American Athiests

These fuckers are putting billboards all over Michigan encouraging people to take the "Christ" out of Christmas and are spreading country wide propagnda encouraging people to leave christianity. Can these kikes be any more fucking obvious on their anti christian agenda? The fucking president is a kike, David Silverman.

Other urls found in this thread:

They do the same in NYC. They actually even protested the 9/11 memorial because it had a Christian cross made out of steel beams from the North tower. They're a disgusting group of rich fedoras.

people seriously think that if you made a flayer telling me not to celebrate jesus , then i won't ?

are americans that insecure ?

Atheism is the greatest weapon of the ***

> 2016
> ->2017
> religious bullshit
Lol wut?

For the Big Bang to have happened, according to the simple cause and effect principle, something outside of our single point highly dense unborn universe had to have set it into motion. This unknown force does not have to abide by our laws of physics, time, or any other set law that exists within our universe, because it existed outside of our universe. I believe this "unknown force" to be have been God.

On macro evolution, the arrangement of our universe, and the complexity of our laws of physics and position in our galaxy that allows life to thrive, it is all so perfectly fine tuned that it is mathematically impossible to have happened by chance. To say that life developed complex systems that respond to different types of stimuli that previously couldn't even be detected by the organism just by random evolution over time is almost asinine. Genetic coding in our DNA is so impressive that there is no way that we developed organs that pick up light such as our eyes and organ systems that work together such as the nervous or digestive systems simply by chance. That's like slamming on your keyboard billions of times until eventually you get a working operating system.

No, im not worried about people seeing that and throwing christianity away. What irks me though, is how are these jews SO obvious about it? is it because at this point calling them out for anything ends badly for you? This David Silverman guy is clearly a fucking jew and not an athiest, but he directly targets christians to leave their faith. Imagine if a christian tried to tell jews to leave judiasm?

> Silverman

On the plus side they also post billboards in Arabic and Hebrew in neighborhoods with large populations which read those languages that says something to the effect of "you know it's all a myth"

your "country"is literally occupied by kikes

of christ faggots dont have the balls to revolt and form their own state independent of the kike federal government

they deserve to be persecuted and discriminated.

Have you got the balls to leave EU? You currently have ukranian wages and german prices.

Why don't we do the same thing about Islam? Push Anti-Islam things and try to convert people away from the religion?

I bet these same athiest liberal snowflakes would be up in arms.

Anyone in their right mind actually believe this fuck is an ((((Athiest)))))? Silverman? With a star of David as his fucking anti religion logo?

I dont consider myself part of the EU

I put a polish flag over the EU flag on my license plates

The UE is an illusion

a fucking kike hoax that isnt working

These delusional fuckers are putting chruches up all over Michigan encouraging people to take "Christ" on and are spreading country wide propagnda encouraging people to enter a cult named christianity.

We are not a free country, and don't have freedom of speech. If I tried to speak out against the kikes my safety would be in jeopardy and I can kiss and financial success goodbye. Not only that, but I can bet you they would find some 16 year old and have her ((((meet))) me and get me in trouble for getting her number or something

> that isnt working
Sure it does. It drains your young whites to richer countries like Germany or Switzerland (not UK anymore) and gives you beautiful refugees in return.

Christ is a Jewish hack, but without religion the citzen becomes a Jewish sheep. Look at how athiests voted in the 2016 US election, like 80% ((((Liberal)))))

well then if christians cannot find a way to organize and bring the heat to the kikes

it's like I said, christians arent serious about their freedoms and deserve to be oppressed and discriminated

And this is why islam is rock solid hard

they dont teach their kids to turn cheeks

they teach them to strike back twice as hard.

"""Thanks""" to jews which infiltrated the church.

Yeah, yeah, we know we'll be persecuted in the end days. Keep fullfilling those prophecies and proving the bible true and strengthening believers faiths

You're doing God's work. Except you wont be rewarded for it. LEL

I am actually becoming more and more favorable or Islam and ISIS. At least they aren't brain washed pussies. I cannot blame current Europeans for being brainwashed because it's been going on for 100 years. I hope Isis takes over America or China does (im not sure if kikes control china). Anything but these fucking kikes. America and the EU need to die and someone needs to occupy us.

I could care less about Christianity. But you take a normie and take his religion away, he becomes nothing but a Jewish pawn and puppet.

>I bet these same athiest liberal snowflakes would be up in arms.

You have actually identified a fracture point within their comunity. Atheists were doing pretty well up until about 2011 when some of them decided Islam was deserving of the same treatment they gave Christianity. Since then they have been in civil war as the true unbelievers have been in open conflict with the ones who were just in it as a means to the end of destroying western civilization. This is why you now have atheists who are now better known as anti-feminists.

I thought he becomes Jewish puppet when he's abiding some absurd laws that were written somewhere.... wait...

Good point. I kinda drifted away from self identifying as atheist when the whole Atheist+ thing was starting to happen.

I guess we're fucked in general. Either you listen to a 2000 year old Jew or a modern day marxist snake Jew

> Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
> At least they aren't brain washed
Sure they are, they are jewish puppets, you moron.
> pussies
Indeed. They are only brave when raping little girls. I have seen a video where captive IS officer was coordinating artillery fire on positions of his soldiers. Any russian officer would gladly die instead.

Well, I just try to stick to traditional values.
I strongly desire legalisation of marijuana here in Russia, but that's basically it - nothing else from liberal wing.

I think the tendency we are creating nowadays needs to be supported. Hope Le Pen wins the election in France and we change Vladimir to someone else as strong in external policy, but less corrupted.

People supporting our government use to claim everyone who's willing to gain some self freedom as liberals, but ya know, that's a different story. 3rd world problems.

Look at you are depicted there.

yeah ISIS has never ever attacked Israel, what kind is Islamic state is that? I meant Hamas not ISIS, but Im not sure who of those fucking shit skins to trust. Maybe in the future once whites are almost all gone we will be radicalized as well and have a White terrorist group.

Atheists = kikes' puppets

I live in CA, and have over 60 plants growing in my garage. But weed aint all its made out to be, it degenerates people. I sell it and dont even smoke it. Im stuck because I dont want to pay the Jew his income tax and interest, and make good money but its degenerate in society you wouldnt be suprised how many underage girls I get asking me for weed ( i tell them no)

Don't let those Marxist shits have your movement. Fuck them.

I have nothing to do with those fags. Neither have I something in common with our patriarcs stealing land and driving Mercedes'. Both groups are way too much.

And your pic is irrelevant btw, I'm not a pothead first, and second - even if I were, it still better than spend your time PRAYING lol, praying, Hans.

I'd tell you that banal saying that not the drug makes people degenerate, but the people themselves.

Of course if you don't self-improve and your interests are concentrated around the pot - sure you'll degenerate by the time you find yourself up an old, pathetic fool.

Atheism was marxist since the very beginning.

Atheists are traitors just like SJWs and cucks. Furthermore, there's basically no difference among them. Take a look at the American elections statistics. The percentage of atheists who voted for Dems are about the same of kikes'. Here in Brazil, atheists want to remove all historical stuff from the streets, complaining about "hurr durr Brazil is secular country and this stuff is religious hurr durr". Even Christ the Redeemer, a world wonder, was targeted by these morons.
Atheists are our enemies.

Maybe it was, but I personally hate lefties.

Atheism is not the main trait of right wing.

This guy gets it
It is indeed the main trait of left wing. Communistic doctrine tells that people can live fair and happy without God. Well, they can't.

Why should I listen to communist doctrine?
I don't believe in Christ but that doesn't make me a commie.

Yup. An (((Athiest))) is a nu age Jew who does all the work of a Jew without any of the Shekels or connections.

>am moderately Alt-right
>am Atheist
>agree with the billboards

Am I the only one like this?

It does, you just haven't realized it yet. An atheist can be either a commy (if he has some good intentions), or a hedonist.


>Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.

Based Germany is based



Wake the fuck up, take off your fedora and fix your panties riding up your puSay.

Jesus is lord and u are a sinning faggot

Interesting video. Even more interesting is when we take a look at some facts in this video: White male Christians defending the nation's historical buildings from feminists and SJWs. Thank God that we have no longer a Communist government. I hope things change in my country.

>people are either exposed to the christian doctrine of altruistic suicide, a perpetual sacrificing yourself for others even if they do nothing but kill you for it
>or having no religion and being consumed by mentally ill dogmas pushed by marxists like gender isn't real, nothing really matters, do whatever feels good, etc.
it's a trap. it's all a trap.


>I believe in a book written by sand guys [add a number between 3000 to 1500] years ago.

Seriously ?
Also Epicurus was a believer.

It's much harder to understand than a "smart phrase" from a kikebook public, moron.

>genetic fallacy
>appeal to modernity
>quoting a poor paraphrase

This shit irritates me.
I am an atheist, but I don't give two fucks about crosses on shit, or calling Christmas Christmas.
Sure some fagged will be all 'muh solstice, muh saturnalia'
But that shit is Christmas and has been for fucking ages.
I won't demand that sand niggers stop starving themselves on eid or that pajeets stop putting glittery turds everywhere for diwali.
It's their hogwarts magic and they can expecto patronus all they want as long as they let everyone else do their own thing.
Where I draw the line is with all this "islamophobia" and antisemitic bullshit.
If I wanna call your beliefs dumb, cos you cents don't eat bacon (spoiler alert, pig meat is fine ever since we invented fucking fridges - funny that your omnipotent God didn't predict that one!) or any number of weird things religious folk believe then I should be allowed to. After all, me making fun of them a bit is in no way as spiteful as them thinking I'm gonna burn for an eternity cos I think their book is like fucking dnd or something.
But yeah. Protesting that shit cos it triggers you, trying to get Christmas changed to holidays or some shit makes you an actual tard.
Fucking pansies that can't just let people play make believe if it makes them happy.

How can he be so enlightened 2k years from now ?