ITT: We talk about how great ITaly is and how shit Austria is

ITT: We talk about how great ITaly is and how shit Austria is.


Nearly 50% of Austrians are not shit. Blame Vorarlberg.

Austria BTFO by Italy AGAIN.

South Tyrol is now forever speghetti clay.

I decided to buy Balducco bread instead of Pullman to celebrate

Autistria is the most cucked of all countries

HAHA! How will Schwarzeniggerlovers ever recover??!

2bh Austrain elections had much more relevance than Italian referendum

You forgot Vienna.

based fucking italians. knew i could count on them.

That's not true. The president of Austria is a figurehead without power.

Is it true that the presidency doesn't actually do anything in Austria?

I always go italy in BF1

What's the solution to our traitor problem?
With numbers that high all I can think of is secession.

Van der Bellen might piss off a bunch of people more. Which is good, because I want the FPÖ getting 40%+ in the next general election (which is way more important)

>You forgot Vienna
Muslims didn't vote Hofer? Colour me surprised....

You do realize that Italians are still pretty much pro EU and therefore 'not great' by Sup Forums standards? Their referendum was about constitutional reforms and had nothing to do with EU membership. Renzi resigned but another pro-EU politician will get elected so stop with your petty celebrations. On the other hand UK in Europe is politically isolated and will remain so until it rejoins.

Italy is a poor farmer family where the middle child wants more in life and doesn't want to be unintelligent like his parents. So he goes on to do great things.

...Italy is a nation of dumb people with some of the smartest amongst them.

Der Angriff Straches muss definitiv und endgültig erfolgen.

They both got raped in world wars
Austria brought Germany into the war, and Italy was brought by Germany into the was

Literally this.

It will be glorious.

He will try to deny the victory of the FPÖ and Austria will go fucking nuts.

Get rid of that 2nd round bullshit, don't let kids who haven't complete puberty vote, and adopt a based electoral college.

These are just as feasible as secession of the our non-cucked states.

Not if Muslims keep raping women and stabbing people. You weren't that far off in the vote considering Hofer was "le literally Hitler."

You did not win you idiots. Italy cucked you beyond belief, yes was the redpill

They could stab and rape 99% of the VdB electors and I still wouldn't be happy because I know there'd be 1% left.

The wounds of this elections won't heal, you can't have a functioning country where every decision is a fight between two halves.

The important thing is getting away from the half that not only wants to kill itself but you as well.

Wrong, i would say that Italians would leave eu tomorrow if a referendum were held. Br a bigger margin than brexit.

based italy

>2bh Austrain elections had much more relevance than Italian referendum

I don't know why people aren't seeing this. The President of Austria is just as important as the German one.

>you can't have a functioning country where every decision is a fight between two halve
is this a sneak diss
fuck you you stupid leiderhose wearing faggot, WE ARE #1


I wanted Hofer to win badly, but the Italian referendum has more impact. It caused Renzi to resign, and makes a national election there in the next few months very likely.

Haha stay mad Innerösterreich.

We will, don't worry about that.

Turn off your proxy, Matteo

You never saw italy in real life.why spreading bullshit

I'm never making fun of Italy again. The Roman Empire, the Italian Renaissance, Italian food, wine, Mussolini, dark sexy wop women.

Italy is now best ally

The only move to the right Austria should make is the Drang nach Osten amirite

Fucking gay. Happy for Italy but Austrians are a bunch of fucking faggots now.


this, italy is getting rekt by the euro, they need to leave or they won't see any improvement in the years to follow...
bulgaria also needs to unchain our currency from the eur, because this is fucking us

Habsburg genocide best day of my life

>. Renzi resigned but another pro-EU politician will get elected so stop with your petty celebrations.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

We will, see us at the Nationalratswahlen ;)


>those trips
Lately, I don't know if there is a high concentration of cucks in serbia or they are just trying to be the canada of the balkans

I wouldn't be so harsh with Austria, after all they lost for few numbers, i blame his high percentage of germs

cheers compatriota

>Not wanting a Green fascist dictator who wants to head a centralized EU state.

Come on, even Pepe is green.

Being a "progressive" is the way to be politcally incorrect in Serbia.
As simple as this


I'm pretty sure it's just the one serbian that I see shitting up threads with his globalist bullshit.

Yeah, Australians should bring back Haider. He was a fag, but a redpilled one.

Also what if the yes would won and MD5S took power, wouldn't that be cool?

Mah.. y'all a bunch a posers anyway
Get rid of the Renzi clown and bring us some happening for x-mas


Fuck Austria. Fuck this fucking Trottelvolk.

They actually voted for a soviet asshat who sat there in live tv a few days ago and basically said that he wishes for Austria to dissolve in an authoritarian, totalitaristic EU Superstate - which means abolishing neutrality - and getting rid off the principle of unanimity so Austria would become another federal state of Merkel's Germany.

Fuck Austria. These shitheaded, degenerate retards deserve to be dismembered and especially the fucking women (TWO FUCKING THIRDS FOR VAN DER KEK) here deserve to be raped to death.

>which means abolishing neutrality
I never understood why the "muh european army" brigade in Austria, Ireland and Finland were so cool with this. They do understand that a European army would be primarily aimed at Russia, right? Or are they just so blinded by ideology that they just don't care?

silencing women. they are the problem right now.
every austrian male female relationship dynamic is a fucking cuckold one, I swear. this needs to stop.

I've always loved Italy. I took Italian in college. I don't know a fucking lick of it but I read a lot of cool shit, my favorite was Il Gattopardo, a historical fiction novel about the Risorgimento. If I could visit any city on earth it would be Florence

Hitler said Austria was a multiculti shithole, even back then.

this is what literally happened

I already was in Firenze, back when I was in high school but even then I was kinda weirded out by how many asians there were. I was pretty sure it wasn't just tourists.

I really liked the city though. problem just was the infastructure sometimes. like, that damn bus broke down 3 times in a row.

is this an Sup Forums meme or simply old pol?

This. Hofer dominated the first round and most VdB voters just voted against Hofer rather than for VdB. Of course, the smug green party still calls it a historic, clear victory. I pray to fuck that FPÖ will rape them harder than any refugee could in the next elections.

old /ck/

>italians are still pretty much pro-eu

1918 best year of my life
Stay mad, krauts
t. A. Diaz

BTFO again!

Austria disappointed yesterday. But the kampf continues.
When is the parliamentary election? That is the election that really counts politically, right?
By now, Hofer's party is the third biggest in the country.

remindrer that men voted hoffer.

>tfw when you cheat shit ton of votes but they're not enough


>By now, Hofer's party is the third biggest in the country.
They're the biggest party in the polls by a large margin. They'll get anywhere from 35-40 % during the next election either in 2017 (very likely) or 2018.

Hopefully 2017.
Do they have to go into a coalition?

But nothing happened.
Italy just keeps a status quo. A rejection of a new reform.

Why are we so happy for Italy?

Kurz will take over övp and the idiots will elect the övp and him because they don't realize that he is a scam. The blues will be on 2nd spot - given ppl don't fall for muh holocaust granny video again - which I strongly doubt.

Even if fpö would be 1st then - Van der Cuck will initiate a coalition between övp, spö, greens and neos. They will cheer that they "won" and we will have to deal with more leftist shit. TS will cease to exist and Luga will go to fp btw.

Obviously, since they don't have +50 %, most likely with our conservative party. Another option for our government coalition would be socialists + greens + conservatives (not gonna happen). But since our next president is gonna be a fucking demented retard nothing is set in stone. He could order any other party but the FPÖ to form a government, though if he does, it will not bode well for himself as well.

>My great grand father fought in Veneto against the Austrian cucks and dismantled their shitty empire
Feels good man, exterminate Germanic cucks from the white genepool.

How so? Austria is completelly irrelevant, the EU would collapse if both Italy and the UK left in the same year, it would be a glorified trade union between France and Germany.

I see.
But let's say FPÖ somehow creates a successful coalition, then that government will have the real political power, right? The president can't do anything about their politics?

>Kurz will take over övp
Mitterlehner clearly doesn't want to give up his position, there would be a lot of infighting (even in front of the public). Meanwhile the viennese spö is currently breaking apart as well (though they've covered it up for now). The FPÖ will gain percentage from the former TS voters.

Even if Kurz does become their candidate I seriously doubt he'd be able to steal 10-15 % from the fpö. Not happening.

yes would've meant "yes, you can stay"
that would've kept the current status quo

you guys are our distant bros :'^(

Austria fucked up. Again. You had two damn chances! Oh well, van der Cuck's potential refusal to allow the FPÖ into government hopefully will make voters pissed at him and his stupid band of retards who voted for him. This is why you don't let 16 year olds vote. Italy is at least the positive part of the day, and hopefully Austrians will forget about that fucking holocaust granny. Let me get this straight, Israel is allowed to build fences, keep Arabs out, marginalise the ones that are there and elect rightist governments, but if any country in the west tries to it's like Hitler. WHAT.

Red-pill me on Sebastian Kurz. In my opinion the ÖVP as a party is pure cancer but Kurz seems to be reasonable and has red-pilled views on the immigration problem. Am I wrong?

Are you sure about that?

As far as I can figure out, the new reform that would give the Prime minister more power, and cripple the Senate with less power.

The people rejected that new reform. Nothing happened.

So we play a game of pretend?

>Kurz seems to be reasonable and has red-pilled views on the immigration problem
I thought so too but he's probably only saying that to get votes and probably won't achieve much if he actually becomes Chancellor, especially with van der Cuck as president.

"The average migrant (refugee) of today is better "educated" than Austrians." - Sebastian Kurz during migrant crysis 2015.

Italy gets a bad rap, but at least they were on the winning side in one world war.

Italy is a shithole compared to austria but keep spouting your edgy memes.

you of all calling others cucks

>"The average migrant (refugee) of today is better "educated" than Austrians."
Unless Austrians are illiterate I call bullshit

No, you're right

Kurz isn't really redpilled, he's just a proper conservative

Nowadays those have been almost entirely replaced by the cuckservatives

Austrias last chance are the next elections, but after yesterday I have absolutely no faith left in the population

It's good that we have a large right wing in our population, probably bigger than almost any other country of western europe relative to our population size

But that doesn't mean jackshit if the slightly larger other half of our population is mega cucked and drags us down with them

Thankfully I have a job opportunity in kiwiland, so I'll just fuck off there if they fuck up again

Van der Cuck was elected yesterday. Austria is the shithole right now.

>the EU would collapse
if you really think italy can survive outside the eu you don't know shit about economics. we're no uk mate, we'd be fucked

Nuke us please...

Thats not what I said at all, I said that the EU would collapse if Italy leaves which is true everybody knows the EU's pillars were Italy,UK,France and Germany

Our country is so awful. I doubt we'll be uncucked even in the next elections.

Said it before saying it again, come back to south tyrol young white men.

only retards would vote leave, so we would probably leave and suicide economically.

He has no fucking power at all , he just does what the chancellor tells him. You didn't seriously think that the shitskin invasion would've stopped if hofer won?