Dating someone whose younger, is it degenerate?

So do any of you have gfs that are 18? Whats the youngest person you ever dated?

I personally like the idea of dating an 18 year old. I mean not just any 18 year old, but someone that I genuinely like with conservative parents. I also like the idea that I can influence her worldview and politics, before the liberal colleges can get to her.

I'm 25 btw, anyone ever been in a similar situation?

I made this thread a few days ago, but I fell asleep and forgot about it. So i'm making it again! Some more details!

This is pretty much my situation right now, and honestly I haven't felt love for someone like this in years. Her parents seem to really like me too! I want to keep this going for as long as I can, but I have a really good feeling about this.

So did any of you ever date someone with a significant age gap? How did it go for you?

Young women are certainly hot, but once you reach a certain age their silly shit becomes annoying. You need to be able to talk about something more meaningful than their social media status and the new shoes they want.

Has Rick Perry started working out?

>I personally like the idea of dating an 18 year old.
>I mean not just any 18 year old, but someone that I genuinely like with conservative parents.

Why not also ask for her to come with tires?

That way you can ride her around like a bike.

Btw your age difference is fine

23 with a 19 year old qt whose whole family loves Trump


I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 48. I used to be an independent with right leaning views. Probably a year and a half after meeting him, I'm now full blown GAS THE KIKES

It could work.

I've only dated and fooled around with girls younger then me. The most was a 10 yr difference. I'm not even 30 yet.

26 here and my fiancé is 20. She's redpilled, domestic and wholesome.

When I was 22, I dated a hot as fuck Cuban woman who was 44 but had the body of an 18 year old. Does that count?

29 19
I teated her liek a hunk of meat
ignored her a lot since she was side peice
was best relationship ever
kinda miss her now
shes went to nyc to be a dominatrix I heard

23 ?

You made this exact same thread days ago. What's the next step in your master plan?

I'm not a shitty conversationalist. I can get along with a lot of different types of people, even people who have very different political views than me. So conversation won't be a problem, she even said that she likes how it's never awkward around me because theres always something to talk about.

I agree about the silly shit, it gets annoying here and there. I must have a hundred pictures of her sleeping cat on facebook messenger right now.

I'm pretty good at communicating my feelings to her though, and i'm not afraid to disagree with her, in fact most of the time I can get her to see things differently than she originally thinks, or at least from my perspective.

She is really beautiful though, and I love being with her. The only sorta annoying thing about her is she's an incredibly picky eater. I was like look bitch, we're not gonna go to fucking chuckie cheeses everytime I wanna go out to eat!

I said it jokingly of course and she laughed, but I was somewhat serious too.


Like others have said once you've hit the 30-35 range being around 18 year olds outside of sex is about as appealing as sitting next to a crying baby.

The only ones who do it are

A. Filthy rich sociopaths
B. Fake Hollywood people
C. Lunatics who think life is a beer commercial (can I come to your party?)
D. Stupid people who thinks looks are everything (you can crash at my place during the divorce)

I'm glad you think that user! Thanks!

Most of my friends who I told needed a little bit more of an explanation. However my closer friends saw nothing wrong with it right away and were just happy that I seemed happier lately.

Holy shit James Woods must SLAY that pussy. Goddamn thank you for sharing this. Makes me feel better.

48? Wow literally twice as old as you. But hey age doesn't really change the way you feel about someone that you really care about. Is the sex normal? Do you guys ever get dirty looks? Thanks for the encouragement!

Congrats! I fucked a 32 year old when I was 19 and thought it was the coolest shit ever. Older ladies are fun to mess around with.

I did make the same thread! Unfortunately I got really high on the marijuanas and fell asleep before checking it! However I did check it in the morning and got to read a few responses! It was cool but I like interacting with the posters in the thread. Here's the old thread

I like hearing inspiring tales like these

My current gf is 15

Fuck off, pedo.

Absolutely not. I am 21 and I'd really want a gf who is 13 or 14. But jews and feminism made it so illegal, I'd be a slave for life with statutory rape charge, prison and registered sex offender.

>inb4 get you own age pedo they are young enough
I fucking despise girls my age and they will not be hot when I am 30 when she is 30, thus fucking up my life choices in a whore slave

>I'm not a shitty conversationalist.
it doesn't matter how good you are what matters is that you're talking to an 18 year old hottie. Do you really think more than 0.000001% of them have anything that doesn't relate to social media or celebreties going on inside their head?

If you like hanging around children and can connect with them than that makes you a child too but who gives a fuck what I think as long as you are ok with it.

In my experience you only go for younger girls because they're hot, you're not going to have any (non sexual) mind-blowing experiences and, again, most hot girls that age are vapid retards, you just don't realize it because they are pretty

14 is legal here

I just realized I never answered your question.

Anyways I'm gonna make her my gf on her birthday. She's really into me and has told me that she loves me. I've gotten my heart broken enough times to know whether she was sincere or not, and I think she is. She's the first person to hit me up in the morning, and usually she's one of the last people I talk to.

She's still in high school though so certain things can get kinda annoying, like certain family members.

For example, just a few days ago her 50 something year old aunt who hasn't seen a dick since reagan dropped her brother off at home, and came in because she saw my car parked and front. Her fucking cobwebbed vagina aunt looks at me with the most judgey face, as if I had done something horribly wrong. She says, "Are you suppose to be here!??! DOES YOUR MOM KNOW ABOUT THIS EMILY!?"

Luckily I held my tongue and gf told her that yes her mom did know, and that we were gonna go out later. I sure felt great when I heard that her mom screamed at her shitty sister for yelling at me.

Good thing i'm 25 then, but I sorta know what you mean. I think about myself at that age sometimes,and what a different person I was. But I also remembered that a lot changed between 18-20, so I'm assuming similar things will happen to her.

I have two sisters-in-law, one 33 and the other 40, and they still do this shit. So, when is it supposed to stop? Because I don't think it's an age thing, I think it is a woman thing. (I fully understand there are exceptions to this)

So, if I move to Europe, get a 14 year old gf and the government finds out I am an American citizen fucking 14 year olds, would I get extorted back to the US life in prison?

I dont think so most of europe age of consent is 14-5

Yeah i'm not really a fan of girls my age either, but when you're 25 maybe you can meet a nice 18 year old. Same age gap as that hahah. Also you can influence them before the feminist at their university try to poison their mind with bullshit.

you're just jelly

I think she's smarter than most girls her age, but that's also due to her upbringing. She also likes a lot of older music which I find refreshing from someone her age. Elvis is her favorite, I also dig Elvis so that's a fun thing to relate on. I'm not gonna lie and say I relate to her all the time, or think she's incredibly mature for her age because she isn't, but we still do relate on a bunch of things.

I also like that when I finally do decide to get her pregnant, I'll be either in my early 30's or late 20's and she'll probably be in her early 20's or mid 20's. Great child birthing age desu.

She's the youngest person I've ever dated, which is why I sorta take comfort in threads like these, they tend to reassure me a little more.

Doesn't matter, you follow their laws in their country. US laws don't apply to theirs.

>he's not even dating her yet
haha oh wow! kill yourself you pathetic shit

Someone's sister I know married a 43 year old man with two kids in their college years and she's only 23!

>I think she's smarter than most girls her age
yea of course you do you idiot
>Elvis is her favorite, I also dig Elvis
Elvis? What in the fuck is wrong with you? Almost as bad as anyone under 50 who claims The Beatles are their favourite band

OP just stop

You make a good point. Some women, however, do mature and grow out of the silliness, taking interests in more meaningful things. But some women never grow beyond their teenage thoughts and interests.

completely unrealistic if you think 18 yo gives a shit about being influenced or shaped by your dumb ass. fantasy bullshit

When I was 29 with a 17-18 yr old. I got bored fast but that happens with most women.
All women and most men talk about silly shit. I used to tutor kids and teens are more interesting than 20 year old American females. After high school until the late 20s, American women are boring and shallow unless they are married or have kids. All they think about is socializing to meet more men in order to find potential mates who will support them. All they talk about is fashion and TV shows.
Women who want to get married look to settle down by the time they are out of college. Which means they have long term relationships well before that. These are the ones least likely to divorce.
Career or education oriented girls who are single should be avoided after college. They have fun until they all of a sudden panic and realize they are getting old. Then they just try to grab the best guy around but many are already sub-par relationship material. Can't cook, high debt, big spenders, prone to overeating, entitled, disloyal, rude and whorish.

The US makes it illegal for its citizens to bang under 18s overseas. That said it depends on who would complain in your new country. If you want to pump and dump, you'd probably get reported.

But we are dating. We're pretty exclusive, we just haven't made it official yet.

>a fucking leaf
The same fucking leaf who just told me to kill myself, why should I trust your judgement?

Jesus you must be one of those pretentious fucks who posts on Sup Forums let me guess, you like death metal don't you?

You clearly haven't met her yet, and you clearly are unaware of my subtle methods.

I'm 18, a guy, and my girlfriend is 22.
It takes real game to get an older gal.

>But we are dating. We're pretty exclusive, we just haven't made it official yet.
you're already talking like a highschooler fag and if you don't realize it hopefully the inevitable heartbreak will make you grow up

It used to be very common to marry someone up to 10 years younger (or older) than you. It would be a serious mistake to go for a younger woman because she is hotter, because soon enough she won't be, and you'll regret it, guaranteed. But if you go for a younger one because she hasn't learned as many bad habits yet, and you get along with her personality well, then by all means, marry her. I've seen that work well numerous times. My wife is 9 years younger than me, and it has gone very well.

>I'm not a shitty conversationalist. I can get along with a lot of different types of people, even people who have very different political views than me. So conversation won't be a problem, she even said that she likes how it's never awkward around me because theres always something to talk about.

Were you always like this or did you actively learn how to do it?

Age/2 + 7 is the standard guide for "is it creepy?"

I find it absurd for someone in college to marry a man in his 40s with two college age kids.

sounds like youre objectifying eachother
*tips le fedorala

gas yourself, pedo

I'm 30 and my gf is 22.

I'm 25 and went back to college. While here, I've dated girls exclusively between the ages of 18 and 19. Knocked up a couple of them too while here.

You described how I feel about her pretty well. She hasn't learned many bad habits yet, and our personalities mix well. We have a lot of fun together just doing regular things to, like hitting up the supermarket for grocery shopping, or looking at the vinyls in goodwill.

9 years huh? That's very encouraging! Glad to hear that your marriage has gone well. How old were you when you proposed to her, and how old was she?

>Knocked up a couple of them too while here.
Things that never happened.

What's with making the thread with the exact same wording and pic? Silly shit going on here

pls respond

I've seen couples with piercings and tattoos.

Yeah, things that never happened to you. Accidents happen when you have sex (yes, this WILL most likely happen if you get a girlfriend in your adult years) but you'll never have sex so I can understand your disbelief.

I sorta always was like this, but as I got a little older I developed more social awareness. Although in High School I was able to get along with everyone. Never had a problem with bullys or any shit like that. Some people even thought I was funny. College helped my communication skills a lot as well. I've seen people who were much more introverted than me break out of their shell user, so it can be learned as well.

Eh, depends on the girl. She has to be at least a little attracted to you, or your game means jack shit. But I don't know you or your girlfriend, so congrats man! Hope it's a fun relationship!

This Russian qt who was in Justin Bieber's what do you mean video is like in her mid 20's married a 62 year old Egyptian businessman. What is wrong with women these days Sup Forums?

I'm 27.

>When I was 29 with a 17-18 yr old. I got bored fast but that happens with most women.

Why don't you have a seat over there

Liking 17-18 year old girls doesnt make you a pedo wtf

what happened, did you make them abort or did you get the pill?

At 38 I shagged a 21 year old but it was crap sex. I do not see why people want to date people so young unless they are some type of inadequate.

Lol Miami Fag here. I have seen pic related (both of them) in real life. She has incredible titties.

>I made this thread a few days ago, but I fell asleep and forgot about it.
appreci8 the refreshing honesty m8

>women are whores
>why do women act like whores? :(

Sup Forums needs to remember its own red pills.

We knew they were snakes before we took them in.

I did user! Check below!

fuck who is that guy... ive seen him before and its really bothering me

I'm 67, and my current wife is 51...

I believe that once you hit a certain age then it becomes a non-issue

hah really? That's always funny seeing someone you know in real life on here. One time this SJW bitch I had an awkward encounter in the elevator with had her okcupid profile pic on here and that was kinda crazy.

She has nice tits? In that pic it looks like she has no tits. Good for him!

I didn't make them do anything. I go to college - almost all girls here are very liberal. The ones that will have sex with you, are willing to engage in that kind of behaviour, are free-spirited, independent, empowered type girls. They just want to have fun like we guys do - and they don't want to ruin their young adulthood, their bodies, their futures, their careers by getting pregnant, having a kid by some guy they don't want more than sex out of, or by raising a baby after barely not being one anymore themselves. They all took care of that stuff on their own. This is why I generally don't worry about girls getting pregnant. Not to mention, impregnation is highly unlikely from sex anyway.

Good for you. 3 more years and you reach wizard status. Shouldn't be too hard for you to hold out that long... you held out 27 years already.

Hah i'm glad someone does! The old thread is linked above if you wanted to see it. I felt sorta bad that many people responded and I couldn't respond to them.

>We have a lot of fun together just doing regular things to, like hitting up the supermarket for grocery shopping, or looking at the vinyls in goodwill.
That's a very good sign! I was 29 and she was 20 when the proposal (and acceptance!) happened. Our marriage has been a huge blessing to both of our lives: we've brought peace into each others lives, worked through our problems (because of course, everyone has quirks that will annoy the other, but both should be willing to change to suit the marriage), and encouraged each other to do what we know we ought to.

My best advice is to discuss big issues on a regular basis, so both can be on the same page philosophically. (In our case, we read a chapter or two of the Bible together every morning and discuss it and whatever comes to mind.)

I hope it goes well in your attempt, because a well-matched wife makes for the best of lifelong companions!

You probably saw him in Scarface. He was Tony's friend Manny. That's Stephen Bauer. His 20 year old girlfriend there is Lyda Loudon.

Absolutely not degenerate

interesting, you made a good point. Most college girls who you knock up won't end up having the baby.

Theres a reason why so many teen pregnancies happen with blacks and puerto ricans


Dated 14 year old when I was 21.

Legal in my country so fuck that.

Amazing sex. Still fap to it 20 years later.

Of course they won't. I mean, suppose the shoe was on the other foot, and guys got pregnant from having sex with girls. Would you choose to have the baby of some college whore that you fucked one day? Of course not.

Most of those pregnancies that you see are confirmation bias. You only ever see when pregnancies DO happen, especially among blacks and puerto ricans. Also, I'd say its a very american thing to have a baby upon having sex - due to social pressure and how religion still kind of pervades your politics a bit. However that's changing in liberal areas of your country now.

Seriously, does that make you their aunt or uncle in law if a previous spouse has children married to a virgin?

Thanks for the advice user! I really appreciate it.
Yeah I think good and open communication is incredibly important. Most of the relationships that i've seen fail, and that i've had fail mostly happened due to bad communication.

Thanks for the well wishes btw too!

Sometimes I feel like I struck gold finding her, she luckily lives in the same town too so it's very convenient. I haven't felt this way about someone in such a long time, and i'm fairly certain I've never had anyone show me the affection she has.

I'm not really religious myself so it doesn't effect me, however my gf's family is catholic, well cafeteria catholics anyways.

Also good point about college, I mean the point of college is usually to go to get certified and get a job that you like, not get knocked up and ruin your life.

holy fuck that is an old douchey manny. Fuck I'm never gonna unsee it.

hitler would have you murdered on the spot

my wife is 23, i'm 33. we are going for kid #3.

wife wants to nuke brown and islamic countries more than i do

When you're both above 40ish it doesn't make a difference.

When you're younger, dating past that threshold is always going to lead to poor communication and the belief that one or both of you is robbing the cradle and/or incapable of forming a normal connection with someone the same age as you.

Also you'll be missing out on the childhood nostalgia bonding... my girlfriend is only 2.5 years younger than me and our school experiences were completely different because I was 3 grades ahead. Also she doesn't remember a lot from the 90's which is a little disappointing.

27 and dating a 20 year old. Ive never dated anyone over 21. My goal is kids, and old girls aren't good for that. Gotta date the breeding stock lads. Im shooting for 5 to get those birth rates up.

I would love to have a relationship with a woman my own age, as we'd have considerably more in common and would get along better than I do with those younger than me, but it's near impossible to find a 25-year-old, traditionally-minded woman who hasn't had a dick in her, and that's something I'll never compromise on.


As a person who partakes in silly shit myself I do not see the problem

i'm not big on virgins myself, I just don't see the appeal in it. However I do agree that it's very hard to find a 25 year old traditionally minded woman, especially in my state, which is CT.

>but it's near impossible to find a 25-year-old, traditionally-minded woman who hasn't had a dick in her
A women being virgin exponentially decreases as she get older. Lean the cold truth man. If you wanted to date and fuck a women your same age as you who never had a dick in her, 21 would be the latest reasonable age because after that, it is almost impossible.

I'll never get this logic. Would you not drive a used car? Use a fork that's been in someone's mouth, ever? Would you never live in a house that's had a family living in it before? Do you not walk on sidewalks that have had pedestrian feet on them at some point in the past? Will you touch a door handle that someone in front of you has already turned to open the door? Would you walk through that door, knowing someone else has just gone through it?

The younger you get them, the longer they are fertile. America is for the NORDS!

pic clearly unrelated

>I'll never get this logic.
I don't expect a leaf to understand what it means to be a man, so know that your ignorance in not unexpected.

These things you're describing are all inanimate objects that people have material relations with. Women are people and marriage is a spiritual relation. Your attitude is actually misogynist (as opposed to the "being a man in any way" feminist definition of misogyny) and devalues both women and marriage. Fucking atheists.

As a woman's partner count goes up, so too do her:

>chances of divorce
>chances to cheat
>likelihood to report marital unhappiness/depression

It's commonsensical.

Anything is degenerate if you do too much of it. Young pussy is retarded though.

I'm 26 and thanks to working in a shitty retail position get like two dozen females aged 15-20 come through every year, usually bang 2-4 of them over 5 months.

Just having a license or your own car / apartment sets you out (even among the 22-25 crowd) which is great.

Its a bit weird you want to influence her worldview and politics, seems extremely possessive and controlling which no one likes in a relationship. You'd be better off subtly mentioning it and letting them form their own opinions on stuff, no self respecting young adult gives more than a passing care to politics these days.

But yeah young chicks are primo and easy to score on.

That's true. I probably wouldn't have to worry too much about birth defects either.

Never had a girlfriend of any age. I must be the most pathetic human being in this thread.