Fuck you, Italians

They are now predicting the Euro to fall to 80 cents against the dollar and then break apart... making the new German currency spike to more than 100% due to Germany's economic strength.

This is BAD shit, yes BAD shit.

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The EU is crumbling right before our very eyes. Feels good man

I'd like to extend my congratulations to the non Germans here for the continuing good news

Yay, Europe well collapse and Russia actually could conquer it and then a whole world. Just how it was showed in videogames.

Fuck off Hans Ahmed Friedman
This train won't stop


I forgot about this referendum (ungodly busy)
Go you magnificent bastards.

> summer 2017
> america is being made great again
> jobs coming back, investments at an all-time high
> wages skyrocketing
> visit yurope
> use my change to tour the failed attempt of a nation state

pretty excited tbqh

This is punishment for being the worlds most cucked nation.

Make Germany Great Again!

How dare the Italians affect Germany's economy with their democracy. Disgraceful behaviour.

I think it's safe to say if Merkel hadn't invited the entire third world with open arms this wouldn't be happening, so fuck you Germany

Suck it you Merkel loving cunt

>being cucked by pizza lasagna


This is only the beginning. Soon.

>american democratic party is getting btfo
>eu is getting btfo
fucking meme magic

fuck off, euro coin looks like mexican pesos.

HAHHA, EU death is inevitable now, only matter of time :^)

Guess you should have treated your neighbors as partners rather than act as a kleptocracy.

are they going to swim there now that the wall is being built?

Get fucked Fritz

So does this mean they'll stop doing this every day?

Why does the writing look like it can't follow the curve properly?
"Estados unidos" looks like it was started on a different fucking plane.

No, I have visa, I live in the border. I use Texas only for shopping and eat.

80 cents? Shit, I remember when it was twice that, like $1.60, back in the day

Ciro pls


And the Germans will still vote for her while every other nation is growing a pair of balls.

Fuck you Germany, you guys were alright until you opened the floodgates to these backward people. You deserve to crash and burn.

Good job Italybros. Next comes voting in the Five Star Movement and getting the fuck out of Europe and securing your borders. I know you guys are getting swamped.

France, you HAVE to do the same, you're even worse than Italy and Germany, second only to Sweden which is another lost cause deserving only of being glassed.

Enjoy your green party


EUR is going up dumbass. A lot.

if im correct this will crash the world economony let me explain a little bit, this was planned who knows how long but china has a trap card hidden in there pocket, they waited years to become a world currency and now it happened but they arent the top contender we are still in the way, but the eu is our friend when it comes to stuff and they are the 2nd top world currency if any of us falls everyone falls.
tldr: china is going to be the next world currency when we collapse to get us out of the recession atleast in my theory

>crying about MUH ECONOMY
>being a pro-EU cuck

Checks out.

Neck yourself. You're the reason we are in this mess.

Eat shit and die, kraut. Germany fucking with euro is a big reason for why things are going shit in Europe.
Expect everyone sane to bail out of euro in couple years and Germany can get stuck with the bill.


Euro less than dollar
What a time to be olive

are you an idiot Italy is the banking industry of the eu they are the big eu helper in money if they do leave good bye eu and world economy

Do not trust the 5SM. Currently we have no decent party.

Can someone explain the excitement? Does Italy want out of EU?

>germans in charge of not being cucks

they won out of the eu the eu is collapsing so is the world economy we are so tied to the eu that without them we would be forced back into isolation.

The Schengen agreement should have been honored correctly. Now it's Retardengen with refugees.

No, I'm not an idiot, I'm a trader, I'm about to buy EUR like crazy. Oh, and USD is going down. Enjoy your recession Burger.

What's your favorite thing from whataburger?

Wow really? I remember when the euro traded for 2 dollars.

It's their punishment for taking in so many muslims

Burn it all.

Based Italians, crashing that monstrosity with no survivors. God Bless and Keep you guys.

Sounds good. Congrats Italy.

Think of this referendum as a barometer of how the Italian people feel about Europe and the political elite. This was more a fuck you to Europe and the elite, rather than a vote to get out.

It has the Europhiles riled up and politicians shitting their pants because people are sick of their shit.

>the eur is going to spike up any time soon
>enjoy my rescission
1 why would the euro stay up when the money holder runs away italy kept that shit propped up, and dbk is a undeadvampirezombiejew on steroids waiting to fucking die
2 why would we rescission wanna go further into depth

False. Nothing will collapse the US dollar. Brits will take over China and use it to rape SE Asian and Australia even harder


you're a cuck for not investing in gold

Don't believe the media. In fact, a general rule is to do exactly the opposite of what the media is saying.

Also, long-term multi-decade lasting trends...

Just wait a couple of weeks (maybe months) and you'll see.

What the fuck even happened? Explain it like I'm 5.

I for one welcome our slavic overlords with open arms. Just bring some 7.62 and I'll get the Stolichnaya.

Shadilay dad



MIGA does have a nice ring to it.

Euro cucks got baked a shit pizza.

>Race: White (Hispanic)

>Race: White (Not White)

How about we take a view of the EU, in a historical perspective and what it achieved?

Because in the end nigel farage didn't truly start anything. He simply pulled back the veil surrounding the absolute insanity that was the EU.

Nige, France is a lost cause just like us. You're the one standing on the precipice of no return. Get the sand niggers and pakis out.

still very expensive in exchange of the egyptian pound

1 Euro = 19.x Pounds

What was the referendum about?

Be nice please. I hate you, but I hate today's faggotry more, so I'm helping.

Here's to you Ravioli

This, Farage just made it OK to admit the EU is a fucked up institution.

I bet the Jews wish they had killed garage when they had the chance before she started the beginning of the end of their NWO, OWG, ZOG plantation.

tfw all my money is invested in US stocks

The artificial world where Germany can export to Europe without dealing with the weak economies on the continent (and their currencies consumate with them) is drawing to a close.

Maybe you should have meme magic'd harder to defy math?

Common italian every day political life

china is going against the dollar right now, dumping treasuries and everything that has our mark on it, they want to be the big basket and nothing to do with us i dont get it why would china be a greater ruler, they are literally smog ridden where you can see it from space along with no empathy for its people. The people probably want to eat the government itself.

>ayyo hol up
>crashes its stock to -3
>hol up
> picks it back up to +6
> hol up
>gets stuck in shady deal scandal
> stock crashes again to +1
> hol up
>props it up to +9
>hol up
>atms get banking virus and people bomb rush banks to get money out
> hol up
>the bank now saying withdraw and invest in something else
>we wuz the top bank of germany and shiettt

what makes you think that shit wont fall tomorrow i mean im not mad but imo europe and everything is done.

>new German currency
*tips fedora* You cucks will stay in EU with Turkey and Ukraine.

My grand dad's region of origin.

The idea of a united european state is dead.
It was never meant to be.

Changes in how the parliament works. Actually the new law would have led to a lefty dictatorship. We dodged a bullet

Your post filled withe memes makes no sense.

>what makes you think that shit wont fall tomorrow

> imo europe and everything is done.
Ofcourse you think so, you're American. And the media is telling you so. And you're on Sup Forums where everyone is saying the same thing. Think on your own.

It's your fault for falling for another Jew trick

Go accept some more refugees Goytschland

Sing it with me Sup Forums:
Goytschland Goytschland most cucked country. Most cucked country in the world!

When the rape-fu-gees come into town we all open up out homes!

Yesterday italians voted in this referendum in which you had to choose if you wanted to change the Constitution or not

I'll join you mate

Well looks like I know where I'm vacationing

Make Germany Great Again 88 no one?

Say hi to the rapefugees for me

>EU collapses
>Germany's economy collapses
>Welfare state collapses
What a time to be alive

Count me on.


This has nothing to do with the refugees. This referndum was about the democratic system of Italy.

No survivors you say?


nah, germany will be fine

Honestly I'm a Canadian (basically just North American Sweden) and I would love it if either the US or Russia annexed us. I imagine a lot of Europoors feel the same way.

Just make the lefties go away and supply us with vodka and mindless factory labor.

But only the 2 € coins.

I would rather the US did that but hey vodka is not bad.

Go get your FUCKING wheelbarrow Hans

I'm not speaking solely on the referendum but the general unease that's becoming more apparent in much of Europe now, which will culminate in the EU breaking apart soon

Nein, we need to rebuild again.

I wonder if it's gonna be like Brexit

>all the european immigrants are kicked out
>government invites more africans and muslims anyway
>economy tanks, no free trade, but they still keep the gibs high, making life worse for everyone else

And the gentiles are celebrating, makes me laugh