Trump thinks that Air Force One should cost no more than an ordinary 747

>Trump thinks that Air Force One should cost no more than an ordinary 747

Sup Forums will defend this.

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he has a similar jet for himself, he probably knows very well how much these things should cost

spending 4 billion (2,3 billion over budget) on two planes, even though you already have 2 fine planes is pretty fucking dumb kiddo

No, he just thinks it shouldn't be 4 billion dollars.

And his is a very luxurious plane as well, with custom engines etc.

He knows.

>an ordinary 747
747 is going out of production

But I doubt the Trump plane has a missile defense system, ECM, flares or chaffs.
Not sure if the parachute escape capsule actually exists though.

Make some sense. Those armored limo's and cars politicians get are all sold very much under cost because it's seen as a form of promotion by the companies selling them. So why can't boeing do the same? Air Force One is basically a giant add for them.

He has NEVER expressed this view

trump paid 50mil for his plane

This is just Carrier all over again, Boeing gets shit tons of sweet NASA money, Trump expects not being price-gouged in return.

Keep in mind air force one aND a commercial jet have very different requirements. Removing all the non sense commercial stuff could more than pay for the specialized equipment/ crew needed.

It's not an ordinary 747. It's a jet with military-grade communication systems, electronic jamming systems, and anti-missile systems. The President is the Commander & Chief of the entire US military, the largest and most powerful military on the planet. He should have the most secure transportation possible.

First, Boeing was with (((Her))), they had this punch to the nose coming.

Second (and most importantly): Boeing was going to move a lot of jobs overseas. Trump just reminded them that there's a new sheriff in town and that isn't how the US does business anymore. Just like with Carrier, Boeing will bend the knee.


HE LITERALLY TELLS YOU HOW HE THINKS AND WORKS AND PEOPLE STILL GO "huh wtf why did he do that lol drump is so random & crazy"

>>Trump thinks that Air Force One should cost no more than an ordinary 747

>educated enough in the business world to know how much shit cost
>calling our the robber barons that have been fucking over the US for decades

Only a Shillary wrinkled tit sucking faggot from CTR would think this was a bad thing.

I am not going to claim to understand the differences between a regular 350Mil 747 and the 4Billion air force one.

Maybe they do put in 3.5Billion extra and more than ten x the price of the regular plane is as fair as it gets.

Could it be that Trump may be thinking that the 2 air force ones he already has are good enough that we don't need to spend 8Billion dollars on a couple of replacements?

good one

4 billion could seriously buy a naval warship and it's ordnance. Look at what that money can get you before arbitrarily deciding it's a fair price.

I agree, but spending double is retarded.

The old airforce one cost 400 million

why does this one suddenly cost 4 billion?

Wow boeing planes cost 350million and air force one cost 4billions? Wow

I could buy at least 10 boeing plans with that money. 10 boeing planes> air force one. How can it even compete when you can just crash them all into the boeing and style them up to look nice?

Trump is smart as fuck. This man is worthy of presidnet.

And the President needs to be able to command all those warships. He cannot do that if he is dead.

No, it is not. You have no idea what goes into these jets. You can't know because it is literally top secret. 4 billion for two completely customized, high-tech airliners isn't a scandal.

AF1 has a modified wiring system, redesigned inner chambers and aisles, 7.1k mile range, external security features like anti-missile flares and better communication arrays. There's also a better climate control system. Boeing just doesn't want to give away planes since they're also on contract with the government for defense deals. The fed also pays for the armored cars, the new Cadillacs are valued around $500k-$1million.

>NASA money

why does a presidential plane need missiles?

Trump is worth 5 billion, with all his towers and properties, and they want 4 billion for 2 planes.

It is however a waste of money on a talking head. Wasted quints.

Military grade hardware is fucking expensive and whatever goes into air force 1 is the absolutely top of the line.

Stop imagining that this is an ordinary 747. It's not. This plane needs to be able to function as a command center during a nuclear exchange.

>the most secure transportation possible
>electronic jamming systems, and anti-missile systems
Too bad some planes still have conventional weapons.

I said anti-missile flares, in case some crazy ass gets their hands on a fim-92 and wants to shoot at AF1. Since 9/11 the systems have gotten more complex and with that, prices go up. Although $2 billion for one does seem pretty steep.

>Although $2 billion for one does seem pretty steep.

It's not.

You want to put vulcan turrets on a jet?

Is only as expensive as it is because of its clientele (tax payers). Ideas are expensive, hardware is cheap and only gets cheaper.

Can the rudder or the reactors handle 30mm shots?

Congratulations on being 100% wrong.

Ideas are cheap, hardware is expensive and only gets more expensive.

Lol, keep telling yourself that buddy. Most advancements in the last 20 years are software based.

>Programmers don't need to be paid, they're slaves or some shit like that.

It's overpriced shit because they pay for it with tax money and don"t negotiate properly with the company selling the products. It's exactly the thing Trump said he was going to fix, government waste of tax payer money.

Fuck them all to death

This guy is retarded no one reply to him

>software costs anything to reproduce

>implying this has anything to do with the hardware

Software is just a huge sequence of ideas. Ideas are expensive because smart people are asked to think hard. Do you think they hired a custom software engineering team just to design air force 1 electronics?

No. But the Air Force is planning on using trial laser turrets for B-52s in the next 10 years to see how they do.

Are you joking? Rare minerals aren't cheap, aircraft grade aluminum isn't cheap (6601 is $3000 per ton for 264 tons) and the labor costs to go into making it are also to be considered. Electronic equipment is pricey, always. Producing devices to store data on is expensive, all the metal needed to wire the electronics is expensive. Ideas are cheap, manufactured materials are expensive.

>Air Force One
Among other things those are hardened against a nuclear blast and have high tech escape capsules and other defensive measures.

He is talking about the airplane hanger

>development costs
>business people costs
>infasructure costs
>maintenance costs
T.programmer sitting here getting paid a lot to shitpost

>not picking an aircraft that looks like any other on radar, albeit one that likely flies in military/restricted airspace
>not picking the superior fuel-efficient and comfy 787

We're talking relative costs here. The default price of a 747 is a monumental sum of money by itself. You're just a try hard.


Another fact that you retards are missing is that the cost isn't just for the aircraft, it is also for the development & testing of the aircraft. That includes stuff like EMP testing which you don't have to do with an ordinary jet. That includes testing of all the individual subsystems and also comprehensive tests to see if all those systems work together properly. Many of these tests are tests that would not be done with a normal jet, and in many cases the tests would be to a much higher standard than what is required for a commerical airliner. Oh, and all the people doing this stuff, still need to be paid, which adds further to the cost.

Oh, you meant if AF1 can take shots. Yes, it's able to fly with some damage to the avionics or control surfaces. I thought you meant can the 747 handle having turrets placed on it's tail.

>Le laser weapons meme

>trump rejects to pay for the planes
>trump accepts to pay for the planes

jesus christ, you guys won't give up even if he brings world peace.

Much of this technology is already is production and doesnt not need to be developed or tested. Even if they did it wouldnt cost 4 billion.

>Steal a Concorde from the museum
>Ram AF1
>The revenge of the Franco-British engineering

I would fire someone who told me is gonna cost billions of dollars to approve my jet.

lawyer here. CEOs are paid so much because of the immense legal liability they take on. behind the scenes every singe ceo you see is embroiled in numerous bitter civil suits with disgruntled investors and owners and board members. they basically get reimbursed for all the losses they cause so they can settle/pay off the people who lost money and sued. On paper this amounts to tons of money, but after taxes, a ceo might only take home less than 10 million.


What? You claimed the ideas cost more than the plane itself, the opportunity here is that military grade materials costs more than regular materials for commercial planes, that's why the costs for a modified jet meant to house the POTUS is even larger than the "monumental" cost of a commercial 747.

Have fun getting shot down.

You're confused as hell dude. I didn't claim they cost as much as the hardware itself. I claimed the hardware is overpriced.

>I would fire someone who told me is gonna cost billions of dollars to approve my jet.

Then thank god you're not in charge of the military. Unfortunately, Trump will be in charge of the military after January 20th. He needs to grow up and fast.

I could test it for 100 million. That's a shit load of money.

The plain materials and manufacturing cost a lot. The technology doesnt cost shit, intel makes 80% margins on their 300 dollars processors. The prices if the IP and the cost of R&D.

>trump cancels contract for AF1
>boeing gets paid the 4bil anyways because of breach of contract

You mean the book ghostwritten by someone who literally made it all up as he went with zero input from Trump himself?

You really don't understand how much 4 billion is, do you? Please refer back too

If it costs 4 billion, it should be stealth.

Do you have a loose 2 billion lying around? My wife's daughter is begging me to take her shopping and /I don't feel like shelling out cash.

>You have no idea what goes into these jets
Neither do you apparently because you're just parroting shit.
>N-no dude t-they put MILITARY GRADE STUFF IN IT
Fuck off cunt

This is what you said >intel makes 80% margins on their 300 dollars processors.
I got an i7-6700k for $260, did I get intel'd?

Im in charge is safety systems with hundreds of millions built in to them. I well aware of the budget bloat you fagets are ignoring at the core of trump's thoughts.

All of your arguments are based in:
>muh hardware costs
>muh compliance testing

Without acknowledging that you've presupposed the costs with a bloated military industrial complex in place.

Seriously, 100 mil is enough to test anything that is made from mostly already tested out the butt high grade avionics.

Didn't finish my thought, my bad.
You typed that, I assumed you implied that hardware for the planes is not as costly as it used to be.

You know what, I hope he doesn't get new planes and I hope he gets rid of the old ones. He can fly around in his own fucking jet.

And then when china fries it over the atlantic with a laser from space don't act surprised.

Pretty sure all the AF1's have air to air capabilities they just keep it a secret

>You really don't understand how much 4 billion is

Do you understand how important it is that the President have the most secure transportation possible? You realize that in the case of a nuclear exchange, the other side would be doing everything in their power to try and eliminate the chain of command?

Yeah, military grade stuff is fucking expensive and I understand this because I'm not a 10 year old.

Too bad.

>All of your arguments are based in:
>muh hardware costs
>muh compliance testing

Actually yes.

That's what I'm basing my argument on.

Ya those costs are inflated.

And already mostly paid for i might add.

>>You really don't understand how much 4 billion is
>Do you understand how important it is that the President have the most secure transportation possible?
I can understand your point, but to others I can see what they mean. Does it really cost that much to make a secure plane? Who's conducting the safety checks that the costs sum up to $2 billion?

Which is logical because only two of the jets are being produced.

Oh yeah, definitely. It would be stupid not to have it.

No, I mean the costs in general. The entire industry is inflated with tax dollars. Quit being a dense autistic fucktard.

You have no argument other than that you simply believe that the process should magically be cheaper despite the fact that you have no idea what tests are being done or what systems are going into the plane.

The military is notorious for overspending because the contractors talked up their products without any real knowledge of what needs to be done. I can guarantee you the 2 billion overspent is rooted in this problem. Contractor A said that we can do X and Y for the cost of Z, but what ends up happening is that X and Y don't address the problem. Imagine taking a briefcase full of money, lighting it on fire, and tossing it into the wind. That's how this works.

>military grade stuff is fucking expensive
It's made by the lowest bidder you dipshit. The F-35 is a prime example of how inefficient the system is.

>OP thinks AFO should cost 30x the price of a 747.

Reminder: Trump is a man who already owns fucking jets, he knows the costs involved.

What tests will accrue 1 billion dollars in budget?

You're right. I not making an argument, I have a question.

Do the safety checks justify the $2 billion cost?

No idea. Maybe making a jet and then destroying it with everything they have to see if it continues to work properly?
Only way i can see it cost so much.

>The F-35 is a prime example of how inefficient the system is.

The F-35 is a prime example of losers complaining about how much a system costs without having any understanding of it.

Trump owns commercial-grade civilian jets. Air Force One is not a civilian jet. Trump has no idea what it should cost.

>Do the safety checks justify the $2 billion cost?


>What tests will accrue 1 billion dollars in budget?

That's classified.

You keep using them same arguments. So, since you know so much about how much shit in the military costs, please give me a list of items that will be put into the new planes with prices of said items to back up your bullshit instead of repeating your safety meme

As someone who's worked on "military grade" electronics, communications, and other systems, i can tell you with full certainty that the US government dramatically over-spends in nearly every facet when it comes to defense and technology. It's most likely very over-priced.

I keep using the same arguments because they are the correct arguments. The fact that you don't understand enough to comprehend them is not my problem.

And if it results in the most powerful military on the planet, who the hell cares?

Is that also in part to the idea that funding goes down if the industry doesn't use all federal funding in the year? Or did I just learn a meme in my pol sci courses at uni?

>people ITT pretending 4b is not a lot for a plane
Flares are not quite that expensive, kids.

just kill yourself man. NASAs yearly budget is in the same order of magnitude as you're classified testing. That's all of NASAs programs. Validating some retro fitted and custom hardware on already validated subsystems is not that challenging nor expensive. Stop up playing shit because of national security.

>hurr durr the military should just release everything to the public!

>Air Force One only has flares

Time for bed, kiddo.

This is true. If the Pentagon doesn't spend every cent it's given, it loses that in it's next round of budgeting. It's partially why stuff ends up overpriced, because the pentagon is spending it all so that they don't lose it. Our fiscal policy is insane.

Rather than be sensible and reward good budgeting we senselessly spend in order to avoid losing future money that my be necessary.

It's very much based on budgets. I have literally been sent on shopping sprees with funds over 100k to blow what's left on office equipment, new(er) machines, vehicles, etc. for a single unit. No one wants to lose funding "just in case" because it's a fucking pain in the ass to get funding back later down the line. I think it's a flawed line of reasoning, and points to an even bigger problem, myself....but that's what it is.

If I had to compare it with something in political science, I'd say it's a lot like pork barrel spending.

>4b is not a lot for a plane because I say so
Truly feels God-like talking to retards like you.

God you guys are morons. Also first time in history a statement from the USAF has contradicted the president (elect)