Britpol general

>britpol general
>Trump general
>left general
>Christian general
>Clinton Foundation general
>Praise kek! xD
>let's all roleplay that #pizzagate is actually real!
>anyone who disagrees with me or with anything Trump has done is a paid Clinton shill
>Ted Cruz is actually based now!
>infowars and Breitbart are good news sources!
>I love Milo! He represents us alt-righters!

How do we chemo /The_Donald/ cancer that has plagued Sup Forums since the election started? I voted for Trump too but the people who have flocked to Sup Forums recently are turning Sup Forums into literally r.e.d.d.i.t. but with racism.

Brit/pol/ is a thread of peace.

Trump is the president, better to have a general than the catalog be 100% Trump happenings whenever he sneezes

this post is multiple layers of shilling and false flag b8, I'm somewhat impressed.

no generals for tweets happenings

t. Buttblasted concern troll who doesn't want to redpill normies

t. blairite/milkman supporter

brit/pol/ dates back to the medevil period burger, know your history

The_Donald is a Sup Forums colony faggot. Although I agree that Reditards need to GTFO

Looks like user doesn't want to evolve and mature but instead revert Sup Forums back to an autistic screeching echo chamber

I agree doh

Praise kek

P.S what is the alt-right ?

Hello CTR

>/brit/pol not general
>christian general

>the_donald cancer
Fuck you. You know damn well these were here well before this bullshit kek trump clinton alt right literal white knighting LARP faggotry.

>I voted for Trump too
Sure you did, reddito.

Fuck you. You know damn well that there are more people on Sup Forums that belong on reddit than there are redditors that are from Sup Forums. You are one of the fags that needs to go back.

Fuck off Ahmed, I've never even been to Plebbit before.

what do you mean revert it back into an autistic echo chamber? it's never been more autistic or more of an echo chamber than it is now

all generals on Sup Forums are reddit trash, just look at britpol, it's basically just a few autists treating a thread like an IRC chat

>reddit reddit Reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit

Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit Reddit

Maybe you fucking should, it's a lot closer to what you think Sup Forums is.

the problem is all the tripfags

This is Reddit. This is memes. This is Reddit. This is memes.

Le this.

>people who have flocked to Sup Forums recently are turning Sup Forums into literally r.e.d.d.i.t. but with racism.
It's not even real racism. It's edgy "only some black people are niggers. Blacks who wear MAGA hats are based and IQ is a social construct anyway" racism. These people have never read anything about racial differences and I'm pretty sure none of them went to college so they don't even have a Marxist rebuttal to factual claims about race. They are very low IQ and the quality of content on this board really shows it. I am embarrassed to be a part of this. And you just know throughout Trump's presidency they will support him no matter what he does because they really don't know shit about shit and just wanted a strong leader to lead them. These are the idiots who think LEGAL immigration is somehow better than illegal immigration and don't realize the wall was just symbolic of whites standing up for our interests again, they think the wall is actually going to change anything in an impactful way. When the Trump campaign began most of us here realized that going after Illegal immigrants was just a way to appeal to the normies who implicitly knew that the browning of America was not good for them but were too stupid to articulate it in explicit terms. We were the vanguards fighting for what was best for them. Now they are here in large numbers trying to control the show. They need to get the fuck out of here so we can save them from themselves


the reddit problem is real

If pizza gate isn't real then why did milo get his event censored from talking about it?

>washington D.C. area code phone calls before the event

fuck off CTR

because it's extremely slanderous nonsense? and some nut just brought a gun to the pizza shop and almost killed people?

>tl:dr - How do we fix Sup Forums?
Answer, pic related.

Lurk more

Anyone else notice ...they... are doubling down on the
>pizzagate isnt real!
after that actor got arrested?