Trump made such a stink before the election that the whole thing was rigged, then silence when he wins...

Trump made such a stink before the election that the whole thing was rigged, then silence when he wins. Now he's claiming he would have won the popular vote if it weren't for 3 million illegal votes.

He provides no evidence of his claims, but continues to cry about it constantly. Do Trump supporters buy this, or are you just shrugging it off as "Trump bein' Trump"? Is there any evidence that all these illegals voted, or are you just willing to believe anything as long as it's about the evil left trying to destroy America?

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he's just keeping the lefties in a rage, i'm sure they're all having good laughs about it over in trump tower

I think of it as conjecture. Maybe not win the popular vote, but it would likely be a lot closer.

Because back in 2008, 3 million illegals voted.

As a Libertarian I knew I was fucked either way in this election, I'm really trying to get on board with Trump but he's making it so damn hard man.

The emails were what really did it. It's not as much that the public trusted Trump, it's that they didn't trust Hilary. The media and almost every celebrity or public figure backed Hilary as a god even though she barely if ever addressed issues that affected real people in their everyday lives. Trump spoke to the people and made jobs, homeland security and law and order a priority. That's what matters to the "common folk" Hilary always acted like she was above and ruled over. Trump acted like America's tough but fair no bullshit billionaire grandpa who nobody could outwit or contest.

Oop, never mind all that, I did my fact checking and found out I was wrong, sorry.

Brietbart. It was brietbart. And their fake news.

That was a good answer to the wrong question there maplebro. I understand all of that, I was just asking about this particular incident.

Is it true that normally assorted military votes don't get counted because by the time they get overseas, the election is done?

I just wanted him to lock her up.


Here's some better hypocrisy:

The left claims that Donald Trump should stand down when he loses, but then he wins; and they refuse to stand down.

Instead they double down on retarded concepts such as "HE WOULDNT HAVE WON IF RUSSIA DIDN'T RIG THE ELECTION WITH FAKE NEWS!!!!" and "fuckin white racists the popular vote should be the only vote that matters".

Then they come onto Sup Forums to bitch and show everyone how hilarious salty they are that he won. Are you one of those people, OP? because I can smell your pumpkin spice latte from here you wretched loser.

In the 21st century they can't manage that? Not buying it.

Can you actually prove every single vote Hillary got was legally obtained?

Yea pretty much. I'm just trying to understand this election man.

Uh yea sure. That is factually correct. Not what I was fucking asking though. Do you people just have copypasta deflections on hotkey?

I dunno I'm still reading what posted

>then silence when he wins
>now claiming he would have won popular vote
Do you see how these two statements contradict each other?

>I'm really trying to get on board with Trump but he's making it so damn hard man.
The liberals want to exterminate the White race. Trump's policies would slow that extermination down a bit.
For that reason alone you should support him.

That and he triggers the fuck out of the anti-Whites.

This. Hillary was rotten to the core, and every time something new came out against her: it just got worse.

It's why CNN tried a desperate damage control attempt to claim it was illegal to view the emails unless you were part of the protected Media class.

It all boils down to the left putting the WORST candidate forward and getting knocked down for it. Instead of realizing their mistake, they're doing the little baby thing and throwing a temper tantrum to find imaginary reasons that they lost instead of the obvious reason they lost.

The empress had no clothes, it seems. But that must clearly be Russia's fault.

>Do you people just have copypasta deflections on hotkey?
Are you going to address how hilariously hypocritical it is to complain about Trump whining about rigging, but then having your entire political movement proclaiming that Russia rigged the election?

Going to address that?
Stop deflecting you latte-sucking hipster.

he didnt mean that the election is rigged in its literal sense, like having people change ballots or something. He meant that the election is rigged in the sense that the msm and other mainstream figures portray the whole election season and the republicans in particular.

Idiot. He literally tweeted just days ago that millions of illegals voted.

Because it's so hard to believe Hillary would try to steal the election, right?

rig - manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to produce a result or situation that is advantageous to a particular person.

it was rigged. did you not see the absolutely one sided media coverage? they gave clinton a huge advantage in perceived "public opinion".

and he still won

didnt james okeefe provide plenty of evidence thisbwas going on?

yes..yes he did.

>The liberals want to exterminate the White race. Trump's policies would slow that extermination down a bit.
Don't be ridiculous. If anything, liberals want to exterminate the Black race, given how their support of abortion has led to black birth rates plummeting.

Almost quints. Sad!

Jill Stein raises nearly $9M over alleged fraud in 3 states with no evidence and lefties are butthurt about the lack of evidence for Trumps claims, which he isnt even acting on.
>Just a small dose of the hypocrisy from the left.

Obama and Hillary made such a stink about it not being rigged, and now it's all Russian hackers and recounts so what's your point? Both sides are insufferable faggots that just say whatever benefits them at any given time.

Should have just read the abstract

>In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the
frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections.
Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United
States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of
voter registration. This study examines participation rates by non-citizens using a nationally
representative sample that includes non-citizen immigrants. We find that some
non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough
to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional
elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote
needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama
administration priorities in the 111th Congress.

But Trump said that millions of people voted illegally. Any true patriot would go through with a recount. We can't allow our voting process to be jeopardized, unless you're a why bitch who's not confident that you really won.

Eight years, fucko. Settle in for EIGHT YEARS.

>He provides no evidence of his claims, but continues to cry about it constantly

I wouldn't say constantly, he made one comment about it. Also the democrats are the ones out trying to get recounts when they don't have proof either. So, yeah.

Also, who gives a shit who won the popular vote anyways.

OP do you think that illegals DIDN"T VOTE in our election illegally ?

obviously some did, it's just a matter of HOW MANY

Trump says it's 3 million. There are 11 million illegals in our country, so it's not that unreasonable of a hypothesis...

I already said I'm a Libertarian. I knew I was fucked either way but I couldn't stand to vote Trump or Hillary.

Just answer the OP: do you believe that he won the popular vote based on the 3 million voting illegals that may or may not exist. The article that linked is looking like not anywhere close to 3 million. I haven't seen any other evidence to support this. Do you just believe it at face value or is it "Trump bein' Trump"?

read the OP. Do you believe it?

We are going through with a recount, on 3 states that Trump won. What is the result so far you might ask? Well, Trump is gaining even more votes due to errors being found and missing ballots.

Exactly! It would be good for Trump to use this as a way to expand his legitimacy and stand behind his words before the election.

I don't think it matters anyway because the popular vote isn't what determines the election.

Since I can't prove those three million illegals do or don't exist, then I have no standing to claim that Hillary received three million illicit votes.

Not that it matters anyway.

The much more obvious attempt at 'rigging' would have been the constant and nonstop media coverage of Trump being overwhelmingly negative (the same media companies that were found to be giving money to the DNC and hatching backroom deals to character assassinate Bernie Sanders?) while Clinton got overwhelmingly positive coverage.

You can load dice and still have them end up on snake-eyes occasionally.

Exactly. Trump should have jumped on board with this.

I wouldn't argue for the popular vote to matter. The electoral college protects a few small pockets from running the whole country.

Trump's media coverage was deserved. He lied constantly on camera about other things he said on fucking camera, it was infantile. Or maybe he played the MSM like a fiddle. I'm of the opinion that stupid people don't become president. He was a repugnant human being and the negative media coverage was deserved. The lack of holding Hillary accountable was bullshit though.

Imagine if the liberals had put forth Bernie Sanders. I don't know if I could have voted for him but he was a respectable guy, even if he did lick Hillary's boot after the primaries. He should have run to the Green party. He might have won. He would have gotten way more coversage than Gary Johnson.

>trump claims there were illegal votes
>"no evidence"
Trump is a fucktard and he hates you and us

>hillary and stein claim Russia hacked the election
>literally no evidence of hacking

Hillary is a patriot fighting for the dignity of elections!

Liberal logic is fucking autism

>Trump's media coverage was deserved.
It really wasn't, is the thing. He lied constantly on camera, but most politicians do that. Hillary especially was caught with several bold-faced lies about her connections to the Clinton foundation and her actions as secretary of State. Not to mention the entire email scandal being buried as time went on.

Of course, no one reported on that part. They just wanted to report about what brand new minority Trump offended in his latest tweet.

>Imagine if the liberals had put forth Bernie Sanders.
They would have won the election. I don't like Bernie, and I hate his communist leanings; but he was way better than Hillary. He had less skeletons in his closet and it would have been way harder to pull up anything recent on him as being a bad thing without going waaaaay back to the 60's when he was a die-hard che-shirt wearing communist waving the red flag while he marched in the civil rights protests.

And I agree with what you say about Gary because that guy had the perfect opportunity to put the Libertarian party on the map and he pissed it away by lacking any sort of self-awareness or political knowledge. If the libs got 5%, they would have become a legitimate third party entitled to debate spots and funding from the board of elections for 2020.

Shame it didn't work out that way. I think this election more than ever proved that the two party system ultimately doesn't work.

Trump winning the election doesn't invalidate his claim of rigging, it just means he won so hard that the rigging wasn't enough. Also why would illegals not vote? We know there are illegals in the country, we know that it is possible for them to vote, and we have statistics from previous years with which we can ballpark the amount of illegals who voted. Further more Guessing who those illegals voted for is pretty easy. One party promises to let illegals come in and wants to give them free shit, the other wants to ship them back where they came from and defend the countries borders. How exactly is the claim of illegals voting wrong? Please walk me though it, I must be too much of a stupid conservative to carry out the required mental gymnastics

Conservatives do the same shit. It's all in groups and out groups. My group is trying to save America, your group is trying to destroy it. It's so obvious!

>I'm a Libertarian

>not going for the states like Commiefornia where they have millions of illegals and next to nothing regarding voter ID..
>focusing on states with nearly equal number of votes for both candidates
>he won
>focus on those 3 guys!

Yeah, no.


A recount wouldn't get rid of the millions of votes from illegals in california because california just straight up lets them legit register to vote

Burgers about to get cucked by big daddy Trump. He's going to be deep dicking their Lady Liberty live on TV in the oval office and they'll all clap and cheer him on shouting "Good jahb! Good jahb!".

Probably with an array of burgers delicately placed on their stomach, so they never have to take their eyes off Trump cucking them.

It proved the two party system doesn't work and it proved that we're going to need reform from within to break it. We came as close as we've ever come to breaking through that 5% barrier. Next election people will just fall back in line with their respective parties. We need to abolish the arbitrary requirements for getting into the first debate, and use better polls for the ones that determine entry into the debates. A lot of the polls used for getting into the debates vastly undersampled Millennials, which helped shut out both Plant Lady and Aleppo.

>Trump's media coverage was deserved.

>He called every Mexican rapists!
>He said he sexually assaults women!
>He wants to murder homosexuals!
>He wants to fuck his daughter!
>Misogynist and xenophobic bigot! Muslims are now a race!

Go sit in the corner and put on your dunce cap.

Clinton made such a stink after the election that the whole thing was rigged, but silence before she lost. Now she's claiming she would have won the election if it weren't for the l33t Russian hackers.

She provides no evidence of his claims, but continues to cry about it constantly. Do Clinton supporters buy this, or are you just shrugging it off as "Clinton bein' Clinton"? Is there any evidence that all these Russions hacked, or are you just willing to believe anything as long as it's about the evil right trying to destroy America?

Yup. Also thousands of voter confirmation rolls were returned in Nevada in just 1 county alone. Virginia authorized thousands of felons to vote. No recount done in those states.

>Don't be ridiculous. If anything, liberals want to exterminate the Black race, given how their support of abortion has led to black birth rates plummeting.
Blacks have a replacement birth rate. Blacks are fine being the welfare slaves of the Dem party.

Whites will cease to exist under Liberal beliefs.

If he had participated he could have gotten recounts in those states AND stood behind his words. Instead he proved he didn't believe it himself.

Yes. It is extremely hypocritical. Good thing I'm not a Hillary supporter or I'd give a shit.

>le ebin cheeto meme
fuck off glenn beck

Man I forgot about that. He got so much free coverage by being the most hated man in America. And yet the left found someone worse.......

He didn't need a recount. Merely pointing out the fact that this whole situation is retarded when the democratic party is home to millions of illegal voters doesn't mean he needs to participate. It was a poor move to not get involved but don't act like it is necessary in regards to pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

>He provides no evidence of his claims

are you really so stupid to think there aren't tens of millions of illegal aliens in the US right now, or so stupid to think they wouldn't vote against a guy that wants to deport them and build a wall to prevent them from coming right back?

cause judging by the OP, you're that stupid

Someone should have told him about the tunnels.

>It proved the two party system doesn't work
The two party system works perfectly fine.

If you're one of two parties.

>le lolbertarian meme


But to answer the thread, Trump (and supporters who propagates the same) provides no evidence because there is no evidence to provide. The 3 million illegal voter lie is rooted in a tweet from some fly-by-night voter fraud goofball a few days after the election and got promoted by people and in sites dedicated to being water carriers for Trump.

They do this in order to scrap together the appearance of a clear mandate (from that landslide Trump likes to talk about) in what actually was a miracle of a win, the margin of victory being about a razor's edge 1.5% or even less in several swing states (Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan).

you don't understand how this politics thingie works, do you?


okay, since you seem to be genuinely clueless, here a protipp:

in politics, ACTUAL right or wrong and true or false are de facto secondary. it's all about portraying your own actions as fully justified and interpreting everything you can in your own favor while depicting your opponent as horrible as possible (and semi-plausible, it needn't be more than that).

why does it work? people are afraid of insisting on the truth and still losing anyway, thus making them look naive. it's safer to side with the biggest bullshitter.

yes, people are cowards.

stop crying

Partisan useful idiots of either camp support the political lies of their respective sides and excuse those of their brand who tell comforting lies to supporters in order to get ahead, and then everyone at some other point stands around and scratches their over how things continue to trend, as most people call it, in the wrong direction?

>implying this "works," for any but the leader of the respective camps

>no evidence of his claims

have you fucks not seen the o'keefe videos yet? democrat leaders admitting to rigging votes for 50 fucking years

now fuck off

>Trump is a fucktard and he hates you and us
Gonna need a source on that claim faggot.

Because the election was rigged for Trump.

even these cucks admit it. all drver license applications also provide for voter registration.

Try again

shit shill thread