One nordic republic

So what do you think Sup Forums?
Is truning all nordic countries into one state a good idea?


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Not without Ulfric

Only if you're not invited.

But in all seriousness, why not - we share a common culture and linguistic thread. There would need to be some fundamental changes made - IE you guys getting rid of all your arabs and niggers, before any other countries would be willing to join a bloc with you.

Sure, but who would lead?

Well obiously. That's kind of their goal, you know?

It literally looks like a flacid dick in a chastity cage.
Norway being the cage and Sweden and Finland being the balls and dick, respectively.

dick and balls*

got that backwards

> Implying that Norway would ever consider sharing their beautiful women and vast natural resources with Jamal and friends

You dense motherfucker get out of my thread

>plz guys I have so many refugees now plz take some off my hands

Yes but it should be a fascistoid state with arctic ambitions and a union with Great Britain (and maybe Estonia)

Please no anglos.
They're like jews.

I wish for it but sweden might not fit in (nordiskfront does not like shit skins)

Norway since its the most based of the Scands.

>Is truning all nordic countries into one state a good idea?

Sure, as long as it is a white fascist republic and the Capital is Oslo


no, fuck your union

yeah, with FINLAND ruling with an IRON FIST over the degenerate Sweden and the slippery slope that is Norway

Ideally, a form of scandinavian would be taught as a first language to all children. We already share cultural and historical ties, so we need to somewhat unify our language - especially if Finland is to be a part of the union.
However, a much larger obstacle is the presence of foreign peoples, mainly in Sweden. If the nordic countries were to create a union today I fear most of all that Sweden would destroy the other countries as the immigrants spread.

no, fuck off, unions don't work

>fascist republic
>Not ethno-libertarian

But what if cuckotry off all these countries will get multiplied? What if planet earth erupt into new big black cuckotry hole? Will the galactic survive it?

A military alliance would suffice.

Never, I'd like to have my own country. My great grandfather didn't fight in our civil war just to lose our independence again.

You don't know much about who runs things over there, do you, OP

>no, fuck off, unions don't work
It's not going to be an union as of past with separate parliaments and pricelings. We'll speak swedish and write danish.

Why do lefties or other subhumans always want some kind of unions in Europe?
Fuck you Sweden, you ruined your country, soon you will have more "tanned" Swedes than normal ones. ITS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM.

We need allies

There are only around 20 million of us.

Besides, Denmark will also quit the EU within 5 years I think.

Anti-EU-sentiment is huge
Stupid laws

Daxit will happen, do not doubt this for a moment. We don't even have the Euro.

>We'll speak swedish and write danish
i will shot myself 10 times in the back of the head before that happen

Idiot. Why don't you go to the libertarian utopia named Somalia. You are so 2008

>being stuck with Sweden

Same here.

This is worst idea ever. Basically Swedens cry for help to Norwegians and Finns.

>i will shot myself 10 times in the back of the head before that happen

You realize that this is what 90 percent of Norwegians already do

Thats anarchy dumbass.

>muh norwegians srite danish and dont have their own language meme
then why dont you shitheads understand us when we cross the border?

>he doesn't realize that written norwegian is basically Danish already


This hard, Belgium dude gets it. Love your waffles by the way man, once in summer. Enough sugar for the rest of the year. Have (You)

Swedes still have not learned humility, and act arrogant yet. They are waist deep in shit, beg for help from everyone, and dare to make suggestions like "LETS HAVE NORDIC UNION WHERE EVERYONE SPEAKS SWEDISH HURR DURR" like what the fuck.

I have been thinking how it could be made work. We are going to drag Bestonia with us, it's either both or neither. Here are some thoughts:

>The Confederation would have its cornerstones in common military and economical politics lead from one central goverment
>Instead of trying to dilute our cultural/linguistic differences and pretend like they don't exist (like EU), we embrace our unique ways - diversity is strength
>All the current capital cities as State capitals, but Stockholm would be our common powerful Confederation capital
>To combat the Swedish dominance, borders will be redrawn to pre-Treaty of Roskile, parts of Meänmaa to Finland, and Åland (remilitarized) to Sweden
>Finland/Estonia would be unified with an underwater railway and the adminstration of Balto-Finnics would be divided on both sides of Hellinna (Helsinki-Tallinna)
>Conscription to everyone: makes men into Men, cheap and great defence, creates a social link across generations and over our national boundaries
The Arctic areas and opening sea routes will become geopolitically important in the future, and if we can show outwards a credible united front, we would have more weight against US/Canada/Russia. Right now we are a bunch of ''non-countries'' with no influence. Together, our economy would be at least 11th largest economy by GDP in the world. Equal with Canada and above Russia, Australia and Mexico.

Some policy suggestions: ship the refugees back to where they came from. Start propaganda campaigns to raise birthrates. I would support a system alike electoral college, to make sure rural people's votes matter. Gun rights would be of very high importance. Also, everyone in the confederation would really have to understand that they can't fuck over any member against their will like EU currently operates.

>Thats anarchy dumbass.
You fucking need to grow up. Libertarian paradises only last a few years until large corporations move in and monopolize. It the natural law.

>Yes but it should be a fascistoid state with arctic ambitions and a union with Great Britain (and maybe Estonia)

Where do I sign up?

But Finns are mongols...

æ skriv faan itt no dansk sjo

Wrong. Finns are mongols ancestors, so mongols are finns. Learn true history you twat

>understand us when we cross the border
Perhaps you speak some kind of mountain or fjord speak in which case other Norwegians dont understand you either. Also some swedes are so full of their humanitarian superpower that they pretend not understanding you. It's a herkerteknikk

Not with Swedes in any positions of power.

>æ skriv faan itt no dansk sjo
Det du skriver der er verken norsk eller nynorsk ditt trondersvin.
Her er ett lite hint:

>We are going to drag Bestonia
ooof course thats your requirement

not if you keep the playing field even, libertarian. What sometimes happen is goverment catering to certain big business, add an amendment in the constitution and youre good.
grow up nazi LARPer

Are you retarded, autistic or just a troll? A country's language is extremely important to the people, and trying to force some kind of common Scandinavian language down our throats would be impossible.

Hell, Norway already went through this shit starting in the 1890s, when there was a huge, national debate around this between the people who wanted to turn the written Danish into Norwegian, and the other side that wanted to create a unique Norwegian language based on a variety of dialects. The Danish-Norwegian side ended up winning, but we still have both languages in Norway today. Both are taught in school and they're both official. It's still a hot-button issue, and it's frequently brought up in both regional and national debates.

Why is that man giving a duck a stern talking to?

>Are you retarded, autistic or just a troll?

Look at his flag. Sweden is lost, have been for a long time now. You can't expect any kind of reasoning from them

>in which case other Norwegians dont understand you either

>Det du skriver der er verken norsk(du mente bokmål tenker jeg) eller nynorsk

>if you keep the playing field even
I guess you are going to need a pretty powerfull state to "keep the playing field even" Your argument is mute and circular.

Would be awesome. Should it be called "The Northern Caliphate" or "The United Islamic Republic of Scandinavia"? Both sound pretty good


fuck off romania

It is literally dick and balls

As long sweden kicks out all the nignogs and people in the old countries keep their original language.

Because fuck you duck thatswhy. Look how he squeezes ducks other flipper to make the point.

Nah but in all honestly, that man is Väinämöinen, ancient finn and our ancestor in mythology. God of birds, Odin was ripped off from Väinämöinen (it is even speculated with archaelogical findings) that Väinämöinen IS Odin, as ancient Norwegian gods came from northeast corner of the Norway, where Jotunheim was located - That is also where Finland is. Väinämöinen speaks through birds and sends messages through them, same mythology got adapted to Asai viking mythology with yggdrassil.

Also he has basic finnish face on him, we are stern by default.

You need another Quisling to get rid of socialism.

I recommend you stay in you filthy communist village and revel in your shit dialect. Ii you are lucky, maybe a thai prostitute mistake you for money and keep you company.

No more union.
Unions are for submissive faggots.


>Im all out of arguments to this superior man, so im just gonna throw temper tantrums and ad hominems around.

never change sweden :') be you

come to norway, we can teach you how one should pronounce the words.

>not all penises

It seems that many of you like this Nordic Union idea. It's as I thought. Once EU dies, the new unions formed will be only made of countries that are culturally and economically similar. Nordic Union, Anglo Union, Slavic Union, Baltic Union, Mediterranean Union etc. No more unions of countries distant to each other as globalists and neoliberals wanted.

>You need another Quisling to get rid of socialism.
He's from the Tronheim area i Norway. They have their own dialect/ language and are descendants of Tartars. They are welfare leaches and considerate like gypsies by normal Norwegians.
Pic related


Why do you guys have so many vowels?


We can also use these ancient stories in modern days, it is baffling and humbling to understand how correct they are.

In this piece of art, Väinämöinen is defending Sampo (Which is piece of machinery that products endless goods and food) from wicked witch of Pohjola, which symbolizes jews perfectly. She wants to rip us off from wealth. Nose gives everything away

Only if Finland conquers you. Be careful, we have already once burnt Stockholm...


Are their waffels really that good? They look so fat

You're on Sup Forums and criticizing him for taking pride in his dialect? If anything's worth criticizing, it's the gradual death of Scandinavia's many dialects.

My great grandfather was a writer who wrote a lot of the dialogue in his novels on the regional dialect he had grown up with. I've read some of the newspaper articles and private notes that he wrote over a hundred years ago, and even back then he complained about how the culture and dialect of the place he grew up in was being watered out.

He is from Telemark. Anyway, your "argument" makes no sense. He was a great man regardless of the place where he had been born.

NATO is a military alliance, not a union.

That's what they want you to think.

>He is from Telemark
Sure Quisling was from Telemark, but I spoke of the norwegian libertarian autist user

Nordic republic pros:
>One united nordic army
>One currency
>Enough natural resources to be self sufficient

What are some cons, my dudes?

The refugees and immigrants would obviously be deported. Don't think for a second anyone wants the piles of shit that has gathered in Malmö and Stockholm. We need to get them out.

For the language... a ''Standardized Scandinavian'' could be a solution. But it would be a tremendous mistake to try force it against the will of people, it has to come from people voluntarily learning. Until then, English be our language. Finnish tho, Finnish would never go anywhere. It has survived for too many thousands of years, despite all the struggles, despite all the relatives dying out due to Russians...

>Swedes still have not learned humility, and act arrogant yet
This is a real problem. For the confederation to work, the Swedes really fuckin' have to learn humility. Hell, I'm even a fennoswede, but I'd rather die than call myself ''Swedish''.

We don't have to even try the bullshit ''hey we are all the same'', because we absolutely are not. The confederation would should be about strenghtening our national identity, breaking it does not work. Any policy that would discriminate against this non-Indo-European rare gem language would be an absolute no-no.

>ooof course thats your requirement
They are tribal brothers, we will not let Russians get them too.

Nah only 2 vowels more than you anglo languages, Ä and Ö. Finnish language is nifty, as it has words for everything in the world - everything. You have heard about "native american words you can not find in anglo languages" and "words in germanese you cant find equivalent", which symbolizes certain kind of feelings or things. Like hopi language Koyaanisqatsi ( movie made from that word, good piece, check it out. Here is the theme ) which means "chaotic/irrelevant/meaningless" and "life/excistence". In finnish same word is merkityksettömyys.

We use a lot vowels, so language sounds flowing and poetic, but also a lot of Rs and Ps for harsh cursing if necessary. Those hard consonants emphase the words with strong emotional relations, like "rakkaus", which means love. Love in a way you can't even describe in english language, like father loves ones child. This image also shows the meaning of rakkaus with it's double homicide in desperate situation.

Nice to know; Tolkien elven is basically finnish, with little exceptions.

Also pros:
>One folk

I am an ethnic libertarian as well, soon as we get rid of disturbing elements who cause unrest from within the country, we can live without ever breaking the NAP.

But he does have a point in that NATO countries are pawns of american influence.
And we should learn by now that alliances causes world wars.

>What are some cons, my dudes?
Swedish cucks and feminist. It will be ok after we kill them all: about 70% of the population

Only if we ban ex Swedish citizens from voting for the first 100 years.

Who are you people?

That flag. This is what happened last time you guys tried "Nordic republic" in Finland. Gtfo.

>Implying norway and denmark doesn't have as many cucks as sweden

Norway's the biggest loser in all of this, having to share their oil with all the rest of you.

Not to mention that they were ruled by Denmark and Swede for much of their history.

The union would also be Swede dominated because of Sweden's population.

What are you talking about? NATO makes us your pawns by us subsidizing your defense. The US should be getting the fuck out of NATO.

>I am an ethnic libertarian as well
Well then I am sorry for you. This is a fascist board and you seem to have failed to learn anything from all the redpills posted here.

You guys have some cool stuff going on. I like your culture.

What exactly does Perkele mean? I understand it's some kind of curse word and tends to get used like we use 'Fuck,' but where'd it come from?

>Implying christianity is nordic

You guys weren't even vikangz n shit

>tfw not Norse

>common military
>conscription to everyone
>gun right
actually do it
cleanest western union

lmao never ever

>have to interact and share burdens with anyone else other than other finns
>part of any nordic union is not REAL independence. Whether it's the Warsaw Pact, EU, le Nordic superpower, it's all the same shit in a different package. Finland wants to be Finland and a neutral one, that's it.

However, if you two ever get around forming a Denmark-Norway-Sweden whatever, you can use your influence to pressure us to weed out the shit and show how nationalism is a great thing and we should totally do it too. Maybe special trade deals too.

Ye they are really that good. Got to appreciate that. We have traditional european markets here at summer time, and there are basically authentic products from those locals (belgium waffel guys were really belgium, the english cheddar guy was traditional old english fella) handicrafts. You guys have that in Norway too I think?

Too bad they included turkey in "european markets", but the turkish guys were good and based

Fuck off

>new unions formed will be only made of countries that are culturally and economically similar

Come now, Nigel - it shouldn't take someone with a masters degree in anthropology to see that people want to be in groups with similar people, cultures etc... The idea that We're in a union with people like the Greeks or Bulgarians is outrageous. The fact that Turkey has EU membership on the table is completely ludicrous, my grandfather is rolling over in his grave at the moment. Not that it ever will, but if it does I'm fully prepared to go Brevik.

>fugg ov :-DD

Can't ever unsee it

There no genus policy in Norway or Denmark. Sure they have migration cucks, but sweden had taken this to a whole new level. The outcome will sadly be the same for all three countries if changes aren't made.