Why is nobody talking about the fact that WE FUCKING WON?

Will the be the end of the EU as we know it? Do the Five Star movement have any chance of success? Does this make up for Hofer being cucked?


Other urls found in this thread: germany exists only order ensure existence state israel jewish people martin schulz

EXACTLY! I literally came on pol specifically due to the reason and everyone's moaning nigger bullshit as per usual. THIS IS INCREDIBLE NEWS

We are mourning the loss of the Austrians.
In time we will come to rejoice over the revival of the Romans.

The next election is in 2018, and they'll have a caretaker government until then. At that point people will have seen how none of the stupid populist movements (Trump, Brexit, etc.) can actually deliver any of the nonsense they spew, and Italy will elect a sane government.

It really depends on how the president decides to go on, a whole new parliament and a new elector law would be right step

To be fair, it's the closest a far-right leader has come to a seat of power in Europe in some time - should it not be viewed as a milestone rather than a loss?

Only literal retards voted NO, most of them thought there was a conspiracy behind using pencils instead of pens
This wasn't some brexit2 we are going to have a massive outbreak caused by political instability. We don't have all of your money you dumb britbongs

Nah Fritz people want elections as soon as possible

> checks flag

Well, you figured out how to use a keyboard, so I'm assuming you're taking a break from prepping Muhammed to enrich your wife.

italia si

Put your flag back on Angela

t.Uses Facebook for his news pro


Italia no

La terra dei cachi!

I don't know what this referendum was all about. Was it literally a referendum about giving more power to the European union?

it's like 2 in the morning on a Monday

everyone was shitposting all day and are asleep now

>telling anyone what a sane government is

Don't you have a country to run Angela?

You're right. I voted no.

basically yes

And they failed and Renzi got BTFO

too bad Austria cucked out

Even South Tyrol voted Yes. Why do Germanics hate freedom so much?

You mistaken me for the average "HURR J. P. MORGAN IS LE BAD SO I VOTED NO" retard. I don't even have a Facebook account.

Don't you have some debts to pay? First stop being piss poor and then we can talk.

Brexit isn't happening.

It was about gutting parliament in a weird way, changing the state-regions balance in favor of the state. As for the EU it added it inside the constitution and reinforced its ability to intervene in our lawnaking

>destroying Europe with globalism and neoliberlaism is sane

I hate Germany so much. It's like you took California and implanted it in Europe.

germanic's only path to european domination is via the EU, we have conquest is on our blood - no matter what. sorry man, if we all have to become muslim to win then that's exactly what we're gonna do. Suck it up, it's gonna be a bumpy ride

these digits prove you wrong

Austria is so cucked it seeped over the border into SudTyrol

Hope that money of yours is worth it when Abdul rapes your daughter you cuck

Because it was pretty obvious.
The mediterranean master race doesn't fall for the european jew like the rest of the nothern retards

M5S are a bunch of cucks and commies. Northern Alliance is the true red pill here. Pity they are never memed into glory.

>The mediterranean master race doesn't fall for the european jew like the rest of the nothern retards

How is it going my Mediterranean brother?

Expect an invasion of anti-M5S shills from now on, they've already started since few days before the referendum actually.
>The M5S is considered populist, anti-establishment, environmentalist, anti-globalist and Eurosceptic. Grillo himself provocatively once referred to it as "populist". Its members stress that the M5S is not a party but a "movement" and it may not be included in the traditional left-right paradigm. The "five stars" are a reference to five key issues for the party: public water, sustainable transport, sustainable development, right to Internet access, and environmentalism. The party also advocates E-democracy, direct democracy, the principle of "zero-cost politics", degrowth, and nonviolence. In foreign policy, the M5S have condemned military interventions of the West in the Greater Middle East (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) as well as any notion of American intervention in Syria.

Pro-Merkel cucks will try to deny this, they call M5S commies and what not, but the real commies are the pro-EU shills, watch out.

I just checked the official eurostats, and apparently italy is the country that is the least supportive of the euro. #BASED

Proud to be italian today

Indebted to you; debts that will never be paid off...


that's the funny thing. Its actually the debtors that own the creditors, not the other way around.
If italy crashes germany will crash with no survivors :^)

>implying populist is a bad thing
Literally a party trying to do what the people want, isn't this what democracy is supposed to be about?

I'll never understand how they keep using the word populist negatively. Cognitive dissonance to the max

Because they don't try to DO what the people want. They just SAY whatever people want to hear, with no plan on how to actually DO anything. That is why every populist movement crashes and burns when they get to power. But it seems like new generations need to discover this fact for themselves rather than just read a bit of history.

Hurry up Spaghettianon, Germany can't survive this fiction much longer

Congrats Italy. I am proud of you. First the reclamation of Rome, then Constantinople!

Germans don't have a right to talk about debts. You have the biggest debt in the history of humanity to pay for, fucking children of maniac murderers.

You will pay for the Holocaust, for an eternity.

I agree it seems highly unlikely, but every teabag on pol seems convinced it will go through.

>Fast backward
>Berlusconi: "M5S are communist!"
>Bersani: "M5S are populist..."
>Commie Party: "Fascists!"

>populism=bad, that's why I vote CDU
Germany in a nutshell

Shut up and pay reparations to Israel you murderer. Fucking Nazi scum.


>They just SAY whatever people want to hear, with no plan on how to actually DO anything.
Hello Merkel, I'm (not) sorry to disappoint you but their slogans 100% match their program:

You probably don't speak pasta though, I'll eventually finish translating it and make a thread later.

Those debts have been settled. Unlike yours.

I bet this is the same fag who didn't think assange was dead because no full scale military raid was conducted on the embassy

Are you kidding me? Switzerland has had a far right majroity since about 20 - 30 years now. Austrians have always been low-energy, nothing of value has been lost. Wilders will save the day.

You must be smart then, no other option.
>Referendum, denunce in alcune zone d'Italia sulle matite cancellabili. A Catania, Napoli, Isernia e Vibo interviene la Digos, Salvini denuncia su Fb

Are you retarded or just pretending?

we won this election, if you take a look at the greater picture.
the president can't do any shit in our country, accept for representative roles.
The real elections will be in 2017+, when the parliament will be elected.
Yesterday will be the reason, why the far right party will have 50%+ in the parlamental elections.

You are literally a third world country compared to actual first world countries like Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein

Congratulations Italy.

So its Prime Minister Wilders next right?

IN hell they have, where you're going. What, do you think you can wash away the guilt of killing 6 million jews with money? No sir!

Human life is priceless. Those debts will never be settled. So have some sense in you and stop crying about depts, you son of a bastard, murderous hypocrite.

Do you not realise how pathetic this "i am better than you" attitude is considering you are a Nazi asshole?

They are commies, lega nord is the true red pill here brother.

Grillo is like Berlusconi 2.0. He's the only one, he rules everything "Fuck the law of my own movement, I'm above it. I don't like you, you're out".

>Wanting centralized government

m8 Italy has such strong regional sentiments de-centralized government works better

Exactly. Like Berkeley and San Francisco in fucking Europe. Unbelievable. Or maybe Germany's San Francisco and Sweden is Berkeley, not sure.

>implying lega is relevant
if you unironically believe they have a chance to get over 15% you are kinda delusional.

I went to one of his rallies near my town back in 2011 and his speech was really amazing, the administration system they propose for provinces and municipalities is pretty good and really feels like it could motivate a lot of people to participate.

The Allies completely brainwashed your whole country after the war. Fucking Germans. They used to be a great and strong people. Now your a joke heading for extinction and worse, you're cheering for it.

Go prep a Somali bull to fuck your blonde wife Fritz.

>why can't every other state be as successful as my dear Mississippi, we're doing everything right, it's (((they))) keeping us down, everyone just needs to trust me on this and do what I say with full obedience

You've won a victory for the white man but we've suffered a defeat on the Austrian front.

It is all down to France now. We've come to it at last, the great battle of our time.

>you are a third world country
>proceed to list our bitches
how is that limit of EU immigrants going? you decided on that in 2014.
its 2016 and nothing happend.
hell and plans on a quota are off the table as of december.
suck the big black german overlord cock.

Hofer was always a bonus prize anyway, upcoming austrian elections are more important and italian referendum was even more important

Ill just assume its an ahmed speaking whenever I see a cucked german post

You used to be respected Germany. Now look at you. Pitiful.

The eternal teuton at it again. Shitposting on while his girlfriend is groped and assaulted by a crowd of Arabs.

Gg you stupid kraut fuck

Reminder this is a real quote too: germany exists only order ensure existence state israel jewish people martin schulz

If anyone was looking for the nigger for some reason, I found it.

I just wish to go to Rome again like when I was a kid and see it filled with italians instead of the hordes of mudslimes I saw last summer.

Plz Italy make it happen.


Imagine if Hillary won and put CTR in charge of the Ministry of Truth.
That's what M5S is.

>vegan power
>no vaccines
>chemtrails and mermaids
>universal income
>not against immigration
>not really anti-EU
>no nuclear power

How is pandering to immigrants and leftards to get more votes not populism?

Aye aye nice meme Hungary. Bot relevant tho tbqh famalan

Make me
>tfw Portugal just announced to build a space station with the money you give
You just fell for the ruse

Our empire will now rise back into the stars
Portugal will colonize Mars
Screencap this

M5S are the Italian Bernie Sanders; an empty movement. Lega nord is on the rise in any case. You should be memeing them not shilling for commies.

it's a debt that can never be repaid

9,000,000 jews
6,000,000 gypsies
5,000,000 POC
4,000,000 LGBTQ+ people

you are eternally indebted to israel, and also for some unknown reason all muslims and african economic migrants

Even here you sound like a cuck kek

>not really anti-EU
My sides...

Here is the first pro-EU shill folks, just as expected.

>Italian Bernie Sanders
Not really, not even close.
Where have you been in the past 5 years?


Hey Hans, how does it feel knowing that you and your nation are going to be completely swamped by people that want to force their ideology down your throat to the point where he will literally be lined up in the street and shot in another 50 years unless you get rid of the supreme grandma overlord that is Merkel and her globalist buddies? It best to unscrew yourself or you'll be having Oktoberfest inside a Muslim mosque before you know it.


blast off based Portuguese!

Crash the EU with no survivors!

Id defend any European country besides you. Germany truly deserves everything that happens to it. Let it be a warning for the false song of globalism

We did, we're crashing this union WITH NO SURVIVORS!


Get a load of this goy

>populism is bad, so I'm gonna vote for someone who actively hates me.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

>an invasion of anti-M5S shills from now on
That's bullshit. I've been here since the birth of this board (and on Sup Forums since even before) and I fucking despise M5S. But sure, keep thinking that every dissenting poster is a shillbot paid by globalist superpowers, it's the trendy response after all.

Thanks Ameribro
Race you there

Five Star Movement want basic income that would attract more gibsmedat. They are an agent of chaos as many we have seen from Soros.

Vote Lega Nord!

>implying there're no globalist shills on Sup Forums
I bet you believe the Soros-funded research studies on immigration and all the related organizations are legit too?


Don't lump Sup Forums in with your personal delusions, dickhead

Just last week it was decided to handle you german and EU cucks just as the subhumans you are by not letting you tap into the superior swiss job market.

How does it feel earning less than a toilet cleaner in Switzerland, third worlder?

How does this help Russia ?

No was the only sensible result, even for the globalists.
>lol give me more power over your provincial governments or else i'm quitting
Fuck that

so youre saying its worse than Brexit?