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Fucking kill him Texas I know you won't disappoint us

the fuck is this shit

As a Texan who voted Trump, this makes my fucking blood boil.

So he is supposed to pick trump for his constituency because trump wins but wont?
How can you mot dox this faggot and make gis life hell.

He is literally undermining the system.

Take him.out now

put his name/address in his local rants&raves on craigslist and let's see what happens


If the Electors do their job, on December 19th, they will elect someone fit for the Presidency. Our founding fathers created the Electoral College in part to insure that an unfit candidate, regardless of the will of the people, would never be elected President. Trump is clearly and obviously unfit as he has no relevant political experience and is already showing that he has no good intuition for the job. If he's elected on December 19th, it will be an absolute failure on the part of the electors and the low water mark in US presidential elections.
If they do elect him, I'd be surprised to see him make it through a single term without impeachment.

riot his fucking nieghborhood texas, this is not to be tolerated

>Trump isn't a True Conservativeā„¢, I refuse to vote for him, let me vote for Kasich instead!

Stfu leaf
Your faggot pm is unfit for bull prepper

lol only 36 more needed


I support this.

Signed t. #ImWithHer

Some patriot should...

I always put zero stock in this whole "force the electoral voters to vote for a different guy...." thing. It smacked of the usually liberal crying and it hasn't happened even ONE time since 1787. So it's never happened.

But if this article is genuine and not fake news, we are truly living in strange times gents.

>T R A I T O R
You misspelled "patriot".


Was he promised a lifetime supply of Eggo waffles or something?


>one faggot elector that will probably end up getting shot is voting for Kasich and not Clinton
>there still has too be 37 electoral swings for Clinton to win
>deadline is eight days from now

Trump is going to win or America is going to have a civil war.

If digits, Trump wins Electoral College in a LandSlide and we see Electors from Hillary States go for Trump

I'm over 40 and have lived in as well as seen a ton of different country's (it's my job). And I'd agree with you.

I truly think we'd have a very brief actual shooting war if Trump isn't formally chosen on the 19th.

dude really likes baseball, also his name is Ukrainian


Fuck off leaf faggot.

The us will collapse if trump is not elected. Dollar will halve overnight. Markets will crash. Businesses will close. Gangs will riot and loot. Right and left wing groups will become active.
Police will refuse to patrol.
Firefighters will let ghetos burn (no police presence)
Freeways will shut down.

American city's have 3 days worth of food in them at any given time....

Look at those problem glasses

What a faggot




Shut up, Leaf. The whole "51st" state is a running joke - we don't want you.

you failed
look at my dgits they prove hilary will be madam president

Drumpf BTFO!
It's over, looks like SHE will be OUR new president after all! take that racist white people.


>it hasn't happened even ONE time since 1787. So it's never happened.
Faithless electors are a thing, but there's never been more than 1 or 2 in an election.
In the 2000 election one of the DC electors pledged to Gore refused to vote and her vote wasn't counted; in 2004, one of the Minnesota electors pledged to Kerry voted for John Edwards instead.

Agreed. I know many. many thoroughly angry people who will start with the local Democratic party HQ, and move out, burning, shooting and hanging.

When the facade falls, so does public restraint.

Someone wants the U.S in a state of civil war, and is working toward that goal.

I wonder what Angry OG Grandpa has to say about this cuck.

>My state was decisively Trump but FUCK YOU I don't like him he's a big fat meanie!!!

Didn't Texas vote for Cruz?

keep the hood safe h

>faithless elector casting vote for kasich
it's like you're not even trying

He doesn't seem like a very political person but it seems that becoming an elector made him very vain and arrogant.


yeah, in the primary...

>Hillary change 0
>Trump 305
>Kasich 1

Wew, really big deal here

Good, now the delusional faggots just need 35 more

All jokes aside, this idiot will do his trick and be ostracized from the Republican party. The Texas state legislature should have chosen people with more stakes in this.


Awfully brave of him to do this and write an article about it and not even say his name.

Hillary lost one in Washington

>kill white people

Something doesn't add up here Ivan







get a fucking clue, moron

You are odd.

> Ukrainian
Unsurprising. The Merkel-loving Turkshit country


No we do not.

Apparently the strategy is just to push him below 270. That's what the recounts are also for

Christopher Suprun

America is one massive joke, everything about their people and culture is just a fucking parody of itself.

I'm sorry, where is your country again?

Are you retarded?

I'm fucking dying. The only way it could be better is if it was JEB!
>yfw all republican electors pick Kaisch and his "wait and hope for a miracle" strategy pays off

>not Jeb

Are you a Turkrainian rapefugee in Poland?


If this was the truth, then WHY are they allowing him to actually transition into the White House by picking nominees?

Kasich was the only real republican in this election, so I approve.

It rocks. our entire history so far can be summed up with "do something with no forethought and determination" and "get lucky that it worked"

Literally just an extremely lucky short sighted optimist embodied as a nation.

>the comment section
Sup Forums seems sane in comparison to these normies.

Are you retarded?

What a fucking tool. Texas was always going to vote GOP, this guy hopefully loses any political connections he has and faces punishment, legal or otherwise vigilante.

how the fuck are ukrainians turkic merkellovers


1 shitpost by this id

precious content there, you worthless niggershit

You lost a war against Emus

>otherwise vigilante


in texas nonetheless

even if hes packing, in one year or less him and his family will be forgotten by the media, and his house going on fire with the entire family inside wont even make the local news

keep track of the infidels and shills, when the time is right you will be surprised how many infos are out on these people

the list is updated hourly

you just wait

Trump was fun to meme. I've been here in the beginning memeing with you for trump to win the nomination. I continued to do it during the general election as well. I had some of the best times of my life right here during this election.

Look here folks,leaf is right. Trump can't magically change things. Our economies are so integrated that it would cause a total economic collapse if trump implements his ideas into the real world.Fortunately the EC will do their job and elect a true principled and experienced president for our country. look folks,he's getting ass-hurt over a talk show. Pissing off liberals is a littler different then pissing off countries with nukes.The establishment will do the right thing on the 19th. With that said I'm renouncing my vote for Trump and I'm now a Kasich cuck

Keep the hood safe H

>leaf is right
stopped reading this shit


its gonna be 8 years of tears, and your butthurt and shitposting is truly the gift never stops giving, like my saging

You realize none of that will happen right? You also realize of all the eligible voters in the country only 1/3 voted for Trump. This means that the other 2/3 would not tolerate the riots of the 1/3. Now what could happen which would be interesting, is a military coup by Trump and all his military supporters. With the 1/3 supporting him and troops taking orders I think they could pull it off.

>Implying Texans should get to vote

literally who?

>the other 2/3 would not tolerate the riots

the 2/3 numale without guns yes

this is gonna be funny you fucking shithead

And the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Live free or die, faggot.


This guy has been shitting up other threads too. He's probably a proxyfag.

and a bad one at that really

Congratulations Serbia, you are on a hit list now. Expect huge changes coming your way soon. Tactless!

Hey! It's the other Balkan shill!

How does Sebiashill's dick taste?

Shit bait thread, by the way. I know it was you who made it.

Go change your proxy.

>Live free or die

That should be the whole nation's motto. Plus, the state where the motto came from, New Hampshire, is probably one of the most American states, despite being won by Clinton (which was due to ballot stuffing or something like that).

Frankly we'd take Mexico first; but we're holding out remote hope that Australia wants to join the Union by treaty as did Texas.

Don't you have a KING to mourn or something?


fucking hohol's need to learn their place


obviously bullshit, all those firefighters died of cancer years ago

Thanks for the scoop, Scoop!

I'll be more than happy to fuck his world up if he causes a civil war with his stupidity.
Texas is not the right place to be playing these kinds of games.


>without impeachment.

what fucking difference does that make? they impeached Clinton did he leave office?


I hope he likes watching his wife get murdered and raped with hot iron rod


>Trump can't magically change things

he can with the aid of our meme magic


>of all the eligible voters in the country only 1/3 voted for Trump.

2/3 voted for him,

> Fifteen years ago, as a firefighter, I was part of the response to the Sept. 11 attacks against our nation.

Bullshit. No way this faggot was ever a fireman anywhere near the WTC on 9/11, I even doubt he's a presidential elector. This whole story sounds like bullshit.

This fucker already announced he was doing this months ago. Google that shit.
The left is regurgitating old news.