What makes British women so... unique?

What makes British women so... unique?

inbreeding and a profound lack of sunlight and nutrition.

Their sassy little accents. All of them. And their asses taste like tea and crumpets.

Their burqas.

third post best post

Inbred look with a sexyvaccent

Their gross teeth and thicc fat legs

Literally fucking golem.

Their teeth.

This is 8/10 in Liverpool

I would fuck maisie raw to be honest
Perky petite girls are the best

can confirm island inbreeding

Nowhere else can you see a hijab with bad teeth.

Nasty hobbitses

Vodka and redbull

Disgusting whore.

White women are gross to me now.

Says who, faggot

imagine her squatting over you in that stance and ripping a juicy one right in your face

>Their sassy little accents.

I can't help but find it strange that people say the British are ugly despite the British being the driving force behind the European beauty standard worldwide.

brits are fucking ugly


Britain has Romans, Celts, Gauls, Saxons, Anglos, Eastern Europeans, Iberians and many more different genes.

So like 90% of them look goofy but there's like 10% that look like perfect human beings.

plumbers from a certain eastern european country

There are some uggos, but thats because the attractive ones breed together. Its not that hard of a concept, and its the lack of selective breeding everywhere else in the world that causes a blended looking race instead of the contrast between GB uglies and hotties

Teresa May is what Emma watson will look like 20 years from now

id fug her ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>tfw to ineligint to outbreed

She's cute but looks like she has two spines and her shoulder muscle attachment points seem strange

a chick from Manchester came to my uni and fucked the youngest cunt on my rugby team bc no one else would touch her lmao

Now that's some savage cunny.


The fact their family tree doesn't branch

>my preciousssss

Literally nothing. The most famous among them are still very plain.

I'd fugg Quasimodo. She's got a tight little body and nice legs.

She's the worst



that filename.jpg


best post.
