Some 50% of the American population makes less than 30k a year

>some 50% of the American population makes less than 30k a year
>79% of American jobs are service industry

So who do these companies think is going to buy their shit when half the people in the country are unemployed?

Do people not realize it is a give and take? The economy is like an ecosystem, there must be balance. You pay people to work, and then in turn those people pay for your goods.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cashiering is not a real job.

>So who do these companies think is going to buy their shit when half the people in the country are unemployed?

The stupid wretches who make barely any money wont be able to save money so their spending is at 100% of income.

It's basically slowly reorganizing the economy until everyone but the people at the top are slaves, and money is merely a form of rationing.


I think if someone goes through the self checkout they should get a discount. It's like I'm doing the actual work of the cashier. Why should I try to bring there cost of operation down and benefit in some way?

Ah the cash register
I remember when I was 14, working 20 hours a week outside of school so I could buy videogames.

But the techno-cucks told me that everybody will go to college and get $100,000 jobs fixing robots and programming computers

That would not work here in Hueland.

Easy import more immigrants and wealthy asians to buy stuff fuck Americans


Walmart or self-check out


The mental gymnastics and code speak you little faggots use is comical.

You just want free shit.

Self-check out, niggas would just grab their shit and GTFO. Unless there's some counter measure to niggerness in that system.

They'll all be on welfare n shit like they already are

I bought guns, ammo, and gas with my bennies.

>Do people not realize it is a give and take? The economy is like an ecosystem, there must be balance. You pay people to work, and then in turn those people pay for your goods.

This is what happens when an American intellectual talks about economy

Both I'd assume, since nothing works in brazil

Working for a wage is free shit?

Last I checked Walmart and McDonalds are mostly in the low-income neighborhoods. You think the millionaires and billionaires are going to be out every day spending hundreds thousands of dollars on Big Macs to keep these businesses afloat?

You don't even have an economy to talk about so fuck off

>Outsource jobs to China/India/Mexico
>Open all boarders and bring in immigrants
>Automation to finish the job
I'm beginning to think this is what it is all about.

welfare, unless (((they))) have some secret plan and consumers are no longer gonna be needed.

t. walmart cashier

When they make welfare payments in store credit, the supermarkets won't give a fuck.

That's the point you retard.

But that is how the economy works, more people with jobs and money means more demand and jobs for everybody else.

I don't get how they work here, at the very least they make it super easy for pussies to steal at least some things and never be caught.

Daily reminder that the only thing causing unemployment is welfare and regulations

There's usually a few employees you have to walk by on the way to the exit. Some of the more urban centric ones have police cars sitting just outside the entrance all the time.

It is exactly, as WLP put it
>create a class of coffee colored consumers

That is what they are trying to do, hell they might as well negotiate with the FED directly if they want total currency control

>>some 50% of the American population makes less than 30k a year

Ciboire que vous etes pauvres, Bubba...

But the only thing keeping us from being reduced to China-tier sweatshop slavery is regulation, I really don't want to work in a factory with suicide nets and exposed machinery that kills people in the double-digits monthly so Mr. Shekelkikestein can make a few extra bucks.

Cashier make 9/hr so yourself check out took 5min, enjoy your 75 cents discount.

No, I just realize this will affect everyone, not just the people who work at the grocery store. Those people will be pushed into other fields and be driving down wages. Those who can't make it into other fields of work will turn to crime. And unless you're a millionaire, you'll be living in a South African style home with bars on your windows and doors to protect what few normie assets you have from the street dwellers who have nothing.

And then eventually your industry will be automated too, until 90% of all work is automated and we are all living in plywood houses on the street like some shit from Elysium.

Where do you live?
Here in the south we have supermarkets that use Self Checkout

>But the only thing keeping us from being reduced to China-tier sweatshop slavery is regulation
no its not having a billion other people that can do your job

South as well, never seen those.
Santa Catarina.

Both sides of this argument are naive fucking retards.

#1. The wealthy and powerful are never going to agree to any kind of basic income. They are Jews. They are going to Jew everybody. It's going to be an actual shoah, except against non Jews.

#2. The "muh working hard" people are fucking retards too. There'll be maybe 1 millwright job for every 1000 robotic jobs. And that's only until robotic milwrights are invented.

Everybody is fucked. Most managers are just retards who are put in place to act as robotic spreadsheet makers. Middle management will go just as quickly.

So you might be proud of your skills now, but at the rate things are going they'll be worthless in about 30 years. So I hope you have a good backup plan.

And when you go to cash in your retirement plan (((they))) will just use their rabbinical superpowers to revoke your retirement savings through some act of mental gymnastics.

So fuck off left goyim and right goyim, you are all useful idiots.

Daily reminder that the only thing stopping you from making less than you already are and working less than 80+hrs a week are regulations.

Why does Sup Forums seem to despise the poor working class so much? You know not everyone can be a highly skilled technician.

The majority of the poor working class is white, too.

They inject the economy with credit to make up for low wages to keep consumption going.

>you from making less than you already are
Since I make more than minimum wage they are legally allowed to pay me less
>and working less than 80+hrs
you are legally allowed to work 80+ hours a week now

>who are put in place to act as robotic spreadsheet makers. Middle management will go just as quickly.
>So you might be proud of your skills now, but at the rate things are going they'll be worthless in about 30 years


Everyone on Sup Forums is a millionaire software tech genius, they're surely immune to such automation. Didn't you know?

Or you can boycott both the companies and the currency

Don't shop with anyone who automates, outsources, or imports illegals. Keep it local or start a new system barring the old companies.

If you want to go even further you may have to resort to trade and/or abandoning the dollar in favor something non-jewed

welfare is what keeps the working class poor by artificially raising prices


The economy has been a hollowed out log for about 30 years now. A gigantic consumer credit bubble, making up nearly 100% of the North American economy.

They'll run out of countries to invade and the bubble will pop eventually. Of course it's all just a bunch of numbers on computer screens, there's still plenty of food and housing to go around, but you've all been so properly brainwashed that you will freeze to death on the street in front of a vacant house, or starve to death in front of a mountain of food.

Good goyim. So well trained.

Been working at Walmart for over a decade and gross almost $26k annually.

Hopefully I can clear $30k before I hit 40.

Wait until the cashless system is implemented, you won't have a choice where you shop. And they'll price out small businesses with merchant fees.

>Be 10
>Get to see "a space odyssey"
>HAL is all I care about.
>Later get into electronics.
>Build shit with hobby servo's and actuators.
>Learn programming
>Fast forward.
>Now work in the industry.
>Follow dreams to make real AI

All is well and my American dream is perfect. Oh wait.

>Learn that my job is back end programming for bullshit "Smart kids toys"
>Previous job was basically Advanced Advertising learning
>Will never achieve dream of independent research or development

All because Abdulh and Haji made the value of my work less by flooding quantity and lowered quality. I know it'll be asked.

>Make 70k
No where near what I'm valued.

>Been working at Walmart for over a decade and gross almost $26k annually.
>Hopefully I can clear $30k before I hit 40.

Hon hon, gros perdant...

Rejoice ye NEETS. When 70% of the world's jobs are inevitable automated at some point in the not so distant future, universal basic income is a guarantee

Been working at Wal-Mart for 4 month and I already nake over 30k. Why dont you transfer to a DC?

wtf i love welfare now

They can't price you out if they are being boycotted.

The key lies with customer control of the system. Consumer apathy is the poison that is killing small businesses

Most of those comments come from young kids who don't work yet or NEETS who think they will make 100k a year one day.

I'd rather they just pay me to do work, even if it is simple shit. I don't like getting money for free.

T. NEET that's too ugly and stupid to hire.

We cant just pay everyone what they want. People have to compete.

I think that we should help pay a more livable wage, but ultimately paying people high wages for crap jobs will lead to inflation which will only make the rich richer.

They also use immigration to expand the size of the taxable population to keep the base of the pyramid growing.


As long as they give us full income and none of that half-assed welfare I might approve.

They will just automate everything, and buy whatever they need from other rich people who own robots.

That's not a good thing.

I think there should be some regulation. For X amount of revenue you should have to employ X amount of people.

Almost right?

The minute things actually get as bad as your hyperbole is the very minute we wind up getting a new flag.

>muh ideology

People cannot eat ideology no matter how hard you want them to.

>but you've all been so properly brainwashed that you will freeze to death on the street in front of a vacant house, or starve to death in front of a mountain of food.
This is painfully true. Especially in Canada, we are so fucking accustomed to being robbed blind by the government and turbo-kike capitalists.

I'm trying to learn some survival skills so I can actually survive after the economy crashes, but most people are honestly going to die, it's unfortunate but they have been so brainwashed and hooked into the current socio-economic system they can't live without it even if there are readily available resources all around them. If their food doesn't come from a grocery store they can't eat it, if their water isn't from a tap they can't drink it, it's just impossible for them to think beyond the constraints the current system.

Self service is good but you still need customer service to help old people and check ids. And security to beat up kids trying to steal sum dxm

No. Because all of the wealth is in private hands. And those private hands aren't going to hand it over peacefully.

Everybody who is like
>muh UBI
are also
>muh gun regulations.

So there will be no revolution.

People who are for ubi are just as retarded and useful idiots as people who don't understand why there would ever be a need for such a thing.

The point is not to save 75c but to not allow the company to make those 75c they would otherwise have paid to an employee

The worst wagecucks are the ones who lick their bosses boots and pray that he takes his 8th vacation this year because they're a STRONG CAPAITALIST TRADES MAN WHO MAKE AN ENTIRE FOURTY (40) THOUSAND A YEAR. Of course they can shit on the cashier, they're so successful and happy to make their (((employer))) more money!

Or just stop our crazy policy of creating inflation and just let prices come down

global economy and fiat money must collapse in our lifetime or we are looking at Soylent Green future

It's an hour away.

Not sure the context of the video.

This is the best I will ever have it since I don't have a GED or anything.

You mean cooperate? If you say compete then jews will tell you you have to compete with people who make $2 dollars per day. It would be a race to the bottom and you still lose

Or use X amount of revenue to help full time employees directly with things like gas, mortgage, transportation, and food. If you cant consistently support a promised raise.

You dont know how retail works
Companies are in constant competition to have the lowest prices to gain market share

Nah. Don't you see... Because they've successfully divided things across the whole left vs. right dichotomy.

So it will just be painted as a communist revolution, and those second amendment goyim will come fix it.

>blacks married
>blacks affording a higher rent than a married white couple
>ignoring laws that landlords have to follow in regards to eviction

That artist is an idiot

They look so miserable

extremely depressing.

Surely it will trickle down, any day now

>Do people not realize it is a give and take?

No, they don't.

The idiots believe wealth is created by the rich, they even call them "wealth creators". This is total bullshit.

Economics is a virtuous circle of investors, producers and consumers. You need all three to create wealth. Our current system with its focus on investors is destroying consumers, this is why we have poor demand. Without demand the economy grinds to a halt.

Where did I say anything about trickle down?

Pauvre cracker...

They just tried to make up for it with lending that makes you a slave to it.

I mean if you want to put it that way. What other alternative does a person have anyway. Unless they all become entrepreneurs and start businesses, which theyll still have to compete.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

Not as depressing as ending up homeless, hungry and dead.

Inflation is basically non existent currently.

You were blaming "inflation" for something. It's apparent you're a fucking idiot.

Also an issue with capital and able to start.

Like I said, if I wasn't in a constant cycle of closely managing my money and working myself inhumane hours, I'd love to start up my own company.

But even the patents and copyright fee's are to high for me.


They aren't wrong

Trickle down economics works in a producer based economy or an economy with monetary problems. Currency is easy to control when it is in the hands of a few.

Trickle up economics works best in a consumer based economy like ours where you need lots of people to spend. Currency needs velocity to work

>So who do these companies think is going to buy their shit when half the people in the country are unemployed?
Chinese working class

What is food housing education and medical care
Automation should have created massive deflation but the feds are flooding the system with money

Try it. It's low skilled but you deal with the public all day long.

You right wingers are so fucking retarded.

This. The real problem is that the wealthy currently have a strangle hold on politics and refuse to allow the state to correct the demand problem and instead are using the state to protect themselves.

at this point america is on a crash and burn style economy and right before the crash the wealthy will flee to china or other growing markets. The point now is to milk the country for everything it has got and pool the wealth so it can flee.

>send all jobs overseas
>tax working ppl massively
>bring in a million shitskins to lower wages

>blacks married
>>blacks affording a higher rent than a married white couple
What is welfare and affirmative action housing policies
>ignoring laws that landlords have to follow in regards to eviction
Facing a Jew judge and Jew landlord the White family will lose everytime

They are a form of price controls