Atheism is the greatest of Red Pills, but a very dangerous one

In response to Let me explain myself:

I think Christianity is very important to society and to the everyday layman in the current geopolitical climate, because it's an idea, a meme if you will;

A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena

Christianity in a way is a great Red Pill dispensary because it instills a lot of positive traditionalist attitudes in it's believers which maintains social cohesion and tradition and perserves the ingroup (see White people, or white nationalities). Christianity and other religions are very good at keeping society together, but there are downsides, it hinders scientific and technological progress because of certain dogmatic assumptions about the world.

In a perfect vacuum Atheism would be very beneficial to society, but in reality it leaves a cultural void to be filled, and often other even more aggressive and more damaging ideologies such as marxism, progressivism, islamism, etc fill that void and damage the western society much more than Christianity ever could.

Soo in a way, Christianity is a both a lesser and a necessary evil for the West, but there is nothing wrong with being an Atheist if you swallow most of the associated Red Pills that you usually get from the regular Christian dispensary (Abortion, Degeneracy, Race mixing, etc etc).

Atheism is however dangerous if forced upon the average manipulatable idiot, because he will either drift to a different religious ideology or he will pick up marxism or progressivism. This is why Atheism gets such bad press.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you are an Atheist, raise your kid Atheist, but make sure to instill traditionalist, red pill values in your children, but don't force Atheism upon the general population, because most of them simply don't have the capacity to get Red Pilled without getting sweeped up by a different more dangerous non-Christian Ideology.

Atheism can be a great Red Pill for intellectual liberation, but it can also be the death of society if forced upon the layman.

God here, fuck off with your blasphemy. Atheism, Islam and Judaism is the cancer kill society while Christianity is the only thing keeping everything together.

Want proof?

Pick up a random book, turn to a random page and read a random passage for proof that this is me.

thanks for defining MEME for us, bud. atheists truly have so much to teach us.

Did you even read a single line in his posts? He literally says that atheism can only work in a vacum because normies cant handle it, which is why christianity is better for the masses.

Hes literally agreeing with you but you christcucks are so fucking retarded you cant even read. Jesus christ.

>Christianity is only a meme

faggot kys

everyone is on it but you:

As I said, if Christianity is the only reason you swallowed those Red Pills it's both in my and your interest that you stay Christian, even if objectively speaking;

A universe lacking a God is an order of magnitude less likely than a universe with a God due to an extra layer of complexity, not to mention a Christian God. Those are at least 2 layers of Magnitude of likelihood.

I don't condemn Christians stay Christian.

I don't even think that being a Christian makes you intellectually inferior either necessarily, even though you are most likely wrong

I have to agree, most people can't handle their own mortality or the idea of being alone and insignificant in the grand scheme of things. That may be a bit nihilistic of me, but that's just how I see it. I also agree on using traditional values to raise a family, while being vigilant not to fall into some bullshit ideology like Marxism or Communism.

Good post.

Yea you're right.

Yup, I'm literally saying that humans are flawed creatures and need an ideology like Christianity to keep Islamism, marxism and progressivism at bay.

Also, yes it is. Even if by some chance it were true, it would still be a meme.

I would literally vote for what is essentially the Catholic, Christian party in my country because I can be confident they'll do the right thing, albeit for the wrong reason

The problem is that the more diverse society is the weaker it is. You cannot have a mixture of Atheism and Christianity. Which one is it and why is Atheism the only way forward.
>Burn the cancer. Make anew.

It is truth

OP is not being a faggot today. Sloveniaflag is pretty based actually. I am an atheist as well, because in eastern yurop, the christianity was raped hard in the soviet times. I make attempt to become a christian, but even if I fail to convert and stay an atheist, I will read the bible and trust the christians in how to guide the western civilization, the redpills from christians, if you will. Better a society that celebrates christian values than a society that celebrates marxism, feminism, SJW-s and islamism.

Bottom line is, christian values will always be the best kind, even if I choose to be an atheist myself.

I think this is a false dichotomy.
Conservative, militant atheism when?

Christianity is about acknowledging that which we know to be true.

You are a fine Christian. Now let's go fucking hang these cucks.

I don't even know how to define it, because I fucking hate these militant atheists intentionally or unintentionally destroying societal cohesion by trying to force Atheism on the general population, they only do harm.

Atheism should be confined among the red pilled Intellectual elite

Traditionalist Atheism?

Christianity is not based on truth though, at least not according to reality or the premise of this thread.

If you only believe in Christianity for cultural reasons it has less strength over you than it would for true believers. No one is going to die a meme the way a radical Muslim would.

In order to reach maximal fitness we must align ourselves to the truths of reality. Memes are not enough.

I was raised as a Christian in a fairly religious society, I took it seriously even as a child but I began to have doubts very young. Getting my own laptop with access to the Internet was the end of my faith, I couldn't avoid the people challenging religion by pointing out every fallacy I've ever thought in more refined ways.

That was about 8 years ago and I think I would be about the same today had I continued in my faith. The biggest positive of atheism is not feeling guilty when I masturbate or have sex.

I would never say this IRL because I don't want to give ammo to the theists who claim this, but without religion I have no moral code at all. I just don't really care, I've read a little about the philosophy of morality but it all sounds like bullshit. I would feel bad about hurting family or friends, but besides that I do what I want these days.

I think the belief in a higher power that people draw strength from(delusion) can be a good thing. Christians also value family, and support their community and church family. Bring raised in a church is a good thing for children. Some Christian values are responsible for a lot of the problems of the west today, like our immigration and crime issues. "Turn the other cheek" is the biggest, and the importance placed on mercy, love, etc. has made many of them weak and afraid of doing what needs to be done.

>Traditionalist Atheism?
Nailed it.

Why don't you just go and visit the convent of st gildard at nevers and look upon the uncorrupt body of St Bernadette Soubirous. Then tell me God doesn't exist.

Kek is God
Jesus is Lord
This is truth

that's right, so sick of these whites who instill nihilism into people via pop culture memes. Don't they see that nihilism is a vacuum, and it's gonna be filled with Islam. I acknowledge muslims have a strong religion and values, but these values are not western, and have no place in the western world. All in all, I would hang all the libcucks, but the muslims I would just deport back to where they belong. Traitors must be hanged. As the quote goes:

>The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. If I had but one bullet and I were faced by both an enemy and a traitor, I would let the traitor have it.
~Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

>but without religion I have no moral code at all
You are like a newborn opening their eyes for the first time, that is all.
The meme that defined the 'moral code' was made up. Now you know the truth you can move forward.

Literally my exact feelings on the issue. I'm ambivalent towards religion but you could probably safely call me an agnostic atheist. There's no way to standardize morals with an atheistic society and you'll have constant 'pushing of the envelope'. There are no boundaries without shared morals. I like paganism for its potential to be molded into a system that fits my ideas but I doubt any amount of social engineering could actually get us to that point so I'm content with Christianity as long as it doesn't go the way of the Catholic church and cuck itself

I dunno man, simply asking some of these people some basic questions gets the gears in some people's heads turning.

Take for example, a couple of Mormons woke me up a few years ago. Nice guys, though one was sort of pushy when I told him I didn't have a god, but I asked them a few logical questions over a cup of tea and after mulling it over, the non pushy one admitted that he had made a mistake and came to the realization that you can still hold traditional values and not believe in dogma and sky wizards. His partner was not too happy when he ditched the name tag in my trash, which I should have kept, but I felt like that is where it belonged.

I get what you mean though, most fedora tipping faggot atheists usually sperg out when talking about religion and have zero social acumen. Subtlety and rational logic is key

USSR is a perfect example of why state forced Atheism is poison.

It wasn't atheism for the sake of rational thought or scientific and technological advancement, although it might have helped produce some great mathematicians and theoretical physicists. This was a small unintentional side-product, mostly it just fucked over the state.

They forced State Atheism to replace the Christian Ideology with Marxist ideology to destroy traditionalist culture and social cohesion, it made it way easier to force in Marxism.

It wasn't that Atheism produced Marxism, the state just replaced Christian ideology with a different ideology (Marxism), if they didn't remove Christianity their entire state would collapse because Marxism and Christianity are at odds.

Realistically speaking, I don't think Christianity will ever stop being necessary. Unless something really specific happens and we selectively colonize Mars, then we could probably manage, but with Millions of backwards 3rd worlders ready to hop our boarders and fuck us up at any time, no way.

>The meme that defined the 'moral code' was made up
babby's first existencial crisis here. Moral code is made up, yes, but for a reason. It contains wisdom and has stood the test of time on the soil you live on. If you change it to some random moral code you made up, you will not be as successful, and eventually, your puny moral code will cease to exist. Always have trust in your ancestors, they bring forth the wisdom.

>There's no way to standardize morals with an atheistic society
No but you can set goals and fulfill them based on evidence.
Literally the potential for the most successful society possible.
Morals will become based on 'what works', like traditionalism.

I just want to say this is a great and important thread. I suggest bringing this up periodically here, it's something a lot of people don't realize. Conservative atheists and Christians should be allies against the excesses of liberal faggotry.

I feel like were going to reach that "moral grey area", religion or not pretty soon with advances in technology, doing things you would see in science fiction like Bioshock, Jurassic Park, or Gattica, where, to quote Malcom, we are so busy asking if we could, we never stop to ask if we should.

Atheism is not truthful if the moral law is real. The moral law seems real enough.

>In a perfect vacuum Atheism would be very beneficial to society, but in reality it leaves a cultural void to be filled, and often other even more aggressive and more damaging ideologies such as marxism, progressivism, islamism, etc fill that void and damage the western society much more than Christianity ever could.

I've felt this way for a long time, Christianity is very much live and let live with me.

Opposing Christianity but not touching Islam is the surest sign of a coward.

I believe that atheism can be adopted by high iq people with a good strong spirit, and not a woman, otherwise an atheist is like a white book that everyone can write in, over all the evil ones.

>I believe that atheism can be adopted by high iq people with a good strong spirit
>good strong spirit
Now how are you going to limit its spread, and why would you spread it? The first sociopath that encounters atheism, will realize the moral implications.

Gotta disagree here, it might have worked on that Mormon guy, but it seems you overestimate the average human being.

I wouldn't try to spout Atheism to a white person. Imagine what happens when these Militant atheists try to start deconverting Niggers from Christianity assuming they manage they'll immediately latch on to something else, not necessarily a religious ideology, but probably something even more dangerous.

>Unless something really specific happens and we selectively colonize Mars, then we could probably manage, but with Millions of backwards 3rd worlders ready to hop our boarders and fuck us up at any time, no way.
this is a good point. I have personally thought that communism could actually work when we colonize other planets and via asteroid mining that colony could be made rich beyond any measure. But we have to be very careful to not go full USSR with it. It has to still favour technological progress and western values, not """"""""""""equality/diversity/faggotry""""""""""""""

Here on earth, we cannot risk running communist experimence. We have an enemy to face, which is islam, and we cannot underestimate their willingness to destroy western society and instill their own backwards values.

Once Islam is destroyed, we could perhaps run some social experiments, but even then, we have to be very cautious and still have faith in christianity for a long while, because marxism, feminism and SJW's will stay, even still when Islam is destroyed.

>tfw you made the mistake of redpilling a random dude you met on steam about atheism and totally shattered his beliefs
>tfw he became extremely depressed
>tfw he hasnt logged onto steam in over a year

Im worried he an herod and iv been living with terrible amounts of guilt ever since. I think that some people just cant handle the truth and maybe the normies just need something to believe in to get through their day. They desperately want hope.

>Opposing Christianity but not touching Islam is the surest sign of a coward.

It's not only a sign of being a coward, it's a sign of being a total fucking idiot.

Christians can be annoying, but Islam is outright dangerous, and since most people need to believe in some kind of ideology, I'd much rather live with Christian "Turn the other cheek" crap than Islamic "Allah Akbar, Jihadist" crap or Marxists trying to subvert democracy, or progressivists trying to achieve some kind of diversity hellhole

What would your face look like if I asked you to consider the following:
Islam might be better than Christianity for this purpose because there is no tolerance for divergence and displays higher memetic fitness.


christianity does not hinder scientific and technological progress. Quite the contrary, as it was the christian nations that were the most advanced in the sciences.

There is nothing good about atheism. All it instills is degeneracy.

Sheeeeit, they already do that on their own accord. Where do you think Afrocentrism came from? It's literally the first book of "WE WUZ KANGS AND SHEEEIT"

Perhaps what I meant to convey was, I don't go out of my way to talk to people about it. However, if they genuinely want to have the conversation or engaging the discussion, sure I'll have it and pull no punches.

>believes in God
Please go over how that works again?

Atheism isn't redpill, it is just despair and/or denial.
I'm going to ask you a question; why does placebo work? Why does false hope become real hope?
Does it not work the other way, too?

>I have personally thought that communism could actually work
It can't, and it won't. The system has nothing in it that promotes innovation, and as such, technological advancement. Instead it will always bloat itself with bureaucracy.

It doesn't matter that it is good for the masses, Christianity is not medicine, it is the truth.

One should believe in it not because they find it helpful, but because they know it to be true.

>communism could actually work when we colonize other planets
Communism would never fucking work you fucking faggot, regardless of what planet we are on.

I'm talking about Traditionalist empirical red pilled non-dogmatic Atheism.

Seriously GTFO this thread. Communism would face the same fucking problems in space than here.

If any other idiot doesn't have enough reading comprehension to understand what I actually said I'll rephrase it:

If we were to settle a distant colony, as in Mars, where uneducated low IQ retards can't drift over in a life boat, and we selectively choose who we colonize with, say an IQ cutoff point of 130.

In such a theoretical and very unlikely form of society we wouldn't need an ideology like Christianity anymore.

In the realistic world, no.

Communist GTFO, please.

>does not hinder science
>everything must be within the boundaries of science
Out of box thinking is promoting science, actually.

Oh, and Gödel's ontological proof hasn't been refuted yet, so you can be general theist based on "science" (logic, really).

The crux of the issue of morality is more in the fundamental goals and assumptions and less on the circumstances. A solid foundation ensures a healthy society. This is why nihilism, anti-positivism, and a range of other ideas are so dangerous. The hard part is establishing what we want, figuring out how we get there is actually something you can find agreement on because it's rational. What we want as a society or civilization should NOT be up for discussion. It needs to be determined in a decidedly undemocratic fashion because it can't be determined with reason alone. It's more emotional, intuitive, etc and will only lead to conflict. This is why dogmatic systems are a necessity, because they prevent people from coming to disagreements about the most fundamental assumptions about life.

Relating this to what you said, we have less to fear if we already know what we want and how we feel about ourselves and the world. To let circumstances like technological development define our beliefs is dangerous for the reasons you mentioned. That's not to say new knowledge shouldn't refine our ideas, but we must always tread carefully.

I'm sure my answer is rambling but it's late and I'm somewhat tired

Stupid people are not self-sufficient, thus they feel the urge to have a master and to be obedient to him. God might be real, but the idea of God (Jesus) is what keeps stupid people away from degeneracy, because they fear the punishment.

Intelligent human beings can think by themselves and know what is good and what is bad, they don't need to be obedient. There might be a God, but what is the purpose of living by his laws instead of ours (talking about intelligent folks)?

the word of Jesus have to be transmitted, he is the most good person in history, he is an spiritual model for all, the thing is that he has not to be taken as a male model for men but as an spiritual model, he is a god and we are simple mortals. Once we recover our true man attributes, the feminist, progressive and muslims shit will go to hell.

Don't fucking Red Pill normies about Atheism, most of them can't fucking handle it.

>does not Belief in god
Please go over how that works again?

>If we were to settle a distant colony, as in Mars, where uneducated low IQ retards can't drift over in a life boat, and we selectively choose who we colonize with, say an IQ cutoff point of 130.
>In such a theoretical and very unlikely form of society we wouldn't need an ideology like Christianity anymore.
I'm 130 IQ. We'd definitely need an ideology like Christianity. Logos needs to be incorporated or we get automatons, pleasurebots and garbage instead of men.

IQ 95 is the most common IQ of atheists, beyond that any position can be taken.

How much of this is really the religion, and how much is the rest of their culture, and the financial, economic, and racial differences between the average Christian and average Muslim?

I've never opened a Quran, I've seen verses posted that can definitely be interpreted as a call to violence, but they didn't seem all that much worse than a couple of Bible verses I've read.

Christians of the past couple hundred years have chosen to ignore the parts of Scripture that don't call for peace and pacifism, but that wasn't always the case. This is the religion of the crusades, and interdenominational violence. I really don't know enough about Islam to comment on whether jihad is actually permissible by scripture, but obviously a lot of Muslims think so. Maybe this has more to do with them living in poor, violent countries, and their slightly lower iq's?


Most of the atheists nowadays understand their belief by being "liberated". They are finally "free", they engage into degeneracy since they no longer feel the wrath of God.

>why does placebo work?
This is the opposite of a placebo though. People WANT to look for things to make them feel better and they want things that conform to their beliefs. No one likes having their belief system shattered.
>Does it not work the other way, too?
Nope. are you fucking retarded?

>it is the truth.
except its literally just a story created by the romans in order to get everyone to hate their enemies, the jews. It worked.

Thats literally all your religion is: copy pated stories from other mythology worked into shaming the jews for killing the "son of god"

i learned that the hard way :/

That's because it wasn't as much of a hinderance to scientific and technological progress as some of the others

It's still a huge fucking hinderance, especially to critical thought if you happen to be a scientist.

+ You are working under the assumption that religion was the primary factor, where in reality racial capacity for progress and availability of resources both served a huge role that cannot be ignored.

You are literally arguing that Christian Nigger Shitholes will turn into 1st world in a few generations just because they are Christian...

As such, they've handled it perfectly. I still don't get it where these "redpilled/enlightened" atheists claim to get their moral high ground.
I know where they do get it, just not where they claim to get it from.

>order of magnitude
Can't apply logic to faith. Reason only extends to the material realm.

>proving metaphysical concepts
So clever word play and defining things into existence. I can't say I'm familiar with this proof but I'd venture to guess that for one reason or another it hasn't been refuted because it's not falsifiable, as is the case with most (all?) ontological proofs.

>Have read the Quran, know thy enemy and such.

The difference between Christianity and Islam is that Christianity serves as a religious ideology and a political ideology second, whereas Islam is both a Political and a religious ideology.

The Quran has codified law in it, it means it hinders societal progress even more, because there is less room for interpretation.

I'm an "atheist" and I agree... The metaphysical realm is a necessity to put words to the abstract ethical concepts of 'good' and 'evil'. If you look at the most destructive people today in the SJW/leftist/marxist/feminists, you can tell that these people are just as religious as a muzzie extremist. Their God is patronizing, condescending narcissism masquerading as compassionate empathy. Their Devil is the racist, sexist, cis-het patriarchy.

There 'atheist' leftists didn't become atheists out of some deep, profound process of looking at truth, facts, and reality. No. They're atheists for the same reason a muzzie is a muzzie in shitskin countries.

All the social safeguarding and binding aspects of Christianity that built civilization has been replaced with vapid societal decaying degeneracy. These mindless leftist drones feel that something is off, but lack the metaphysical vocabulary to describe their existential angst, so they cling to the religion of feminism.

At this point, I'm don't really consider myself an "atheist". If push comes to shove i guess that's the label i'd go with, but religious spirituality is a necessity for everyone, even atheists. Being an atheist is a very dangerous one in that you constantly and consistently have to trudge through your inner world by introspection, and craft and find your own meaning in life. This is not an easy task, and many fall into the traps of existential nihilism and become spiritually apathetic.

tl;dr: "atheism" only sets on the path of extreme spiritual chaos in which you will sink or swim.

The only conclusion I came up with after years of studying religion and spirituality is that, at best, an atheist will come somewhat full circle and consider himself to be rationally irrational, aka religious, but with a much deeper sense of self and humanity than your average religious person. It is a journey that not your average mass can survive unscathed.

Well worded, this is what I figure too. Christianity is necessary for people who don't understand the importance of nationalism without the importance of religion.

Let me correct myself, rather Christianity serves as a religious ideology and influences politics more indirectly, but does not have a code of law like Islam, meaning it cannot be considered a Political ideology, or at least not in the same way or to the same extent.

>This is the opposite of a placebo though.
Yeah, it won't help anybody, ever. It can only bring ruin and destruction. For without God, there is no life.
> People WANT to look for things to make them feel better and they want things that conform to their beliefs.
I know. Atheism does it louder than most. Theism makes me feel better the same way work, duty or chores do.
>Nope. are you fucking retarded?
I meant that false defeatism becomes an actual loss. The other way around, "false hope becomes real.. "

Even the most intelligent people have devoted themselves to a religion, there may very well be a link between greater intelligence and atheism but to say that people believe because they're dumb is too simplistic.

>>it is the truth.
>except its literally just a story created by the romans in order to get everyone to hate their enemies, the jews. It worked.

Holy fuck you are retarded. The evidence for Jesus' existence is astounding. if you didn't want to accept Jesus' existence, then you shouldn't accept the existence of any historical figure back then.

Where did I mention I am a commie? So funny, I am being purely theoretical and looking at the future at a different angle but you can't handle the discussion and instead go full chimpout. kys neckbeard

>It can't, and it won't. The system has nothing in it that promotes innovation, and as such, technological advancement. Instead it will always bloat itself with bureaucracy.
That is a valid problem. I know for a fact that communism was infested with bureaucracy and corruption at a vast scale. Almost none of the Stalin's 5-year-plans were fulfilled in reality, but fulfilled on paper. Economy operated on the "if I throw 10 arrows, at least one of them hits the mark" basis.

>Islam might be better than Christianity for this purpose because there is no tolerance for divergence and displays higher memetic fitness.
Not really. I value traditional values but not to an extent where it hinders our technologic progress, our understanding of the space and science, and to an extent where it undermains the freedom of speech and basic human rights. For example, I strongly advocate private property rights and the fact that government should never be totalitarian. Islam doesn't consider such things necessary.



There is a correlation, but indoctronation into an ideology is still a thing, be it a religious one or not.

You need to be almost beyond the realm of human intelligence to break serious social conditioning without outside help.

>t won't help anybody, ever. I
No it helps people who can handle it, ie, the more intellectual and emotionally stable people.

However it seems that unintellectual normies like you need to cling to their fairy tales because that hope is all they have going for them.

>The evidence for Jesus' existence is astounding.
This is a video about a man who lead the most sophisticated study into the history of life of jesus christ, origonally thinking that jesus did exist, only to find out that not only did he not exist but that everything that everyone else was using for evidence is so beyond terrible that its actually embarassing.

It will probably trigger you tho so i dont expect you to watch it. Just know that its been confirmed that jesus never existed and he tells you how they were able to prove it for the specific case of jesus

stupid fagoots everything with excess is unhealthy, dangerous for your body and for your mind, the liberal progressives dont know any limit, Jesus word is the limit for a healthy and happy life, the atheist are so naive they cant even use all his brain, dont know how to feel compassion with a master mentality

>In a perfect vacuum Atheism
Problem: We don't live in a perfect vacuum.

>"which factors are important in the prognosis of a peripheral nerve lesion?"

>However it seems that unintellectual normies like you
How does it help people, and by what standards?

>>except its literally just a story created by the romans in order to get everyone to hate their enemies, the jews. It worked.
Funny you would parrot and early 20th century Jewish author whose only source for the claim was Talmudic oral tradition.

Carrier is a hack. Apply many of his own misguided analytic standards to his own work and we shouldn't even believe Carrier exists.

I've been thinking about this very subject myself recently. I like to call Atheism a hollow ideology. Opens the doors to literally everything because it has only a single tenant to itself, and even that idea can be overridden eventually because there is in and of itself nothing within the ideology to support it. All belief without support crumbles. To that effect, you see Atheism (the movement) replace religious dogma with other dogma or self-inflicted dogma which normally would not exist. Take science for example, because it has a rigid and logical structure, it is perfect to replace religious dogma. So before where there was none, now exits because it is the "replacement" for a religious order.

Personally, I've adopted Stoicism to fill the philosophical gap of fragmented ideas and ethics that atheism has left me. Still an atheist, but I feel like this philosophy is what I have been developing into for years despite having no knowledge of it beforehand for the most part.

alright pick another book that one sucked.

How does the truth help people? If you have to ask you are proving my point.

Some people cannot handle the truth, and thats ok. But very obviously the people who can accept the truth will have a much better understanding of how the universe works than those who deny reality.

Nobody said you were unintellectual or stupid, you are just projecting here.

We are having a disagreement and an argument, don't take these things personally.

>Literally what my post says. Did you even read the OP in it's entirety?

Not even a christfag or religitard. t b h I don't even know if I believe in god.

But to the atheists, what would the world look like if God did exist? It seems most would say it would be a utopia, there wouldn't be any suffering, etc. but I see that as flawed logic as Christianity and other religions directly address this issue.

The grandness of the universe, the fact there may be multiple universes, the fact everything in existence probably operates in cycles leads me to believe there is probably something grander on top of everything.

I think organized religion can be pretty cringey though

>Apply many of his own misguided analytic standards to his own work and we shouldn't even believe Carrier exists.

>literally no you: the argument
I have to admit this is the silliest triggered christcuck reaction iv seen.

Its ok though, its obvious you cant handle the truth. Maybe one day tho.

>Out of box thinking is promoting science
different from believing is sky wizards without evidence

Easy. Follow the evidence. For God there is none.

>I've never opened a Quran
You should. It's the most beautiful poetic work of its era.
>I value traditional values but not to an extent where it hinders our technologic progress
The most powerful weapon of traditionalism is handed to you on a golden platter and you say no muh progress. Do you want this or not? You sound like a progressive.

>t's the most beautiful poetic work of its era.
Except for the fact that the later verses all retcon the earlier more peaceful verses because they contradict them, and as muhammad said, things that come chronologically later always take precedence whenever there is a contradiction.

Premises are lenses the world is seen through. Theism works.

I think that I was a "theist" of that sort for the longest time. Studying Christianity led me to deeper understanding of so many things. It wasn't really until I had an encounter that I understood.
Not really the most pleasant of encounters.

>"d. Crustaceans. Fresh and salt water crabs, crayfish, lobsters, shrimps, and prawns are included in this class. Most of them are edible, but they spoil rapidly and some harbor harmful parasites. Look for them in moss beds under rocks or net them from tidal pools (fig. 123). Fresh water shrimp are abundant in tropical streams, especially where the water is sluggish. Here they cling to branches or vegetation. Cook the fresh water forms ; eat the salt water varieties raw if you desire ( 1, 2, 3, 4, fig. 122).

>Except for the fact that the later verses all retcon the earlier more peaceful verses because they contradict them, and as muhammad said, things that come chronologically later always take precedence whenever there is a contradiction.
Violence can't be beautiful?

>How does the truth help people?
If truth is not really all that different from fiction, in no way at all. If I can classify them as I please - as I assume I could in your world view - the whole moral paradigm collapses.
>If you have to ask you are proving my point.
I'm trying to piece your world view here. Not mine.

all you know today all the knowledge is because a historic construct, is a process through history, yes the religion delay this construction, manipulate it, but is part of the process, and if you thing you could be an atheist and wise person, witout knowledge of christian religion you are a fool

>Easy. Follow the evidence. For God there is none.

Easy. Follow the evidence. For no God there is none.

>different from believing is sky wizards without evidence
Nobody believes in sky wizards, 95IQ scum.

>You are literally arguing that Christian Nigger Shitholes will turn into 1st world in a few generations just because they are Christian... *tips fedora*

I didn't say or imply that

Lol i bet you think we believe in the "god of the gaps". God's existence does not put intellectual questions about understanding the universe to rest.
Why? because god made us curious in a world that could be understood.

Easy. Follow the evidence. For no God there is none.
So you believe without evidence?
Not scientific. Science is not the process of proving non-existences.

Nobody believes in sky wizards, 95IQ scum.
What the difference when both are equally lacking in evidence?

>Nobody believes in sky wizards,
So you dont believe in god?

>You sound like a progressive
far from it. I oppose nigger ghetto culture, BLM, allowing practicing muslims into western world, allowing people from 3rd world en masse, self-victimization culture, SJW's, feminism, faggotry on display, marxism, anarchism, progressive tax, globalism and postmodernism.

and in the 2019 estonian parlamentary elections, I will vote the pic related, Conservative People's Party of Estonia

>he cant into greentexting

Yep. It's kinda akin to the question "can people be entrusted with their freedom". As a flaming idealistic optimist, I used to think more freedom the better... It is a bitter pill to swallow to accept that not everyone can handle freedom. Freedom, while liberating, can be terrifying. Freedom means, 100% accountability for yourself and your actions. It is both empowering, and frightening, depending on how you choose to handle it. Some people can't live with freedom (of mind, of spirit, of civic rights, etc), and require structure, tradition, and dogma to anchor themselves to this world and feel safe. It's funny, most atheists start out rejecting their dogma of Christianity, but nowadays, I'd rather hang out with a 'good', wholesome Christian than an edgy atheist. I'll take a millennia of modern Western Christianity if it meant the death of feminism and islam...

estonia has internet?