Make military service mandatory for both men and women who turn 18

>make military service mandatory for both men and women who turn 18
>everyone have to go through at least basic training

There, I fixed the nu-male and SJW problem.

I've never met a person who'd completed their military service and who was a cuck.

>mandatory military service
kys faggot

>make being a bootlicker mandatory

statists disgust me with their slave mentality

How about no do you want this guy in the military

Yes. So he can get yelled at by a pissed off drill sergeant until he learns some respect.

>Get stuck in a unit with cunts.
>Die with them because nobody left behind and they are physically inept.

No thanks friend. Just bring back light beatings.

Listen to the fearsome Danish warrior, ya'll. He's gone through boot, he's a hardcore motherfucker who knows what he's talking about.

I'm actually not sure if this is sarcastic, or just a standard Swede.

Yeah, i'm sure the gang won't enslave you, you're literally alwys right bro, keep on spreading the good news

"Bootlicker" how about learning basic skills, teamwork, how to operate under difficult conditions. And thats before you get the opportunity to shoot 7.62 machine guns at raghead.

>There, I fixed the nu-male and SJW problem.

Literally fucking this

I did my time in the army, went in as a long haired, leftist pacifist. Emerged three years later as a blood thirsty ex light infanteer/reconnaissance scout who wanted nothing more than to crush my enemies and breed with qt3.14's

You dont need the army for any of that

Mang you were yelledinto submission at by some dumbass cunt who hasn't been within a thousand miles of combat, but your daddy never taught you anything so now you think you've learned something worthwhile just because you like not having to make your own decisions.

>I've never met a person who'd completed their military service and who was a cuck.

I have, in a way. More specifically, people that found a way to avoid it, or get in a nice comfy place during their service.

Indeed, the rest were fine. But then, it needs to be absolutely mandatory AND equal for everyone: no priviledge, no avoiding it.

>he didn't complete his service

Heh. Don't believe the shit you see in movies. Well, it depends on countries, and in general it does happen, but only to people that are literally retarded, stupid, ignorant, impolite, rude, indisciplined, weak, fainthearted, cowardly...

Normal people are just fine. Which is the whole point.

I totally agree. I just don't think women should be conscripted.

>handing firearms to 18 year old lefties

What could possibly go wrong?

>I'm actually not sure if this is sarcastic, or just a standard Swede.

t.Standard swede.

>Hurrdurr defense of the collective society that are the gates between us and barbarism is bootlicking

All you do is run from duty. You throw off your crosses.

I know the Swedish army is taught by kindergarden teachers and 40yo reserve members with beer bellies, but we had people who'd done tours teaching us in the Danish Military.

Sure they should, in roles like medtech, supply tech bla bla bla, infantry units should be male only. even att's and det's like patrol medics need to be male. On deployment having a splitass around will mess with morale and 9 time out of 10 end in fraternization.

Cunts want equality, they should get conscripted.

>You dont need the army for any of that

LARPing on ARMA doesn't count Bilo.

Definitely, but EVERYONE should go through the same basic training. No pansying around with the fitness requirements either.

I dont remember signing any social contract. And neither do you. It's your slave mentality talking.

You're probably talking about Libya, in which case there were Swedes there too, and they were in about as much combat as their Danish comrades-in-arms, which is to say zilch. At least own up to having pretend veterans.

>>handing firearms to 18 year old lefties

Vietnamese commie kid's gave you a run for your money, burger


You realize the firearms are kept in a specific storage room or cases when not in active use? With pretty pain-in-the-ass protocols for how they are supposed to be opened, dispensed, and then gathered back up/sealed? It's not like you just get an assault rifle handed to you willy-nilly.

Pencil Pushers are fucking colossal faggots.

Yeah it's a pretty good idea. The military fixes cucks better than germans polish ahmed's knob, and they are pretty fuckin' efficient knob polishers.

Nope. Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, the whole shebang.

But I did my basic at the largest base in Denmark, where a lot of other infantry was training. So we had some great instructors.

>I've never met a person who'd completed their military service and who was a cuck.
You've never met John Kerry then.

How about letting people decide what they want since I dont think you are smart enough to decide for them

How to identify faggot what never did military service in his life. You have no fucking idea what are you talking about.

shush cuckmaster, Swedes should have a mandatory 5 years military service to beat the cuckery out of them. Also Germans too.

Yeah because they really supported gay rights, safe spaces, and bongo drums. That's what they fought for.


Welcome to Israel

>How about letting people decide what they want since I dont think you are smart enough to decide for them

Yep, because self determination has worked so well in recent years. I bet if it was up to you we'd all be sitting around circle jerking to manga in our moms basements.

Seven dead Danes in Iraq, one of those from friendly fire and another from a vehicle accident. A total of two killed under actual fire.

>mfw the Norwegian military didn't accept me
>this is the first year of compulsory military service for women
>lots of weak women who didn't want to go got accepted

why live..

>mandatory military
people will have gun skillz ego

besides doesnt your country have mandatory military? most do and most humans are cucks.

you can paint jackass to look like a zebra....but it wont know what its lookin at/4

Because, unlike anyone else, an attack on a Danish soldier is, according to Danish law, and attack on our queen, and we're allowed to fire back with full prejudice without getting a fire order from our superiors first.

So lots of kebab removed, only a few casualties. Go watch the movie "Armadillo" to see this in effect.

OP, you forgot tho gas the Jews first, then mandatory military service. Solved the Israel problem. You're welcome.

I tired joinning in australia.
Thought it was like a meat grinder but they only take the best meats for the job.
Or the psyc was a fucking bitch who knows.
I think this is a great idea but that's because i want in the military, no one knows what would happen if you put a sensitive individual on there. They could come out worse then when they went in.

>I've never met a person who'd completed their military service and who was a cuck.
I have. It's not enough to cure them, though worst cucks usually go to civil service. Also, women in army is a stupid idea and doesn't work, that is why women have never fought in the history of mankind in any relevant manner. They belong to the homefront.

Why didn't they accept you?


Don't the finns have mandatory service?

We all know how weird those lot are.

>Hurr durr muh i didn't sign any social contract
Do you reap the benefits of civilization? You do? Then you did bucko, so shut your mouth and get back in line before I pop you one.

Its mandatory for you guys since you get weekly terror attacks

The millitary values if you are wothy of joining by taking a test on the internet. Somehow they turned me down based on those questions i answered online.

Im fit and there is nothing wrong with me so i have no idea why. None of my mates or classmates at the time understood why they turned me down. Everyone knew it had been a dream since i was a kid so i was really sad.

Lots of weak girls (and guys) got through the internet test and moved on to the physically testing witch they easily passed.

Oh well..

a lot of veterans here are actually fucked in the head after service, both uncles and aunt went kinda crazy

This. Couldn't agree more.

there were numale faggots in the bundeswehr 8 years ago

So nobody over the age of 30 in South Korea is a cuck? I dont think that's true.

Fucking based fellow danes in this thread! You guys make me proud.

I agree with OP, since Estonia has an active ongoing conscription, but not for the women, please. Women have other duties to attend to than being in the military en masse.

I gotta admit it, the dane speaks the truth - we have less numales than in Latvia, and we are more redpilled at average than most european men.


doesn't seem to be working for the yurocucks

also infringes on your basic freedoms

desu this is just right-wing virtue signaling

My inherent benevolent sexism says no but maybe it would slap some backbone into the PC liberals.

>europe is one country
It works for Denmark. As OP said, I have never met a danish enlisted who came back a nu-male. If you don't have a shitty military, it teaches you obedience and basic responsability.

draft is a waste of time and resources.

They can all join ISIS, so we can bomb the fuck out of them.