/Leftist General

This thread is for the discussion of leftism, marxism, socialism, and communism, anarchism, strasserism.
>Socialism is an economic and social system defined by social ownership of the means of production. (Workers democratically own and operate the places in which they work, as opposed to private power aka capitalism)

>The means of production are non-human inputs the create economic value, such as factories, workplaces, industrial machinery, etc. Socialists refer to the means of production as capital, or private property. Private property in the socialist context shouldn't be confused with personal property, such as your home, car, computer, and other possessions.

>In a capitalist society the means of production are owned and controlled privately, by those that can afford them (the capitalist aka those with capital). Production is carried out to benefit the capitalist (production for profit). Workers are paid a wage, and receive that amount regardless of how much value they produce.

>Communism is the highest developed stage of socialism wherein there is no state, no money, no class system. The means of production are owned by all and provide for everyone's needs.


ABC's of Socialism: s3.jacobinmag.com/issues/jacobin-abcs.pdf

Introduction to Marxism by Professor Richard D. Wolff: youtube.com/watch?v=T9Whccunka4

Selections of Left-wing Literature:

Mikhail Bakunin - God and the State (short read)
Thomas Paine - Agrarian Justice
Noam Chomsky - Notes on Anarchism
Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils


Other urls found in this thread:


Leave nigger


Theres already half a dozen commie threads. sage. Post your pasta in one of the existing threads or fuck off.


I want you to think long and hard about why your idealogy fails every time and why you never gather a large following outside of the stupid and ignorant

nah, I'm from here, it's comfy


right wing cucks getting triggered hard

do you guys want your safe space back?


No, your "raid" is adorable :^)

It's basically a rule of the Internet that the people who make the most safe space jokes censor the most.


>b-but it's the leftists who are spamming threads
>literally this guy calling all spidey posts while being the only person posting spiderman

alt-right on suicide watch

If it was a safe space, we'd be able to have your threads banned, your IPs banned, etc.

You're free to keep coming here. People are already bored though.


Silly Jews, tricks are for Reddit.

/qa/ thread about raid and the mod aiding them

Just goes to show Sup Forums doesnt actually want conversations that challenge their opinions, and instead would prefer an echo chamber

>triggered by spiderman

Seems like you're the one who's triggered friend :^)

leave commie

We will bring forth a glorious workers' state where none will starve and the Jews will work.
Onward brothers!

ITT: Useful idiots

The way you put that over a Communist propaganda poster implies you're the ones complaining of a raid.

You do realize why you will never be successful here right?
The reason fascists are able to thrive here is because ideologies here are supposed to be unacceptable
Supposed to be actually political incorrect
Out yourself as a communist or socialist and at best you will be treated with some contempt in real life
Out yourself as a fascist and you have the real risk of being violently attacked and will never be tolerated
Beyond that commies are adverse to competition
You think it is a negative thing
Elimination of competition is the end goal
This is a place of absolute competition
Every post is a competition for attention
The attention you get is actually an embrace of competition by being a different product
Every time these threads get attention it is not because of communism, but because of individual marketing in a free market
The free market wins every time






they dont understand the difference between cronyism and capitalism



I wish for mozel

the real left is so unacceptable as to have completely disappeared from american politics

any kind of real economic leftism is political suicide

>point out an actual phenomena

Is it not you who is triggered, comrade?


But you dont offer anything
Attention is not something guaranteed to you
A thread is sold in the market of ideas

This guy gets it


you already have a leftycuck hugbox called reddit

Where did all these Communists suddenly come from? I thought Sup Forums was basically Hitler's fan club; not that I approved of that, mind you.



>get triggered
>"Y-you're the t-triggered ones!!!"



Ok, how;s this workers should democratically own and operate their workplaces, and there should be a nationwide maximum income of $350,000 annually.



So your form of leftism has self annihilated in all senses
And so has the American left
Perhaps the conclusion should be that the left is self destructive


I have a small business. I'm a mechanic with two employees with a small autobody shop. What happens to my business under your ideology. I hear nothing but bad things about your ideology and some other posters just give me the run around.

So many isms

How about fuckyouism

Its simple. Your (((pals))) establish regulations that kill competitors or makes it near impossible for new players to fuck up your operation. Best irl example is New York taxis who got btfo by uber recently. Now back to your star buck commie hang out


Trumponomics is economic leftism.

It's just some gay reddit "raid"

They've been floundering for days now

>get BTFO in one thread
>abandon it
>make another thread so you can't see your failure
The more threads you make, the more i dislike you and the ideology that drives you to behave like this
You're digging your own grave here.




A demonstration of a complete lack of economic knowledge

Dumping redpills




even your fucking memes are obfuscated bullshit





I was once very open minded towards Socialism, but then they repeatedly put me on vote timers in /r/Socialism on Reddit for disagreeing with them, and I also found out about the Kronstadt Rebellion, where Trotsky ordered the murder of anarchists. So I realised that they were basically tyrants, and they lost me.


Fuck off
Any time you faggots attack "our memes", it's never constructive criticism, always "they're shit". It's so damn obvious how increasingly nervous you all are to our presence.



Depends on the system. I would support local collectives, so you would now own your shop WITH your employees, and receive access to assistance, collaboration and trade with other shops, toolmakers, cooks, etc.
You could still manage your shop, make primary decisions as to operations, but labor related decisions would have to be resolved democratically

I'm so sorry I have different opinions from you, maybe you should go find a forum that doesn't have free speech.

The reason why I approve of the first method though, is because it moves the thread closer to the bump limit. If you ignore them them the thread stays around longer.



Trotsky was a far left Anarchist too but he hated that these workers were striking and complaining about worker's rights - something Socialists claim to love.


are you so autistic you can't tell the difference



>it's never constructive criticism,
Why they fuck would we want to help you improve your memes and shit up our board faggot?

Well, the alt-right is now mainstream with Trumps election so the politically "incorrect" are now the communists.

The alt-right are the establishment.

So all the alt-right tards now have to go to redditt, and the politically incorrect commies come here.

OP why are you just autistically spamming images? Why don't you try to get a real discussion going?

Never change leaf.

Except you don't like free speech either. I've spent six years on Reddit. I would still listen to Communists if that hadn't shown me what you think of people who express opinions that you disagree with.

this'd be fine if there weren't multiple commies but there are


Or you know you could just not interfere with a mans business and fuck off
Because what do you imagine the cost of a bureaucracy that enforces all this would be?

You could just not open our general thread. But you decide to come here and complain. Why?

what the fuck are you getting pissy at me for. i'm trying to get people to stop shitposting commie threads you stupid cuck.


Your apology is rejected. Now kill yourself.