So some absolute fucking legend put these up at Melbourne university

So some absolute fucking legend put these up at Melbourne university

Based as fuck

Rmit and monash campus when?

holy shit is that even legal?

Post leftist freak out.

This is newsworthy. Melbourne uni is a hive of leftism, they won't let this slide.

i don't think so. our government at the moment is trying to get rid of the law.

"Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes it unlawful for someone to do an act that is reasonably likely to “offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity."

You have no idea how bad the non-stem university environment in Melbourne is.
Some professors are outright Marxists, discussion is curtailed, no free speech, 70%+ female classes full of leftist females dying to be indoctrinated into the 'global citizen' class.
I couldn't take it and quit my degree with only 2 units to go.

Any social media meltdowns yet?

>i don't think so. our government at the moment is trying to get rid of the law.
How (((convenient))) that this happened, then.

No, if they find out who the person who did it is they'll probably get a fine because of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Kek. That's hilarious.

Hesu cristo

The leftists will defend 18C to the death. There would be mass protests in this country if it were seriously threatened.
There are too many non-whites that benefit from it. I think it 'protects' faggots and other degenerates too.

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thats the op... nothing as of yet MSM just getting their hands on it

He was plans to quit and leave anyway

kek, top bantz

Hey Rabbi, watcha doing?

>There would be mass protests in this country

And? There have been protests after Trump but he's elected and that's that

Get your parliament to vote down that faggy legislation and make Australia white again

we have 2 main parties at the moment and they are both fucking homo lovers... we are probably 2 elections away from a solid challenge

The average Australian normie is 10x more indoctrinated that the average murican normie.

Multiculturalism is state policy here (even though its an objective failure in Europe and elsewhere).

How are Liberals homolovers? They blocked fag marriage.

don't twist it labour blocked the plebiscite. Malcolm said he would vote for it. the only thing stopping them are the likes of Bernardi and Christensen