/Capitalism/ General -- Lets get it rollin' edition

This thread is for general topic of Capitalism.

>The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'
Ronald Reagan
40th president of US (1911 - 2004)

>an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.

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Bump. Communism hates pic related.

>B-but muhh communism!!!

Does anybody have any money that they can trade for in exchange of various goods and services?

Private ownership is more coercive than public ownership

Whats everyones thought here on anarcho capitalism?

Is it possible it could work in todays society?

Also whats the best industry in the market right now?

Is like the left has really shifted the narrative on capitalism. I did a simple google image search on I saw nothing but anti capitalism propaganda.

Bumping. What ideology do y'all subscribe to?
Minarcho-capitalist traditionalist goy here.

False, because individuals can't use laws to protect themselves in Laissez-Faire capitalism.

That's why birth rates in capitalism are so high right? It's so easy to have a baby in a capitalist country like the USA where you have to fork over 10k just to get the baby delivered.

Anyone else hoping for things to go well with the French Polynesians?


I'd like to see it tried on a small scale like that Free Territory after WWI

This tbqh

AnCapism could work, but only Hoppe's model.
We can't always get along.
As far as industries go, I'd say IT - from AI to operational systems, apps - promise people privacy and they'll flock to you.

>Where you have to fork over 10k
nobody forces you to go to the Hospital. You can just as well do it in your home.

So owning your own house opposed to owning a house that is technically anybodies is less coercive? There are politics amongst of people as well you really can't avoid the bullshit. someone is going to get screwed over sometime or later. I would much rather own my own home and work a decent living and provide for my own family, not someone else's. Hell not for everybody else.

Don't try to claim for even one second that you're pro-family or pro-white, you communist rat.

Consequentialist Libertarianism

t. David D. Friedman

Oh yeah that would be interesting to see

If it wasn't for communism I think that region wouldn't have conformed to anarcho socialism

It would be interesting to see how Crimea would operate ancap style

Well, you'd have to pray that the elite don't collude to keep wages down, or else it would look like turn of the (20th) century cities here

I'm so glad you're finally just calling it "capitalism" instead of calling it "anarcho-capitalism" despite having no connection to anarchism.

True they would kike everything up

Hmmm makes me think

>Failing to mention the insane amount of regulation that the healthcare industry is under


I think the whole meaning of capitalism to most people is fucked by now and some people want to (((frankenstein))) a new system.


Its crazy to think how healthcare has changed
>yfw 100 years ago healthcare was so cheap there was a crisis
>yfw the unions forced government to regulate easy health industry jobs to justify raising prices
>yfw increased regulation has gone up in coordination with prices

j u s t

Sauce on it here if anyone wants to read it:

>not delivering the baby yourself
Ask the Maltesians if you're that retarded, but they'd go 1099 on your commie ass.
Good capitalism has to have a very non-restrictive gubmint, though.

Lets get this thread back on track. There is allot of shitty information out there folks. Its bad. You can't even find a decent image of capitalism out there. The tables may be turned against us. MSM, Google, etc have all burned it off and are in the midst of Marxist propaganda.
Keep the discussion going. Don't let the commies win. The meme war aint over folks.

I nominate Henry Ford as the lord and savior of Capitalism General.

"people can have the Model T in any color, so long as it's black"

>/Capitalism/ General-- Henry Ford Edition