Varg thanks Turks for conquering Anatolia

Really makes you think don't it, eh? Maybe Hitler's bromance with Turkey want irrational after all.

Other urls found in this thread:





>Birthing hips


She's not fat...just extra curvy. Bods like this gimme a huge woody

How did varg turn into a living meme

>resistance to ice and fire types
>somehow a bad thing

I just want to fuck that girl.


my peepee likes this picture

post more

t. low testosterone

Hey I'm writing an article about Varg. What kind of jobs has he had other than musician?

Literally the perfect body

here you go senpai

fuck Varg

Fully shaved vagoo doesn't fit with the mother earthly theme

>she will never bear your son

The idea of treating him as some kind of authority is funny in itself, so making entire thread OPs that consist of him giving commands is like a reductio ad absurdum for his role as a commentator/guru/whatever.

t. fat-enabler

so varg made yet another video about christians not being as awesome. i am predicting a lot of butthurt and islam lover accusations

>mfw the fall of constantinople is a good thing

Varg is a Muslim fan boy, it is known. read his old posts on his blog, he's a slimy Muslim apologist.

i think i just lost my asian fetish


>reverse image search
>google suggests "chubby busty"

Even google thinks she's fat, and they're a bunch of progressives

>tfw no thicc Turkish qt

I'm really tempted to kill myself

if that picture doesn't get your dick hard you are a faggot, end of

Why wouldn't he be? Islam is the true redpill. As soon as Sup Forums gets over its (((alt-right))) phase, this will become clearer to most of you.

I never understood Constantinople circle jerk, what was so great in them?



This tbqh. Goddamn.


Can someone remind me why Sup Forums likes this guy? Seems retarded

First he was a satanist.

Then he claimed he was never a satanist, and was really a national socialist. Changed his middle name to Quisling.

Then he claimed he was never a national socialist and is now an Odinist.

Being a modern pagan means you have to be a larping faggot that jerks off to vikings.

Hes a Godless faggot who LARPs about vikings while praising muslims.

What is going on in this thread?

Meme politics/sports

lard-chasers fappin

>That pic
In five years she'll look like pic related you hairy Turkleaf


vargs mental gymnastics and wilful ignorance never cease to amuse me


people still listen to this dumb cuck?

Source plz

This he consideres them our first ally, primarily because they don't like the Jew at all, I mean lots of Nazis went over to Egypt because of Himmler's relationtionship with them over there.

While it is sad that lots of historical knowledge was lost, cool mythology lost, and doctors, etc were butchered, what does varg expect white people to do? All we really have now is Christianity and don't know shit about our pagan beliefs to any other extent than LARPing

The girl I'm talking to has a very similar body to this. Her ass and hips are Devine.

You have to commit to banging her now. Get your seed deep in there.

you are doing God's work sweden!

Underrated /vp/oreon right here.

She's built like a neanderthal fertility doll...I don't give a shit about that fag leaf OP's thread. MUH DIK.

it wasn't muslim

I will leaf. I will.

gotta ask for sauce


What these "le thick hihihi" tiny cocked fatfags fail to understand that they are literally fapping to a fantasy.
>Best angle so fat looks less
>Best pose so far looks less
>Photoshop all the drooping fat to look tight
>Photoshop ball shaped human blob into a nice hipped shape
>Photoshop out 6 chins
>Replace entire cellulite ridden legs ass and lower back with new shopped skin
>Be happy that pictures don't have smellovision in today's age because that bitch be rank all over.

Go ahead tiny cocks. Go ahead and marry such a low life fag pig. Go ahead and so it. But don't be surprised when in a fraction of the her everything starts to sag,her personality is reduced to a shovel made to shovel food in its hole, and she is covered in an increasing number fatzits, cellulite holes and drinks your place up. "High t fat bitches" is a meme you all got fatpilled.

But if you disagree with me I couldn't care less. Go ahead and marry some fatso to get over your low t insecurity

This, as much as i hate you Rabbi christendom is hardly what it once was, and even if it could command the same authority as it had it would be leagues better than being under an islam boot.

Listen, im not saying he is wrong in his viewpoints, but im so fucking tired of seeing people going out into the swamp, digging up a literal made-of-bones dead horse while ignoring the Islamist camel pissing in their wells.



Eshe Ikandi

Shopped, here is the real version

You're right netherbro but I think you're exaggerating a bit.

My ex was on the chubby side, with an hourglass kind of body, not as fat as OP's pic, but definetely in some poses it didn't look thicc it looked unappealing, like having the fat folds when sitting down, or seeing her eat a little too much for breakfast and thinking "she ain't getting any thinner"

I havent posted nudes on Sup Forums in a while because of the bans. Have the mods stopped banning nudes/porn?

>My ex
You dodged a bullet my friend.


Name plz

what homosexuals don't understand is that it doesn't matter it's shopped. you're getting the visual stimuli either way whether it's real or not. you're just a faggot and don't like women.

I like boys now.

Wow what a faggot sorry you married some nasty fat bitch but I married thicc and couldn't be happier (with the body, she's a bitch).

>>My ex
>You dodged a bullet my friend.

maybe, time will tell, she was thin and hot af when we started dating so you gotta be careful kek

I'm getting a pic of a sad panda with a flower what do now

Sure but stop calling it "high t" nigger. High t has nothing to do with personal taste and if it did it would mean a higher T person would like MORE types. So fat, skinny, on the verge of dying, you name it: if it moves high T guy will fuck it.

>trips proof of good taste

So what if it's a shop you faggot, as long as my dick gets hard then it's fine

what's your problem? you feel somehow less of a man or something? people can call it what they want.


Look at her frame

She is obviously not fat, cuckboi


>Eshe Ikandi
>e she i kandi
>is she eye candy?

Yes. Yes she is eye candy.

It's simply wrong. Kindergarten children are smarter than this shit.

They will always pick the skinny hourglass figure over a fat one

varg makes some good points but his hatred towards christianity is so large that he becomes an autistic sperg


holy fuck, wtf is wrong with this complete fucktard?

i fucking hate idiots who claim falsehood and lies in history, fffffffuuucckk



what's your problem? it's not like you have to fuck these chicks - and btw. people will 'pick' the more fertile one, which btw. is what these image communicate: fertility, also what a hourglass figure suggest. but why do you even bother commenting?


Last bastion of the remmant Roman Empire
Its fall marked the end of the white man era


I'd turn back to Tengriism for some t h i c c 2bh

>Last bastion of the remmant Roman Empire
>Its fall marked the end of the white man era
kinda marked the start, 50 years later we started colonizing and shiet


I havent masturbate in 2 weeks and my dick is literally throbbing looking at this thread

He's just so plain wrong, the 12th-13th century is one of my favorite periods, 12th century monks wrote the Icelandic sagas, stories about pagans with great insight into pagan life and their worldview. Some of the books like Snorra Edda are specifically documenting pagan mythology objectively without judgment in a time Varg is claiming was completely oppressive and thought policed. This is a golden age of Christianity with spectacular churches rising everywhere in Europe, in places that had never seen even a single stone brick before.


Its true tho.

Varg is definitelly right about the point that Christianity destroyed Europe. It's a fact. If you don't believe the sources of Varg look it up yourself. Read the bible.

I never understood how stupid the majority on Sup Forums is to believe that Christianity belongs to Europe


on the other hand I could marry a 9yold 4 times and raise them to be t h i c c moms if I stayed muslim

this. Apparently everyone here is a fatass

And then you could fuck your daighters too you disgusting pedo subhuman mudslime.