get pozzed cum up your asshole you nigger faggot

we enjoy him in America as well my friend

i dont know, ask them

Where's the Harry Potter pasta?

I'm asking (you)

Isn't soros a hun?

She's got pretty nice tits. One of the few "accomplished" women that merits a smash.

Usually women turn to big careers because they're unfuckable

and you're probably into underage anime girls and bleach blonde malltrash bimbos. I bet you whine on /r9k/ about "chad and stacey"

speak english stupid chink, fucking ricenigger prefers his women with a carpet of pubic hair and a face like a grain shovel.

why asking me?

yep, this. Based Archetypes-Merchant.

Yeah and Rowling is a billionaire, not a supermodel.

Works as a nanny in Maryland
Goes to the Rotunda Giant Supermarket in Baltimore
Finds a book about boy wizards magic and shit
Lifts names and plot lines
Gets big book deal
Becomes part of publishing/Hollwood machine
Has whole staff writing these crappy books

So what? Carlos "Slim" Helu is the seventh richest person on Earth and he's a filthy fucking beaner

Nice armpit

This. Literally did nothing wrong.

i wanna sex joke her harry potter

She didn't even write the book. Look at her she doesn't have an ounce of creativity, not even the presumably meagre amount you'd need to write that dross.

I used to like her life story.
> down and out bitch
> on welfare no prospects
> living in a squalid dump in Scotland
> erryday goes to local cafe, writing writing
> orders a pot of tea which lasts a couple hours so they cant throw her out
> starts knocking on publishers doors
> fucking kablammo! Takes over the fucking world

Yeah I used to like that story. Then I found out she was an insufferable cunt. Being an sjw of the highest order should never have come as a surprise either.

> she is clearly uncreative.
> i mean, just look at her....
paddies are always salty as fuck when a brit does well for themselves.

crawl back into your hovel and get plastered on poitin you degenerate bog trotter.

> she's an insufferable lefty cunt
that is market forces at work kiwi

if an author ISNT a leftist cunt then publishers, film producers, journalists, and other members of the lefty establishment will simply black-list you

if i wrote a book and got it published, i would "hide my power level" , just to keep the money rollin in from the sequels.
but at some point, dodging the question isnt an option, and then youre either a leftist sjw cucklord beta faggot, or you become a footnote.

Tom Selleck went from leading man, turning down the lead in Indiana Jones to playing Hallmark Family Special dads when he revealed he was a registered republican.

leave the broad alone, she aint hurting you and if she wants to blow muzzie rapefugees in the calais jungle, then her HIV status is her problem.

Its a cum stain you fucking retard.