When your kid ruins thousands of years of heritage

>When your kid ruins thousands of years of heritage.

>"half" white
>still look completely like nogs

It's cruel

If my son or daughter came home with nigger kids I would disown them

this fat ugly mexican woman was telling me how her grandmother was from Norway

Looks like his daughters should have married a white guy.

Why is the dog meat censored?

Alright, I give, which one of them is the wife?

If they reproduce with white boys their children will look pretty white so it is not that bad.

Why is it every fucking time Eurasian (Even half Indian) babies come out cuter than half muds?

Asian makes everything cuter. Even blasians are hotter than mulattoes.

Because dark skin is ugly
Look at even white women who get a tan
Ugly as fuck
Even muslims
A pale woman in a hijab is cute
A brown woman in a hijab is ugly
Why? Because the darker you are the uglier you are

Because the images are cherry-picked with FEMALES.

what are the odds of that?

how many white guys do you see with black girls?

more likely they will have kids with a black guy and look fully black

Marry - kill - fuck

I couldn't disown my child nor her half-nog children if such a thing happened...but I'd be disappointed, and the hope the grandchildren marry white.

If you raise them in an all white area and send them to white as fuck schools the odds are pretty fucking high.

>blurring out gigga puddi as to not get banned

i like this guy

It want's the kid. The kid is the private property of the parent. The parent refused to maintain it properly because of cultural Marxism telling them 'hurr durr private property is gay'.

You don't see this in Islam. They're always seeking to be more white.

well clearly something went wrong, the kids came out black

very hard to find an all white area, and clearly the mother doesnt care about that

no such thing as an all white college


I recently found this half Jap/half black on Facebook.

I thought it was funny.

(Her mom is Japanese)

Not even once

you dont have to disown anyone, they disowned you

the kids are african, the father is african, you are not african, ect

Looks like a nigger but still has that mongoloid AYY LMAO head shape.

Fucking cuck

I wonder what hateful faggot pulled this off of someone's facebook to support their degenerate racist rhetoric. This is a happy grandparent spending time with their grandkids and you neets and neckbeards have turned it into hatred. That's why you people will never succeed. Love trumps hate.

looks mexican desu


If ever have kids, and for some reason fuck up as a father so terribly, you would never be able to get me next to halfbreed, "grandchildren."
I would never be in their lives and would probably stop talking to my kids.

Children are not mistakes user. You have problems.



thanks pope whatever your name is

she looks like a fucking abo

Wouldn't have happened if his ancestors stayed in their countries. Having a kid here while you're white guarantees a cucked family tree. All white Americans should return to their homelands and breed with the same ethnicity.

But that means the nogs win.

I've actually seen plenty but 9/10 times they're land whales including the male


This is what my mother told me and my sister. Love having redpill parents.

Halfbreeds are a fucking mistake, faggot.
The parents gamble the physical, mental and moral health of their children and society because, "i wanna."
When the time comes they will be dealt with harshly. People like better stay out of the fucking way

>Black genes stronk

cherry picking.


t. Pajeet

Who gives a shit about the nogs, they'll run themselves into decimation if the white men were to abandon them. If you care about your descendants then ensure that your kin will be white.



That's a beautiful picture, user.

>Love Trumps hate


>We are great because we are good.


its because they are. one drop

Black bitch's love white guys like white Bitchs's like black guys

Only neither black dudes or white dudes want black girls

My dad told me if I ever date a non white he would smash my PlayStation

UK and France are less white now than America used to be

maybe mass immigration should stop

but i agree, the US is heading towards 30% white... so it may be time to leave before we turn into Mexico 2.0 (economically also)

A slight tan can work on some white women but not when they go full Al Jolson.

I'm Hung-Aryan

My dad lives in Tabor...I might go this summer of 17'...We should make a /pol meetup. /

Shut up 60%

He looks really happy

Thanks, picked it up lurking a while back

>cherry picking


My 2 blonde/blue eyed cousins (brother and sister) are married to literal Africans.
This is my grandpa's face
Haven't seen them in 5y. They have the decency to not show up family events anymore.

>tfw redpilled parents that understand zionism
its a great kind of feel

The nose xD talk about bottom barrel genetics

He's very obviously depressed.

cherry picking.

no they dont

google the ok cupid data or whatever it is

black girls want black guys

Its like 30 km far from my place (budweis)

It's BRACK, bigot.

The shitskins only congregate in major cities, no matter the host nation. Why? Because the city is the closest thing a nigger will get to living in a white man's home. Paved streets are better to walk upon than dirt. My girlfriend is French, she confirms that anywhere outside of the city guarantees remote areas of Europe that are lost in time. Don't believe the meme of Europe being completely nigger'd, the countries that deserve destruction are the ones suffering the most.

lol try hard

why is Sup Forums so hypocritical when it comes to race mixing?

Europe's full nigger. The rapefugees make it even worse, we'd literally need a race war.

It'd be an apocalypse, and it'd solve a lot of problems.


Top tier half breeds

I may be a try hard but I don't gotta try hard to get into your moms pants

is it 16? or 45? or 60? anyway kill it

Because it's full of white incels who feel like black men are stealing "their" women (that they would never get anyways.) /pol9k/ is a very real thing.


fell hard for the ganguro meme

Doesn't look full African though.

>blonde hair blue eyes
Being one myself this enrages me
Rare people destroying themselves. Its like suicide.
When someone tries to kill themself IRL and the authorities are notified they will try to stop them, going so far as to put them on 24/7 suicide watch, psychological examinations, etc
Hopefully someday the authorities will make the connection of logic..

>East Asians are smart, hardworking, and law abiding
>Blacks are violent, stupid, and constantly committing crimes


man this is such a risk. If the children get the white fathers/mothers blue/green eyes its really beautiful but in actuality the children will almost always have brown eyes

they live in cities because thats where the welfare is

europe especially should begin deporting them

>acting like a white genotype has any inherent value or scarcity

Is this monstrosity supposed to look better than the gorillas in the OP pic?

>who feel like black men are stealing "their" women
>(that they would never get anyways)
Sounds like projection


because edgy nonselfaware teenagers congregate here to vent after getting bullied in school and watching their oneitis get BLACKED in the staircase between classes.

inb4 "projecting"

My mom married a black man and had me because she's a selfish boomer idiot that "Always wanted a beautiful brown baby!"

Her family disowned her, as they should have. After I was born they reconciled and I honestly believe my grandparents liked me. They had other white children so their line wasn't destroyed and I was sort of a novelty.

After granny died the family split apart and it was just me and my parents. They hate each-other more than ever now and are probably going to split which is pitiful considering mom's 58 and dad's 69.

I wish I didn't resent my parents but I do. They are both non-degenerates and raised me well but they make awful life decisions. My life has been a confusing emotional roller coaster. Race mixing is a fucking mistake.

It's almost like Sup Forums isn't 1 person, wow.

Every day, my hate for Canada grows stronger.

Europe is not full nigger. Shitty Sup Forums memes would lead you to believe that the sky was falling. You know the whole thing about fake news? Well only certain information reaches this board, it creates a filter akin to how the MSM is creating a filter for normies. I have many inoperable people in my life who are European, they are not cucked, in fact the only reason why a white woman would get with a nig is because they're inherently worthless at heart. Many, many Europeans hate the niggers, but they don't have the time nor resources to go out because they live ordinary Joe lives

but like tolerance man and weed man like progressive world man

raising a non white family as a white person is still the most beta thing anyone can do

I think you are the one projecting here. I'm not even white.

You're right that sure does sound like projecting

Damn. Them African genes sure have strong phenotype prevalence.

