Is vaporwave degenerate or redpilled?

Is vaporwave degenerate or redpilled?

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depends on the song

art is degenerate, there's no exceptions

Some of the producers are cucks, some are autists. The music itself is redpilled, I guess. Libtards only care about "current year" senpai. Nostalgia is a good thing in doses, and being exposed to old music in a new format is good. I have broadly expanded what I listen to as a byproduct of vaporwave.

Also- Sup Forums is that way --->

If you use it… yes.


degenerate...look at its fans

Depends on the song and style.

For the most part however, both vaporwave and synthwave have vested interest in the Trump Movement with many artist supporting the campaign with albums, songs and videos.

Overall, soundtrack of the larger underground internet subculture mid-decade.

Thank you for this rare trump.


Given its prevelance in meme culture there's inevitably a lot of new reactionary types mixed in with it. Most weird new meme forms are almost all coming from people who at the very least hate political correctness and come from more of the Wild West end of the Internet.

Lazerhawk is OK, everything else is pleb shit

i unironically love that meme tier floral shoppe album,

redpill, because only way to understand it is from experiencing lsd trips

That's retro/synth/manga/wave

>Slowing down popular 80s songs

Lazerhawk isn't vaporwave. vaporwave is meme shit.

Neo 80s and Retrosynth are the superior genres.

It's degenerate art, like all postmodern creations

>Homer is degenerate

I generally find anything off Dream Catalogue to be degenerate in the sense that it seduces you to another phantasy world.

Vaporwave is 2015. End of story.

overall it's pretty shit

they just take already creative innovative songs that the artist put their heart and soul into, "remix it", slow it down, and put their name on it

sampling is literal cancer and now it is a genre

it's definitionally postmodernist but it's ideologically ambiguous.
we might as well get used to using postmodern tools to further our political aims

you mean cough syrup
You tell me.

vaporwave = extremely degenerate
pc music = red pilled af

>already creative innovative songs
>shitty soul songs that nobody has heard of and one hit wonders from the 80s
>creative and innovative

yeah nah

it was originally popularized by Macintosh Plus the meme tranny, and began circulating in the Tumblrverse (that everybody here knows what shit is)

But where tumblrinas saw Vaporwave as a deconstruction of capitalism and materialism (because le smart gommie meme) and a mean of escapism from the harsh reality of heteronormativity, Sup Forums saw a chant of good ol times, and the allure of western economy/scoeity/pop culture at its height, with retrofuturist aesthetics, macho ideals channeled through 80s action movies

and so, it began the great music appropriation of the new right-wing movemenet

Dark Synth is the only redpilled form of synthwave, Perturbator is our guy

I've made the mistake of listening to dutchsinse yt as background music for about a month and i believe this "vaporwave" shit is not only bad musically and creatively but i believe it might cause prostate cancer and hairloss.

Seriously though it's fucking terrible even compared to dub trap nightcore and any other bastardizing of music to appear in the last 10 years and legit makes me sick to hear. Its one step below Muzak.

classic ivan

Don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure out what the hell it is. You damn kids and your words.

i got some old appz that legit as fuq

whats valorware music and art? a band? har har

Its pop music that's been slowed and pitch adjusted so every song sounds like lounge music sung by carjack Malone. If someone puts effort into a track they put swishy ambient crap behind it or kids talking. I wondered if it was some degenerate psyop shit the other day cuz every vocal sounds like a tranny and this thread proves it since it was popularized by a fucking tranny

dont blame the messenger

'member Friday?
oh i loved Friday!

Some Vaporwave sounds really good, so I'd say the actual "genre" itself, or at least the idea behind it, isn't degenerate.
However, everything else is. The 'fanbase' got completely destroyed once Kikebook, Reddit and 4shit got their fat hands on it and turned everything into memes as cancerous as 'dat boy'. Also, anyone posting "A E S T H E T I C" and similar cancer is definitely underage.

You can enjoy the music, but anything outside of that will make you want to kill yourself. Same thing with Anime (especially Jojo and especially since '12), Touhou and countless other media and communities.

here's a simple guide

>future funk


If it's not video game intro sequences or mall announcements over the intercom it's not vaporwave

So degenerate it's looped back round and become redpilled. There are songs praising McDonalds. It's about kids being honest about enjoying capitalism. They think they're being ironic but the truth is they're not.

the last new album I got excited for was Darkthrone, what the fuck is vaporwave?

probably the greatest jojo reference ive seen all day

Well I dunno what this other shit is then. I've heard the announcement/commercials ones and those suck too.

>Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:

>>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>>Are X white?
>>Is X degeneracy?
>>How come X girls love Y guys so much?
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>scroll through thread
>not one post pointing out that asking people on Sup Forums if some aspect of life is redpilled or degenerate is degenerate