About 2 years ago someone impersonated me on this board, I ended up getting doxxed...

about 2 years ago someone impersonated me on this board, I ended up getting doxxed, and my ex nearly an hero'd because of her also being doxxed. Ask me anything

how did u get doxxed?


do you fuck your gf up her ass?

My address, phone number, home phone number, family members phone numbers as well as had someone from this board send a pizza from my ex's number

i'd rather not get into that

What do you call a faggot that gets doxxed, and after 2 years comes back to complain about it, but forgets there's an archive and gets doxxed again?

A redoxx

All my shit's new and changed now so I'm not worried about whatever cuck got my old number

I've moved cities even but not because of the dox

Hmmm 3/10. More creative than the CTR stuff certainly but not your best work. See me after class. We need to work on your sentence structure.

Sorry dad

but how did some1 get all that infro just from pol?

whoever impersonated me knew me pretty well. they posted a screenshot from my ex's fb and it blew up from there.

>get doxxed and have life ruined
>come back 2 years later and get doxxed again and have life ruined


wow literal hell omg how did you survive

fuck off, you retard.

I dont get it, is being doxxed that bad for anons?

Isn't it just getting memed on by other anons or am I missing something?

>go to pol
>get doxxed
>life ruined
>2 years later
>come back
>get doxxed
>but this time
>life fixed

Why didn't you let her an hero?

pretty much. I got some death threats but nothing too serious

Why do people send so many death threats tho? Seems pretty gay desu senpai

we broke up before the dox

anons are dense

It was your ex.b

how big is your dick? can we see it?

ye probably she seems pretty delusional. she probably still stalks me on social media lmao



You will need lots of spankings when you get home young man ;)

>my ex

Does he have a hairy ass?

About 2 years ago I pretended to be this total dumb ass cuck and doxxed him, his ex and his ex's son. AMA

How did someone get a personal army to dox you? did you find the thread that they posted to dox you? did people call saying they were from pol? Is having trudeasu as your leader as bad as I imagine it to be?

they impersonated me trying to dox my ex, so naturally pol doxxed me instead.

found some related threads but never the main ones

the pizza note had "regards from pol" on it

trudeau is okay, legal pot will save the economy

How did they get your personal info on Sup Forums? I'm spooked now.

Hey did you know if you type out your home address and phone number it shows up as stars?

the person impersonating me posted social media pics from fb, twitter, instagram etc with some real names here and there on them

Someone posted a picture of him or something and pretended to be him, baiting people to dox him. I've done it to other people before, never really works though so I'm surprised it happened to OP.

you're a shit but was i really that unlucky?

Oh that's tragic. Are you using a VPN now?
I don't want a Sup Forums pass.

no, but my internet services have been completely switched. you'd find me but you wouldn't know anything about the dox except from what I'm posting here

u better be scared racist, we r anonimus and we don't forget and neverr furgive