all you blue color hard working motherfuckers report in. What do you do? How much do you make? I does not matter how much or little you make, because your job is important. From the fast food workers to the guys that work shutdowns to the guys that work offshore. I salute you brother.
>I am a first class outside machinst and I make 26.10 an hour.
If the all the white collar workforce decided to take one day off, life would go on as normal. If you the blue collar work force worldwide took one day off life would as you know it would come to a screeching halt.

Electrician, $50k a year, only graduated trade school 1 year ago.

pretty comfy for a 21 year old t b h.

Am i the only night shift blue collar worker up tonight? Surley there an aussiebro woke for a hard day at work.

Work in fast food right now. In school for auto tech.

Night shift machinist $18/hr

Good job bro. impresive for your age. You sound like a future engineer. We need better ones. Keep up the good work, you are needed.

Inside or outside?

Production operator. I haven't seen the sunlight in three days.

Did night shift for 6 months because I was new. Had no social life, was constantly tired. Felt like I was sleeping 12 hours a day and working the other 12. Did not enjoy it, but it did have its perks

Hello 2014 me.

This thread should be made on the weekend.

That is a good field. I used to work on cars. I did it for a living for about four years. Good mechanics make very good money. There will always be aome type of car used for transportaion. Good job assurance user.

Tool & die maker. Make $92,000

Haha yeah your prob right.

Thank you for your hard work. The experience you gain is priceless. You will see that in time and reflect back on this thread.

airline mech - $50k
Dicking off online all night erey night

fast food worker, $10 hr. paying my way through tulsa welding school

Yeah me too bro. Well not everynight. But yes tonight.

Car mechanic, $52,000 dollarydoos a year.

Keep up the good work. If i knew you i would come grab a bite to eat.

That's good man. What is your favorite brand tool. Although they're pricey, i always liked snap-on and that truck with all the tools.

Welder, 72k a year, 20yo, my boss is my best friend and my bosses dad is my second father

I fix everything good money always employable can take it as far as I want.
shit always needs to be fixed.

Snap-on is the best for sure, I have a mixture of stuff I've bought over the years.

Not really. Im taking a shit for 20min. and my boss is probably walking around trying to find me as I type this. user how fast can you fix this? user can you help the new guy? user where did you find this in the manual? user instructions not clear got my dick stuck in tail pipe.

>bill $490k last year
>get $50k

Blue collar jobs suck ass. Its a fucking ripoff.

Harbor freight. Snapon is a meme.

Truck driver
Usually work nights
$35 an hour

Worked night shift for 5 years. It was great until i got married and had a baby. Then it was torture

This. Harbor Freight represent.

which port m8?
melbourne here, been fucking crazy the last few weeks.

chippie (carpenter)
mostly house construction
30 an hour 45 on weekends

Bike mailman(on vacation). like 12$/hour. Pretty comfy job, can listen to books/podcasts all day, and you get a lot of exercise

Melbourne also.
Logbook is telling bigger lies than my ex.
Pulling 80 hour weeks the past three weeks.

Looking at becoming a sparky in the near future, starting with a cert III in electrical engineering at TAFE. Any tips Ausbros?

I cried manly tears to this song

If you go on about how your job is important and vital and sheit chances are your resent your low class fag status

Smelly, dumb, poorfag scum

See you soon faggot.

Pipe welder/machinist, 20/hr


Night shift manager for gas station here... 20/hr but hate my life, I'd honestly take the 12 dollar pay cut and just switch jobs at this point, please somebody Rob the store and kill me