Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are throwing a party at the Plaza hotel on Dec...

Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are throwing a party at the Plaza hotel on Dec. 15 to thank those who donated millions to the campaign.

The party will be held in the Grand Ballroom on the third floor, to honor the Hillary for America finance leadership council.

Guests expected are big bundlers including Harvey Weinstein, Anna Wintour, Alan Patricof, Tory Burch and Marc Lasry.

One insider said, “Hopefully there’s no balconies so nobody can jump.”

Unusually, Kaine is throwing his own holiday celebration in NYC earlier the same day.

The insider mused, “Is he trying to keep the donor network alive for a presidential run?”

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please tell 60 million people there vote doesn't matter, hilarity ensues.



will they serve pizza?


Does anyone have the version of this image that has a HRC supporter being the screeching autist while thinking about the situation in this one?
I saw it before but my dumb ass forgot to save it.

Kill yourself

Anons should order 6 million cheese pizzas to the event

>when the loser throws a losing party



>win by 3 million votes

Cant wait for mass Sup Forums suicide when Trump makes a surprise appearance.

3.6MB I only got 2000MB a month


would be a shame if someone locked the doors and lit the place on fire.



That's like saying if the score of a football game was 30-24, I should win because I had more yards.

>tfw I used to laugh at bong and straya data caps
>comcast just put one on me last month
I least it's 1000gb but still...

>yfw Hillary saw the finale for Westworld and realized her purpose

Looks like everything is alright with the world

Thanks man.

>Lose a game of Basketball
>Claim to be the winner because you "would have won if the game was soccer"

This party will have a dual purpose. The recount totals come in that day and she'll be celebrating her stolen election.

Cap this post.

i was invited because i fought so hard fighting trumptards here and on reddit. stay jelly you racist idiots while i eat a 5 star meal next week

Will a death squad be visiting them that night as well?

Sounds like 7th Floor Group is refusing to let go of power.
Remember if a civil war breaks out to be on the lookout for high value targets.
As our civil war would mean a world war that means everyone.

rogue patriot fbi kill squad when?

>Israeli flag.
Ah, so it's that then.
You'd have better luck elsewhere friend.

>it's a sports analogy
Dumb aussie. They should claim to be the winners because they made the most hoops, even though they were all 1-pointers.

kaine is a tard. hes annoying and he would have trouble making it through a primary.

trump had the outsider angle and 2 hot button topics on his side. illegals and refugees. do you want them

Better than any administration before him. Thank you, President Trump.

Sounds like the saddest party ever. Why would anybody go to this?




of all the perfectly acceptable sports analogies I've seen about this, this one is the best

Are you insinuating the place should be bombed?

>you are controlled by the people you hire after you win without their help
people are really this stupid

Anyone willing to infiltrate Alex Jones style and get proof of Pizzagate?


I was promised war with Russia and 9-digit military contracts, bitch. Not some shitty party. Fuck you.

that would be glorious

Fake as fuck. So is the fake news coming from Israel or Russia?

i wonder if they'll have those shrimp ring things. no refunds

reeks of more favor peddling

what's up her sleeve?