Will Trump be cucked from the presidency?

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No but I wish he was cucked of it.


>going against the popular vote in Texas

Either this guy has the biggest pair of balls in the world or is really REALLY stupid.

>it's just one elector! what could happen?
They made the same doubts about Donald Trump, user.

He's denying the will of the people.
What a fucking idiot, I hope this retard gets lynched. Who is this fuck to decide what is best for America based on his own shitty opinion.

Good thing he's admitting he's a faithless elector. They'll just switch him out before election day like they've done many times before with other faithless electors.

If the unthinkable happens ! You yanks better go all out civil fucking war on them


its like they want a civil war 2.0 or some thing

Would be unconstitutional wouldn't it? Fuck didn't you idiots learn from Gore?

i want to, too bad all the rest of these faggots are too big of PUSSIES to leave the tendiement

No it wouldn't be. Electors aren't required legally to vote by the will of the people.

There is now logical explanation how Trump is an enemy of USA so this is just a personal problem of his and is acting like a child about it.

Texas doesn't have faithless elector laws either.

Does that mean they are already have no faith in the recount and are trying something different?

You guys really need your own Trudeau. I can't believe you elected trumpcuck.

Texas is cucked beyond repair, friend. All the big cities are filled with liberals shipped straight out of Seattle and San Francisco, while all the other regions are filled with Mexicans living on fake IDs with Social Security Numbers and everything, curtsy of Oregon and their intentionally lax laws

This faggot will probably get a hero's welcome in Austin or some shit.

Texanfag here. This shit won't go along well for the "faithless elector".

Yep. America just didnt like Hillary. A handsome liberal would have made the Democrats win in a landslide.

he was bought out by someone
he flat out says on his twitter he is open to lobbyists who want to sway is vote

Fuck off, faggot. Texas is filled with imported liberals and Mexicans.

You guys are fucked.

>get angry divisive president who makes everybody angry around him
>not expecting talk of secession and civil war

Austin and Dallas are cucked beyond repair, but there are extremely right leaning portions of them. Houston is leaning liberal, same with San Antonio, but these two are very tolerable, regardless.

And literally the rest of Texas is red pulled aside a few border towns.

>goes against the constitution and will of the people whom he represents
>"What a hero!"

He literally is the domestic enemy he's talking about

Yeah, Obama is a fucking piece of shit, isnt he?

They better be watching this asshole's bank accounts.

I like how everyone is acting like Trump has got exactly 269 votes rather than 306, one person not voting for Trump won't change shit. He's just looking for attention with his stupid elitist opinion that he thinks he can decide who can decide for the state of Texas who governs America. What a fucking idiot.

Dude, you guys got West Coast Liberals taking over your cities, Asians taking over your suburbs and Mexicans taking over your rural counties.

You're cucked beyond repair as a whole, even if Trump deports all the Mexicans.

Look at his (((Twitter))) he self echoed it. Guy is a kike.

No, the republican house and senate would vote him in even with faithless electors.

Dumb fucking shill threads.


There will be real protests and riots then. When White people chimp out, empires are built

Texas doesn't have laws on "faithless electors" nor is the state popular vote legally binding

What a cuck

Pretty much. They'll try anything, and in doing so, they'll look like a bunch of cry babies. As if they don't act like them enough already. This guy just has a personal beef with Trump and he's being a shit about it going like "oooh I can decide who governs America"

He is leaving in january


Yawn. Let me know when this gets reported by an outlet that isn't Fake News.

well there goes that retard's career lol. we have no place for traitors these days. things are dire.

>wants to defend the constitution
>allowed obonga
>going to vote for shillary
not even amused anymore.

>the place where illegal aliens can be president
>start a gun grab violating the 2nd amendment of the constitution.
>get a nobel prize for nothing
>endorse another candidate that is murdering the 2nd amendment of the constitution
>but stopping illegal immigration is considered wrong

Ayy whats the name of that panting

>>going to vote for shillary
He's not, he's voting for Kasich. This doesn't even help Hillary, lmao.

His job is to LITERALLY deny the will of the people if he SEES FIT. That's why there is an electoral college. Be smarter.

"One Final Hillary Supporter Left" by Ben Garrison

There have only been about 80 faithless electors in history. Unless (((they))) can get half that number at once this time, then Trump is assured victory.

>this self righteous faggot doesn't realize he IS the enemy to the US and it's constitution.

really makes me s.m.h

fuck i love this post, also obama and hillary clinton suck off the saudis so much, but i guess no one cares about that oppressive regime

Hue hue hue nice one mate

No that's impossible in Texas

can you give an example of an elector or group of electors determining a different election result then the actual voters?

This is "Lousiana will be rule by niggers from now on!" all over again, isn't it?

Either way if they actually change the outcome of the election by not being faithful electors there will be nationwide fucking riots, making these NOT MUH PRESIDENT riots look like a fucking picnic

Wrong. The GOP can remove him all they want.

That guy is a piece of shit

Reverse image search you mongoloid

Pshhh another welfare queen who doesn't want to do their job. Hurrr durr I was a veteran who served my country. I'll now use that as an excuse to do nothing.

I almost hope they do, white people haven't had a good chimpout in a long time.

this is just to get you physchologically ready when they start pushing for removal of electoral college

trump will have 306, screencap this

That elector will be removed and replaced

He'll be found, dragged onto the streets, and crucified.
t. Texan

>The electoral college is supposed to determine if a candidate is qualified to be president
No, they exist as a proxy of the state's voting system that can be used to standardise a federal election without requiring a different system for each state.
>Mr. Trump has not met it's standards
No, a single elector is being faithless, you must either have no grasp of the English language to confuse the singular and plural cases, or you must be wilfully misrepresenting the truth. i.e. lying.

With this little research on the part of the journalist, this story is clearly fake news.

Well we have a litmus test here, do we not? If the traitor elector isn't pranked shortly we know Texas lost its balls.

This. They've done this to electors all the way up to the day before they're supposed to place their votes.

The thing is that PA and MI have 36 votes exactly between them. This one retard could end up starting a mild shit storm (which will inevitably result in Trump taking office anyway, since our congress is under red control now).

If he is, shitstorms await the left.

every fucking time

>No, they exist as a proxy of the state's voting system that can be used to standardise a federal election without requiring a different system for each state.

Read the federalist papers

It was desirable that the sense of the people should operate in the choice of the person to whom so important a trust was to be confided. This end will be answered by committing the right of making it, not to any preestablished body, but to men chosen by the people for the special purpose, and at the particular conjuncture.

It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations.

>it's just one elector! what could happen?
correct, sorry for your flimsy narrative :-\

Nothing would happen.
Because its legally permissible. Also, because she won the popular vote.

Yea its called the Popular Vote.

But seriously it is in fact legal for them to vote against the electoral winner.

Very true. When white people who aren't pussies/hippies/liberals actually start rioting, shit will become just like 1930's Germany.

Thats when the purge will begin.

>Because its legally permissible
But some states will prosecute an elector who votes against the will of the people.

>The Jew York Times
Do I even have to say anything at this point

The majority of American voters did not vote for Trump.

Didnt think of that, thanks

>Because its legally permissible
Guess that explains why people are rioting when Trump won the electoral college legally? Fucking retard

[citation needed]

but Texas did by a healthy margin

The US can't live without us faggot. Face it we have every natural resource known to mankind and we have a GDP powerful enough to survive as our own nation

Who here wants to see trump lose just to see the mass Sup Forums chimpout?

>Also, because she won the popular vote.
she's not getting this clown's EV, cuck.

>he's legally subverting the will of the people goyim, nothing will happen

Jason Blaha? LMFAO


a military coup WILL happen if trump gets fucked out of the presidency

from what i have seen most fighting soldiers are trump supporters

I hope Duterte publicly castrates you.

Take away the people's democratic voice like they seem intent on doing and you leave them with the second amendment to speak for them.

No, it isn't. His job hails from a time when electors literally had to physically travel themselves to cast a vote. Electoral votes are literally meant to be "points". The states can decide how to distribute their points, sure, like Maine and Nebraska. But faithless electors were NEVER intended by the framers of the Constitution.

The majority of Americans didn't vote for the nigger in 08 either. It was apparently just fine then.

>Guess that explains why people are rioting when Trump won the electoral college legally? Fucking retard

Trump one the popular vote yes, he has not one the presidency because the elector college has not voted.

They are supposed to be more then a simple proxy for the vote, they are the deciding body. It is their responsibility to determine if the people have made an appropriate choice.

If a demagogue won the popular vote it is their responsibility to elect someone else. The system is designed to be that way, its purposefully undemocratic

>Would be unconstitutional wouldn't it?

No, the electors can vote for whomever they want. After all, you're not a democracy, but a constitutional republic :^)

He actually did if you don't count the illegal immigrants who voted, the double voters, the dead voters, and the machine glitch voters. Anyway, electors are supposed to represent the decision of the people in the state they represent. By not representing his constituents, this voter is opposing the very foundation of our constitutional republic and should be hung from a noose tbqh.

You're a fucking retard. Trump lost the popular vote but won the electoral vote. The only vote that matters. Faithless electors overturning true election results are one of the reasons the founders created the second amendment.

they need to get rid of all the other faithless never trumpers and republicans4hillary along with him

the GOP desperately needs its own night of the long knives

>left wants popular vote, says it's more democratic
>left wants electors nominated democratically to go against their state

He lost the popular vote. He won the electoral vote. However it needs to be finalized by the electors.

>But faithless electors were NEVER intended by the framers of the Constitution.

Read the 68 federalist paper, Hamiltonian's intentions are quite clear. They electors are to be " men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice."

do kikes actually put ((())) around their own names?

yeah but some shabbos goyim cruzlims have been doing it to themselves too out of (((solidarity))) so it might not be an actual kike

#TXGOP Presidential Elector representing CD30. Comfortable with the Blocked function. Media inquiries to [email protected]. Thank you. #BloodAndHotSauce

>Comfortable with the Blocked function

>Subverting the will of the people?
>The electoral college is not already doing that.
She won the popular vote by what? Almost 3 million?