What conspiracy theories does Sup Forums believe?

Personally, not really any, except I've became convinced over the last year that media really is in the pockets of the rich elite.

Also I think drug companies might be withholding some medical advancements, since they would cut their profits.

Other urls found in this thread:



Neither one of those are really conspiracies, they only involve about a dozen people.

You want a real conspiracy?

Follow the gold.

I unironically believe:

Holocaust didn't happen.
JFK was killed by gubmint.
Jews are intentionally promoting race mixing to destroy the white race.
Industrial farming is subsidized to keep the estrogen concentration of our milk high

>mfw I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist subversion, communist indoctrination, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids

What's a man to do

I believe in paid shills

weak b8 m8

Does Pizzagate still count as a conspiracy theory or is it just obviously true now that everyone is desperately trying to label it as 'fake news'?

It's a Conspiracy Fact

Underrated post.
Best character in one of the most redpilled films out there.

All of them.

Makes the world less boring.

pizzagate is as real as the moonlanding, aka fake

Shame they wouldn't let him finish his last red-pilled film though
Times change

>Aliens under the ice caps
>Nazis escape to south pole
>Aliens are now Nazis

>aliens in Antarctica

>What conspiracy theories does Sup Forums believe?

only those that may be damaging to those I disagree with or that reinforce my world view.

Cause anything that may be considered detrimental to what i think or believe in is clearly pure poppycock though and should be fully ignored as complete false hoods.


Pizzagate. That's really it.

Yeah, can you imagine how hard it would be to make a movie like Strangelove in 2016? There is NOFUCKINGWAY it would happen.

Who gives a shit? Conspiracy theories are just a huge distraction.

Insulin prices are at $200 a dose, your Supreme Court upholds legalised bribery as part of the Constitution, politicians are literally receiving brown envelopes full of money during televised Congress sessions, and all you Amerisharts are doing is shitposting about jews and reptilians and who shot JFK.

Try actually voting for a Congress that wants to get money out of politics (No, Trump doesn't count).

something is going on around the poles






>thinks voting can change things


Ayy lmaos are real and the global elites are trying to force globalism in order to unite humanity against ET aggression.


for those unaware look up operation highjump

that's the north pole my dude. What does that have to do with Antarctica?

both poles

-No gas chambers and no organized extermination machine during the "holocaust"
-2.5 million jews died rather than 6 million and none died from being gassed



What's in the north? Same as in the south? Nazis? Ayy lmaos?


Something (((they))) don't want us goyim knowing about that's for sure.



Look up the "Deep Space" series on Gaia.com, Nazi UFOs might actually be a real thing



thx, looks interesting

I'm really interested in this and I want to look it up, but I also like living.

I don't get it. This Norwegian soap carving forum has every obscure picture known to mankind, from some random girl puking on her own lap, to some douchebag covered in, literally, shit, to John-Fucking-Kerry in the South Pole?

But you fucking soap carvers can't produce pictures of anything that makes a fucking bit of difference.

Where are the fucking pictures of the ayyyy lmao's? Where are the pictures of John Podesta sticking it in little boys? Where are the pictures of the Nazi underground realm?

You fucking neckbeards digust me.
For Christ's sake, go get a fucking job.

There used to be a "bridge".
This map is elevation.

Fuck off psyops faggot. You have to lurk more if you want to get paid easy shekels.

I investigated it pretty hard and spread the message to a 50k+ audience, still alive...for now :O

>become aware JFK killing was inside job
>mfw finding out it was shortly after he named the global elite

This map is thermal



Good enough for me!

i get the elevation map implying the bridge, but what do the thermal and other map you posted mean?

>the land of ice and frozeness goyim
>there's nothing down here goyim
>look away NOW goyim

Use of particles faster than light to communicate with you know who. SETI/CETI is for retarded uninformed goym.
Contact has been made, the masses aren't being informed about what is to come. What is to come you may ask...the 6th extinction event. There. That's the conspiracy against all of humanity. As RAW once said, "secrecy is indeed the original sin.".

That there are aliens on this earth

Should I completely cut out dairy products from my diet? Is meat estrogenized as well? How can I transition from a low carb weight loss diet and still lose weight?

what's under the ice, senpai?






Yes most cow meat will have estrogen too. They use it to make cows fatter and to make them produce more milk. Some smaller owned "organic" milks and beefs might not use it as much but I cannot confirm. I do not know much about the specifics of low-carb diets. See

I hate this guy who comes in here with all this hollow earth bullshit

The titanic was sunk on purpose.

They have tourism in Antarctica btw

USA was behind the attempted coup d'etat in turkey

the truth is that the world's governments and financial institutions are controlled by a shadowy group who insist on maintaining a knowledge gap, manufacture and traffic children as sex slaves and sacrifices, poison our food and water, keep our pineal gland (3rd eye) dormant and inactive, infest our lives with degeneracy subliminally and often not, run all sorts of psyops so we keep blaming each other instead of uniting to take them on, exploit false conspiracies to keep us further from the truth, and pull many other shits straight from the "how to be dueche" manual.

that sandy hook was a political stunt

Han shot first
Also pizzagate

This 100%

t. Someone that got his pineal gland opened recently. Life is completely changed

That Area 51 contains stuff we aren't allowed to see.

That for there for there to be a first cause everything would have to be made from nothing; literally.

Mind blowing.

fuck off shill

I'm pretty far down in that rabbit hole.
Just had to buy a bible recently.
It's a shame though, I can't reveal my power levels to anyone, otherwise they'll think I'm crazy

explain please..how did u open it..how did life change?



Sandy Hook was fake. I don't believe in "da j00s" conspiracy because I've worked with the kind of people Sup Forums thinks are pulling the strings. They're not ethnically evil--they're just incredibly retarded and arrogant or greedy (though one or two are definite psychopaths who have no problem committing cultural or regular genocide).

only technology, possibly anti gravity, cloaking (invisibility), infinite energy sources, all kinds of weapons (chemical, biological, laser, whatever the fuck else they thought of), possible human experimintation. Not actual ayys, thats a psyop meant to keep you chasing what isn't there.

This is a tree stump.

>allow communist infiltration, communist subversion, communist indoctrination

You are still way bluepilled about whos doing this if you think its communist eastern european jews

Do you think Trump is on your side too?


Ok well I watched "Everything is a rich man's trick" on youtube and it left me devastated and broken. I literally barely slept that night.

The next day I was still feeling like shit about how the world is "rigged" by the elites. I came here on Sup Forums in a religion thread, asking for advises as I needed help. Someone suggested Christianity, so I immediately went ahead and began reading about it and checking out videos on youtube.

An hour or so after, I wanted to go for a smoke (been trying to quit for so long).
I got up, and then felt it. I felt a rush of warm water flowing through my head and torso (which is how certain people describe the holy spirit). It felt so good.
Then I felt intense "activity" in my pineal gland (didnt know what it was, I literally google'd "strange feeling between eyes, slightly above eyebrows)

My life changed because since I obviously became a Christian. Whenever I pray, or read the bible, there is activity in my 3rd eye. As I'm typing this, I feel activity. When I do good deeds, my 3rd eye also opens. Like yesterday, I came back home work and as I parked my car on the street, I saw this old lady with a cane walking on the street. She was checking all the parking meters for change. Not a crackhead or anything, just an old woman with no money.
Anyway, I walked to her and told her "take this, maybe you need it more than I do" as I handed her a 5$ bill. Then I felt a rush in my 3rd eye and felt really good.
Also, sometimes I meet people that seem genuinely pure-hearted and my 3rd eye reacts immediately. Well the few times it happened it was old women that were all smiles as soon as they saw me.

I'm still a noob with my 3rd eye, and I'm aware I could take the "dark road" at this point, experiment with clairevoyance, telekinisis, summonings and spirits. Demons. Yet I decided to stay in the light. Our Lord opened my 3rd eye so I shall remain true to him

Mt. Muru

holy fuck...

What? What did he mean by this map?

sounds cool..do you mean tingling between your eyebrows on the forehead?
I can do that whenever I want..(need to relax and concentrate tho)
but I don't feel like anything changed..maybe I need to read more of the bible.
I am very scepticle about any "super powers" but just a slightly more inner peace and confidence or something would be nice too.

its a joke, user. The image is trying to point out how big the U.S. is, yet he used the entirety of north america and south america there.

I love how America is smaller than America in this pic.

Bro, you have schizophrenia.

Nothing worse than someone who says their third eye has been opened who turns to Christianity.

I'm like, what the fuck?

>Bro, you have schizophrenia

Hahaha oh is that a fact?
Well I wish schizophrenia upon all you sad motherfuckers then

>People at work have noticed how I've been so happy recently.
>I decided to join a gym and eat better.
>I decided to be less selfish and visit my parents more often
>yesterday I sent an email to an animal rescue shelter (SPCA) asking if it was possible to volunteer every sunday afternoon, on a regular basis
>my confidence has sky-rocketed as I bow down to God, but stand up to any man
>I was planning to save up money to buy a flashy car, but now I want to use that money to travel around the world.

Stop posting this

do you pray? if yes..how?
in your head or out loud..etc.?

aliens walk among us