How will we seize the means of production, comrades?

How will we seize the means of production, comrades?

You cant.

I think I've learned why communism is so hated, the color pallet is atrocious and hurts peoples eyes

The best way we know how

Big businesses can easily put their assets into offshore locations. Realistically, there is nothing on a large scale that you can take. Sorry LARPer.

you are a faggot, communism is for faggots, kikes are ruining everything

I already have a computer.

Most of the actual production is in CHYYNA apparently.

Move to North Korea or Zimbabwe.

Where has communism worked op?

Now list all the places that humans suffered under that hideous ideology

by the throat

Grab it by the pussy.

How about you seize some bullets with your face instead, faggot?

maybe you could buy some with the money you earn by working, comrade.

Glorious Cuba BTFO

Commies out

by checking my digits



Get a job

This. Everything is offshore. You'll be redistributing the wealth of the middle class --YOUR CLASS -- while the 1% laugh that it will ALL be theirs when your little larpfest collapses.

The whole point of trump lowering taxes is to bring some work and wealth back home. So where are you going to seize it? Cayman Islands? You need to change your gommie color to sage green. It will signify your power better here.



kek, saved

>muh 73 million died in China cuz of gommunism
>muh 58 million died in USSR cuz of gommunism

Census figures prove both of these numbers to be 100% false.


true equality is opportunity of opportunity which is hierarchical and antithetical to communism

Ah yes comrade. I can't tell you because you are about to be arrested and sent to the gulag. Some higher up didn't like your face and as you know, communism can only survive past the first month if it's an iron fisted police state.
>so long comrade.
>communism always fails.

seize means of production = grab them by the pussy


Gas the porkies class war now!

By killing millions of Innocents and leaving wherever you try trillions of dollars poorer due to lost growth thanks to ideas that have been proven false how else?

Start a business, comrade.

How many times have tried and failed now?

stop living off your parents and get a real job

By following my commands goy


>Giving people more money increases demand of anything besides luxury goods
Had a hearty kek