Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Christian board and no amount of r/atheism invasions will ever change that.

Enjoy arguing with Gaytheists, enjoy watching them squabble and show they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old. Enjoy them failing again and again. Enjoy this because you are better than them Sup Forums, and you always will be.

Deus Vult.

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>believing in zombie Palestinian fairy tales

Kek (also known as Kuk) was a God invented and worshipped by shitskins.

Look at who voted for Trump. It wasn't atheists, or liberals, it was White Christians.

Worship your brown god all you want, you're only harming yourself.

>fairy tales

>fairy tales

>buying into the WE WUS KANGZ shit

Besides Donald Trump can't even name his favorite bible verse. He was always a kek worshiper

>White Christians.

Kek is the Lord of primordial darkness, AKA the Titan Chaos - the primordial void.


"Hearing that Zach lost his son really struck a nerve with me, especially because I'm the one who killed him."



I never understood why people kicked up such a stink about the 2 Corinthians thing.

People in Australia say it 'two' but apparently Americans normally say 'second'? Big deal. His mum was Scottish so he probably picked it up from her.

christcucks are so retarded that they think falling for a centuries old jewish lie is a redpill because of some teenaged edgelords

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN board and no amount of r/atheism or r/catholicism invasions will ever change that.

Please provide archeological evidence of zombie Palestinians existence please
>mfw americans are this cucked by the jews they actually worship one as god

Tell me 3 redpilled atheist spokesmen

Have you try reading this?


This as fuck

If a single one of you Christcucks could provide one single coherent argument that couldn't be debunked by someone with a third grade education I would be blown away.

Do you got any logic for your position or is it all just. "LE FAIRYTALE!!!1 upboat plz" fallacies and non-arguements

>Book of ancient myths assembed by Kings and the wealthy to control the population

and to think people are still falling for this meme today

>If a single one of you Christcucks could provide one single coherent argument that couldn't be debunked by someone with a third grade education I would be blown away.

You need a more advanced education to see God at work.

We'll still pray for you, user.

Which one?

>so they fit every animal in the boat and they didn't eat each other and only 2 ever survived so all the species of land animals that ever existed came from this giant boat

Yeah, I'll take bullshit for $2 thanks

You're the one who believes that we are all being cucked by an all powerful wizard living in the sky who created the entire universe yet somehow gives a shit if two people have sex before marriage and a bunch of other meaningless irrelevant bullshit... Who REALLY needs to explain their beliefs here?


you got any proof of those claims?


no thanks, read some Richard Dawkins you dumbass

>Not believing in miracles

I will still pray that you find the Lord someday.

LARPing as much fun as it looks?

>they have the theological knowledge of a 12 year old

I've always thought that this one sounded a bit like accusing someone of not believing in Dungeons and Dragons because they haven't memorised the rulebook to Dungeons and Dragons.

"Kings" -
LMFAO - Caesar is king, not Caiaphas.


"Now the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth." - Numbers 12:3


>atheists only have a third grade education

Explains so much

>Le strawman

Back to facebook godcuck

>LARPing as much fun as it looks?

>Deus vult fags
>Not LARPers

The only Miracle is that people are actually stupid enough to take this shit literally

>still resorting to ad hom when I asked for scientific evidence

You fedoras are like pidgeons playinf chess I swear to God.

>whores and gays spread dieases and bad morals


What's your political ideology?

> read some Richard Dawkins you dumbass

>he doesn't think the miracle of the sun happened

Poor atheist life must be so sad.

imagine not living in a predominantly christian country

>believing in ancient jewish science fiction
m8 I only believe in the gospel of rob bradbury

Oh yes the ever redpilled #NeverTrumper Richard (((Dawkins))) who wants refugees to be put in the USA

>Muh hat meme

Well I am in uni studying religious studies but of course you won't believe me so I will just say that basically, while Christianity was persecuted in the Roman Empire Eusebius started figuring out which books were accepted by which Churches. There was overlap but also a lot of controversy.

Then when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, A council of government officials used this list to basically decide which ones were official and which ones weren't. They chose the books they did because they knew certain books would speak better to certain demographics i.e. the gospel of Mark was chosen because it would be most convincing to a traditional Roman audience, Luke to the Greeks, etc. It was basically designed to cuck as many people as possible. It's not some holy text. It was put together by a bunch of wealthy fat fucks with control over a large population in mind.

Man is meant to live in communion with the Holy Spirit.

You know Christianity is a joke when the only thing that christians use when faced with an argument is a hat

>Asking for scientific evidence for a made up thing

Where is your scientific evidence of the little invisible green man that lives in your city? Can't give me any, he exists.

Are all christcucks this retarded?

>Render unto Ceasar
>This is compatible with my political ambitions
>retards too busy submitting to riveting tales of zombies and promises of magic bread and endless wine.
>put to death any opposing, irritating naysayers as heretics

Yes totally not a governmental control mechanism

During His lifetime, no persons were described as "Jews" anywhere. That fact is supported by theology, history and science. When Jesus was in Judea, it was not the "homeland" of the ancestors of those who today style themselves "Jews". Their ancestors never set a foot in Judea. They existed at that time in Asia, their "homeland", and were known as Khazars. In none of the manuscripts of the original Old or New Testament was Jesus described or referred to as a "Jew". The term originated in the late eighteenth century as an abbreviation of the term Judean and refers to a resident of Judea without regard to race or religion, just as the term "Texan" signifies a person living in Texas.

In spite of the powerful propaganda effort of the so-called "Jews", they have been unable to prove in recorded history that there is one record, prior to that period, of a race religion or nationality, referred to as "Jew". The religious sect in Judea, in the time of Jesus, to which self-styled "Jews" today refer to as "Jews", were known as "Pharisees". "Judaism" today and "Pharisaism" in the time of Jesus are the same.

Jesus abhorred and denounced "Pharisaism"; hence the words, "Woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites, Ye Serpents, Ye Generation of Vipers".

>my (((professor))) says Christianity was used to oppress and also states white people are evil and jews dindu nuffin

>trusting communist universities to be fair and balanced on tradirions of the white race

You could've just cut shit short and said you were a liberal/progressive

>atheists only have a third grade education
>Explains so much

The digits speak the truth.

Be honest with us user, how many women have you had sex with?

This is the ultimate red pill

I'm not an atheist, I just don't believe in all Palestinian fairy tales.

>implying atheists deserve an argument


Who the fuck cares about what flavour of sand nigger they were.


>I can't disprove it with anyblogic or reasoning so heres more ad hom and insults


Nice school project btw :^) you are good at rapping.

Go back to atheist cieclejerk subreddit you faggot lefty.

>muh lets analyse zombie palestinians words until they don't mean what they mean

tl;dr no thanks.

Atheists are literally subhuman.

>implying the just saying "everything in thay book is a fairytale" is an agurement

So my university education is invalid because some fucker on Sup Forums who jerks off to jewish conspiracy tard theories said so? seems legit

Stay ignorant if you want, fine by me.

>Ignorant because no brainwashed by tl;dr
Whatever helps you sleep at night, cuck.

>being lazy and close minded to anything that may prove you wrong


Your post isn't Jesus approved so you don't matter heretic.

Jesus sucks my cock

For the revolution

>closed minded
If you write enough on a subject you can convince retards that words don't mean what they mean which is one of the tools of the zombie palestinian cult for millennia.
That and burning anyone who disagreed at the stake.

Let's be honest, no one sucks you cock, right atheist?

Everyone knows that Jesus was a communist. Only americans and their social control program believe in their Jesus wants me to be rich, fuck the poor dogshit.

Thousands of deities worshipped by man throughout history.

Don't worry though, yours is the one true god.

>heh, typical atheist resorts to ad hom and can't give evidence...
>that fucking neckbeard eighth grader

The physical amount of autism

Sure thing kiddo

At least D&D is fairly consistent.

You willingly didn't read anything he posted because it may challenge your worldview. That is the definition of closed minded.

Stay cucked lefty

I know, because of the documented eye witness accounts in the Bible and ongoing miracles to this day (Miracle of the Sun, for example)

Must suck not having the right religion.

>How dare you not read shitty propoganda to brainwash yourself. You must be ignorant.

Ok m8. Zombie Palestinian that turns water into fermented grape juice and magically made fish and bread appear before being killed by the Romans then came back to life, but nobody saw except 5-6 people is much more plausible.

That picture is a false dichotomy. The militant religious nuts did their foul deeds because of their religious. No evil has ever been done in the name of atheism.

>starts arguement with adhom but expects others to not go to your level.

Yeah and after coming back to life, instead of taking over the world and destroying the evil roman empire and ridding the world of hunger and suffering, He went back into the sky and asked his followers to spread news about his being alive instead.

Wow thanks god for your amazing grace and salvation.

>inb4 God works in mysterious ways

Reminder that when it becomes cool to be christian again that Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole will flop back to atheism.

>everything that isn't my worldview is brainwashed propoganda.

You atheist act like lefties.

>what is communism

I'm not arguing a claim

You know how retarded it is to post a meme waifu to bait people into a religion? You really think they are going to fall for that you cunt?

Religion is a fucking stupid ass meme that will be phased out once the world passes a certain education and economic threshold.

>Implies communism is inherently atheistic and that religious people cannot be communist

holy fuck dude

All these atheists stating Sup Forums is only contrarian with 1 ID

after THIS /leftypol/ picture got posted

Makes me think

>brainwashed propaganda

m8 the only people who take this shit seriously is brainwashed sheep.

I have interest in all forms of worldviews, but I'm not convinced by wordy self-referential circular logic.

He's obviously referring to Marxist communism. You're just being pedantic.

>communist countries force atheism or else you get death/gulag

>not inheritantly atheistic

Jesus was an Anarcho-communist

>Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

>Inb4 Jesus didn't really mean this, it's just rhetoric to get himself elected.

>I'm not convinced by wordy self-referential circular logic
If you actually read the article, you would realize how much of a tard you are being.

What's your political beliefs?

What's your opinion on gay rights?

Do you know jews own the banks?

Are you pro-gun control?

How was that in any way obvious? Are you able to magically read the minds of anons across the world?

Also, Marx was an athiest who happened to creat arxist communism. The two are not linked. He did not creat Marxist communism because of his athiesm.

ISIS will suicide bomb innocent people because theu believe it is the will of Allah. Christians commited the crusades as well as countless other atrocities because they believed it was God's will.

Marx did not create his manifesto to please athiesm. He created his manifesto and also happened to be an athiest. I don't know how I could make this any simpler for you

>What's your political beliefs?
I want what's best for me

>What's your opinion on gay rights?
I think they want whats best for them, IDC as long as they don't inject me with AIDS

>Do you know the jews own the banks?
Nah banks are owned by shareholders

>Are you pro-gun control
Americans are stupid, stupid people shouldn't own guns.

>misquoting the bible
>he was totes communist goy, even though communism didn't exiat until more than one thousand years after his death

>Jesus was elected

Holy fuck even other fedorafag atheist would know you are wrong on that ome

>the largest demographic provided the most votes for a candidate

truly increbdbidble