Would Jesus Christ from the bible make a good US President?

Even if you're a fedora and believe he never existed. Simply based on his character as portrayed in the bible, would he make a good president if elected to serve?

Stopped reading there

Because that's the end of the post?

Well, that was the end of the post, so...




He kicked out the Jews and has supernatural powers, so why not?

Go away evil dogger

From a libertarian point of view he would be a shitty president and violate the 1st amendment religious freedom.

He would make an excellent dictator though.

he would have to convince people he's " the second coming of christ" and not " the anti-christ", which will be very difficult

also some people will call it a scam anyway

religion would get more fractured, not less

assassinations of congressmen who block president jesus's proposals will go up, and he will eventually be a dictator / monarch


Thats the end of the post anyways you fucking idiot

He might have a bit of the Trudeau doctrine going on with him.

He would make a better King of the entire world actually. You think too small.

if Jesus existed as the biblical form id assume a few miracles here and there would make the world shit its pants now that god would be legitimately real

So basically hed be backed by the us army and GOD who tf would argue?

Besides Satan and Hillary

>having a pacifist leading the world's largest army
China would be st our door step in a month

Does his character include the miracles? If so, yes.
Without the miracle powers, he'd just be a well-meaning pushover who would turn the other cheek against ISIS and probably let us be invaded.

Go away evil dogger

go away evil dogger

BTW are you all aware that Jesus WAS OFFERED human leadership and he turned it down? Makes you think..

>(Matthew 4:8-10) Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, 9and he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” 10Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

Go away evil dogger.

Would GOD incarnate, from the Bible, make for a "good" President. Well, that's certainly an interesting question.

He would act a lot like trump

Go away evil dogger

go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger

I'm not sure. Ask the Poles how it's going.

>Jesus becomes president
>Donald Trump runs against him in next election
>Donald goes on his usual banter, but against Jesus
>"Not a fan of the guy. Show us the birth certificate!"
>Republican party can't decide between Trump and Jesus
>The republican party implodes
>Jesus ends the Republican party

Wasn't Jesus unconcerned with politics? He wasn't a typical revolutionary in that he wanted to replace the current leadership.

Go away evil dogger

>Round two Jesus
Pick one
The apocalypse as described would make wh40k look like my little pony

No. Christcucks are pathetic. If Jaysus ran, he'd run for American Socialist party.

Poland is so based

even if they are a bit back water

Jesus is a leftist.

He shares things and gives to the poor.

Republicans won't vote for him if he wasn't God.

When Christ returns the only running anyone will be doing is to try and hide from his wrath. That includes you pajeet.

No, he was a shit human being. He never married or sired a son, he never took up shield and spear, he lived as a vagabond living off of others as a travelling holy man. Would you put a raving hobo in a seat of power? Because that's what you're suggesting.

: Go away evil dogger.

The most generous people I know are right wing.

They give out of the goodness of their heart to causes that they believe are right.

Leftists are fine with taking what you have by force and giving it to others.

Jesus disagreed with the second.

>When Christ returns



lmaoing@ur cuck "god". The only true god is Shiva. May as well accept him in your life before it's too late

I don't know. The Jesus in the new testament was a home wrecker. He said he was there to set parents against children and children against parents and wives against husbands and husbands against wives.

I take that back.

Christ would come down with an army of angels and massacre every non-believer. He would be at war with america.

We would send our greatest military might at astral beings and lose. Then demons would rape the rest.

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil dogger.



Go away evil dogger

>There are full autismatics ITT who genuinely believe that the physical form of Jesus will come back and judge everyone on the planet.

I've got some bad news for you turbo cucks, you might have fallen for a rather hefty meme there lads. Quite the whopper,

He also flipped the money changers tables and flogged them. Jesus was both insensitive yet humble, compassionate yet wise at once. also Matthew 10:34

Jesus was completely apolitical
"Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and submit to earthly authority and all that good stuff

Jesus was concerned with saving souls not leading nations

> Would Jesus Christ from the bible make a good US President?
>from the bible

His most well known work, some would say.

No. Not a native citizen.

I think we can make an exception for GOD don't you think?

Aren't Christian teachings antithetical to the tribalism that characterizes nationalism and just about every ideology held by people on this board? The very fact that Christianity is a universalizing faith instead of an ethnic one like Judaism demonstrates this.

Go away evil dogger.


As much as I love my lord and saviour JC I would never elect a commie socialist kike.


He hung around gays and brothels, OP. I wouldn't want Jesus (Lucifer) as my president.

The Constitution is very clear on the issue


Isn't Jesus going to rule us when he comes back?

Go away evil dogger.

No Jesus was actually a Communist. His ideals only work for the individual, not the government institution.

he'll have to get elected first

No, he's a cuck

Low energy. Just sad