Texas thread

Texas thread


Isn't Texas just a cucked version of the southern states?

Lake Worth here.
Fuck Austin, fuck Houston, fuck East Dallas, fuck California, fuck Oklahoma, fuck people still living here after Hurricane Katrina, and fuck Austin.


>trying to hate on texas
and i liked mongolian beef until now, fuck you ghenkis.
San antonio reporting in

us texans huh

Bee Cave here. fuck you californians.

Is it true that all the mexicans are going to turn texas into a blue state by next election?


Reminder that they just got permission from their benevolent overlords to openly carry their personal property on their hip less than a year ago.

Yes I get the joke with the flag too.

What country are you even?

Legal Mexicans always vote red.
It's the caliniggers and katriniggers that will make us blue.


That's not true you dumb spic.

passport pic?

You serious, mate?

Do you people have internet? Woaw.

I'm no spic.
>Cali spics = Texicans
Educate yourself.

Great map! wtf I love Mongolia now.

I was this close to being a Texan.

After my folks figured out I was on the way, my father spent a while deciding on whether to move to Texas or to move to Michigan. Both had good job prospects at the time.

desu I think the major deciding factor was a lack of snakes and scorpions in backyards. I think the guy didn't want any stupid accidents killing his kid early on.

>no source

Trump got like 40 or 50% of blacks and mexicans.

I've lived in Michigan for several years. It's a beautiful state. I heard the job economy is picking up though, so I might move back.
I'd be there already but



>muzzie capital of Michigan

thanks for reminding me, fuck, at least that place is way the hell away from me. Where I live it's legit 95% white. Lansing and East Lansing are nearby but I can manage those places.

>muzzie capital
>in murica

Where are american muslims from, anyway? Pakistan? Middle East, mostly? Converts?

wtf i love whites now

probably migrants from the ME

I'm sure there's a few dumbass blacks that converted or some shit but I wouldn't really know personally

what is it about the amish beard that makes people look fucking crazy and untrustworthy, goddamn

You know, a real Texan loves his Chile.

Choice proxy m'dude


Austin here, fuck austin

Checks out.
Howdy fellow Texan.

Oh yea, old austinfag (population We've been over run by liberals, hippies and hipsters!!
>I'm calling in nukes on my position.


Get the hell out of Austin!! Need some P. Terry's right now.

flag czechs out

So Texasfags, I really like the way you do your stuff MUH GUNS, MUH FREEDOMS and shit
So next time I'm going to USA, I'm gonna skip going to NY, California, Seattle, and all the shit I used to go because I'm pissed at them.
Fuck, I've managed to live in SF but wasn't red pilled then. But I also hate hot places.
So what is a good, kinda cold, kinda small city, but with good infrastructure and internet place to visit?

Finland ?

Hey Texas I can't belittle you because I live in Nevada and the Silver state voted for the dogfaced cunt.

But what's with that faggy elector crying all over social media that he's not going to vote for Trump and wants the Electora to instead pick Kasich.

Can you guys please shut this fucker up, he's trying to delegitimize our next President.

TN here. Texas is bros.

If you don't like the heat you'll have to avoid most of Texas unless you go in December, January, Februrary, and maybe some of March.



They are Democrat operatives who failed to turn Texas Blue in the one election in 50 years where it could have possibly happened. So instead they are trying to keep the 'blue texas' meme alive.

I have seen snow pics of Texas in the Winter. Is it true? Just in nothern Texas right?

He's a 'literal who' that nobody but MSM cares about.

God bless the best state in the union.
Fuck California.
Please just nuke us and put me along with all the spics, dykes, and muslim loving faggots out of our collective gun-free zone misery

Fake Texas get out


You fucking niggers can't get shit right. Two goddamn electors turn traitor. MOTHERFUCKING TWO. You were almost off probation for that primary shit because your delegates acted like respectable fucking cowboys. But your electors are going rogue. Get your shit together.

>don't talk about Texas

Yeah I'm pretty sure they get a decent amount of snow up near the panhandle.

They are nobodies who probably get their marching orders from the cancer that is Texas California's, I mean "democrats". They are actually angry that in the now past election they legitimately had a chance to turn Texas Blue, but they failed horribly.

I prefer the Canada honestly.

>Our electors are going rogue
And? It's just the media giving these idiots a soapbox to stand on when in all likelihood they're prepping themselves for political career suicide.

We're the only state that has every biome sans northern tundra-esque environments.

>Swamps and forests in the east
>Deserts and mountains in the west
>Fiery Hellscape in the south
>Tornadoes and icestorms in the north
>Habitable stretches of land and rivers in central Texas


>We're the only state that has every biome sans northern tundra-esque environments.

Worst 14 hour drive of my life.

That flag has a Llama.

Looks a lot better than their current flag, should change it for this one.

haha yee haw haha

im from texas too my dudes

Praise Tengri




Yapo, altiro.

I love my vernacular language.

Hello Lads.

I only want to say that delet this thread

Falfurrias reporting in, who /shithole/ here

Tejanos you mean?

True tejanos

every time I see this I laugh that one of the shittiest Whataburgers I've ever been to got used



Texas is the best state but we will never be perfect until we get legal ayyweedlmao

Hiding out in small community north of liberal fkn Austin

> send help

>narrowly chose Michicuck to Texas because he's a pussy that is afraid of our fauna

your daddy fucked up.

How does he know if his kid is weak or not?

North Austin still based

>North Austin still based

Only 1/4 of my subdivision is
> It's getting bad

Any Texans ITT who left for greener pastures? Where did you move? What is it like?

There's a lot about Texas I love but there's a lot I dislike . I'm committed on moving sometime in the next few years but I'm not sure where I want to go yet.

get to the chopaaaa

I've traveled to over 20 countries and been to almost 30 states. I have yet to find a place other than Australia that I would call home.

I've noticed, while travelling around the US, that people in other states usually don't give a shit about the state they live in. They don't have pride in it the way we have pride here in Texas. Why is that?

yeah like 2-3 years ago we got a fuck load of snow here in DFW area