How do we stop this plague?

How do we stop this plague?

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>what my beins gets hard for is discriminatory

the left should start eating itself soon enough / too many productive sane whites will stop reproducing and the system will finally collapse under its own weight

Is she dating a black fat trans disabled """man"""?

Pol pot was right about the (((educated)))) city dwellers, jesus. We must eradicate the cities and go back to the bronze age asap.

The older I get, the more I see where things are going, the more it makes sense that these kinds of dictator scenarios occur.

Like your apparently genetic or bilogical conviction to mutilate yourself and attraction to the opposite sex,
my biological comviction says I should mate with a fit, blue eyed, white skinned female of Northern euro descent

Poofs can fuck each other all they want but they won't be telling me where to put my junk

Like this

>You can't have a preference for white grills!
>but also stop hypersexualising [read: liking] asian women! That's problematic!
>you can either date this fat sheboon or this man in a dress with a chopped-off dick
Fucking liberals

>Your dating preferences are discrimatory
My innate sexual preferences, many of which (according to current study) I am born with, are discriminatory?
Well ofcourse. On every argument, one ought to be discriminatory in who they allow themselves to be vulnerable and intimate around.
In the Romantic sense, It should be someone who gives you a sexual arousal by their appearance, who gives you good company by their personality and, by unintelligibles, gives you a spiritual satisfaction.
Some thing may be the product of being exposed to certain things to the point of feeling they are the norm or base-line but there are certainly tons of examples where there are jsut certain aspects that attract members of certain sexualities (For instance, the 'white woman' figure and proportions and facial ratios that, when color swapped for other races, remain beautiful).

Thankfully, most people seem to think the same thing in the comment section

Dude this guy identifying as homosexual really triggers me to limit your """preferences""" like that is pretty discriminatory

It stops itself. We should promote this sort of thing, honestly. This is no epidemic. Normal people dismiss this as bullshit.

People like this are why Trump won.

I don't think he voted for trump.


They don't breed so it should work itself out in few generations

Hans, please.

Leftists literally don't want you to have freedom of association or speech, remember that when they call you a fascist.

Is this German humour?

heres another tranny blowing him the fuck out

I don't get it. Trump won because enough people voted for him. Are you retarded?

the cognitive dissonance is strong with Mrs. Oakley


Think they are saying Trump supporters don't like trans, and picture this guy when they think of trans.

They are already consuming themselves

"people can't help if they're gay. you can't control who you love!"
"if you don't date trans people, you're transphobic"

I don't know if you guys know who Bearing is, but he got his youtube channel shut down (((coincidentally))) after he made a video about that headcase.

It's face looks like it got stepped on by a hobnailed boot one too many times.

I'd like to see this faggot trying to pork a abo.

So shouldn't homos writing off the entire female gender as 'not their type' be discriminatory too?
Or do they get more oppression points to spend on the persuasion perk when engaging leftist npcs?

I hope they don't ban Blaire White.

Is there such a thing?

Am I the only one who would hate fuck "her" and ravage "her" body?

Blaire White is enough of a "protected minority" that they wouldn't dare.

Came here to say this. How can you say it's a preference you can change when they argue fags are born homos. Are they even capable of cognitive dissonance?

no, it's a lanky swimmer dude with eyeliner wings.

Shit dude

I would smash Blaire's boipussi, I'm not gonna lie.

>"Your dating 'preferences' are discriminatory"

>you're not allowed to say that you don't want to have sex with someone
>even if you don't want to have sex with them
>you still have to have sex with them


Still turns me on. I get rock hard just looking at "her".

I still get a kick out of the tumblr trannies who think she's a cis female

"""She""" looks fucking terrible m8, if you're going to be a sex deviant atleast get some taste.

Maybe stop worshipping jews and money and consumerism?

Pretty simple. Anything jews touch is death.

Hansel pls

anyone who tells you they wouldn't is lying

Not sure of stale pasta or saurkraut

Blaire's pretty passable, if dickgirls are your thing.

I wouldn't.

>I wouldn't.
Not even a little?

join us...

nah. I'm not into buttholes, even with women, and the penis is a no-go.

This is the company that did the copyright strikes against him... ONE star everyone? Vote that shit

thefreshchannel aka fresh TV on facebook.

>People taxes went to made the abomination's transition """""possible""""""
>Hard disk space in the YouTube servers is occupied for his channel

The backfire of the internet:

It gives space for autistic weirdos to express themselves and make room as people of influence for even worst people that can accept pretty much any absurdity.

>I can't help being a quad-gender trans-bi-fluid-intro-metro-sexual, its just how I am
>What do you mean that's just what you're attracted to? It's not just a preference you can control it.

uh....i'm not gay, i don't like penis. now fuck off before i burn you alive.

>a black guy cant just put on an argyle sweater, walk into a bank and tell the teller than he is white and get a loan, it doesn't work like that.

If you don't want to insert your penis into another man, you're homophobic.

>Fresh TV is the creative force behind behind 6TEEN, GROJBAND, MY BABYSITTER'S A VAMPIRE and TOTAL DRAMA.

really fucking curious as to what content of theirs Bearing is alleged to have used.

You can't because most of you Pol fags are socially progressive anyway

>puts disabled twice

these lefties are retarded


he is kinda cute, but i'm really not looking.


You mean "Xir". If you lived in Canada, you'd be in jail right now.

I counted 4 times.

and then there is the. oh shit a dick. didn't expect that.


Bigot !

And now you realize trans and gay are not the same thing and you know why some gays loathe trannies.

>mfw people still think niggers deserve equal rights

These identities get funnier and funnier every year

where is Ben Shaprio at when you need him

being a kike

>Implying I'm gonna give this faggot the views by watching his garbage

Actually she uses she/her pronouns.

to busy taking care of his wifes son.

We make AH-64E a recognized gender.
I am an attack helicopter *wflflflfl* *drdrdrdrdr*

Wow that she dude has a manlier face than I do. time to kill myself


>tfw my father unironically believes this

Why is every tranny calling itself "Riley"

>I'm not into buttholes

>not servicing every of your girls' orifices

Gay desu


>you can still be straight even if you in a relationship with a trans woman
>by doing that you reduce people to their genitals
Does he/she/it visit Sup Forums from time to time?Because this sounds exactly like the "it's not gay if it feminine penis" and "it's not gay if he looks like a girl"excuses i hear on the daily basis for closed homosexuals who wank to traps on Sup Forums,Sup Forums,/r9k/!


I identify as trans-black. My prefered pronoun is this nigga.

Please use it like this.
>this nigga crazy!
>I know this nigga babby momma.

solid stance user. close up trannies never pass. i've been blown by a few and to be honest it is pretty gay. they are all awkward and crazy and they have tiny dicks.

boipussy is a meme that most would never be in a situation to try

>I think
>I think
>I think

Why in whole fucking world would I give a FUCK what this little shit thinks?


no, he's just deluded himself into destroying any objective meaning male or female could ever hold

hard facts no longer matter to him

>some people have stereotypes that the lesbian trans women are all just perverted man looking for the sex with the woman
>but this is simply not true

the purity spirals will be the death of the left lol

>When you found out that Hitler did literally nothing wrong.
>When you found a way to understand why even fucking Pol Pot did what he did.
Fuck lads everything we've been taught is wrong.

>why aren't you getting transed? why aren't you getting blacked? why aren't you getting fatted? why aren't you enabling your dick inside the disabled?

thank god these people don't exist in reality, only in a small percentage of internet attention whores
thank my lucky stars I'm not in jail for murdering this person yet

>I don't want to date Asians
>I want to date Asians

Trump won because all these leftists, who are the actual sexists and racists, have been insulting normal people 24/7 just because they don't agree with what the leftist believes.

I'm not discriminating, I don't stick my dick in ANY crazy.

I wonder how normal blacks (not niggers) must feel when being put in the same group as trans, fat and disabled LMAO


Damn who is that trap on the left?
Can't find anyone named Britt Baldy