Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ General: Hidden Links Edition

>“The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term ‘conspiracy theory’ and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.” -Professor deHaven-Smith
>One of Obama's top donors was arrested for child rape in 2014:
Eyes Wide Open /EWO/ True DeKEKtives
>Season 1 in 3 Minutes:
>PizzaGate in under 20 mins:
>Back in 2008, Neighbor, Frank Winstead, to Comet Pizza, accuses James Alefantis of rape/murder:
>Kek willed this to be included in the OP:
>Secret Police trying to SHUT IT DOWN:
>Proof Secret Police exist from CA:
>Midland, Texas where Bush Family is from has a high density of underage sex crimes and there are missing minors all over Texas:
>Ex-Sherrif's Deputy with fake left arm dies in shootout with local police and feds:
>Tunnels nearby Buddy Webb's property heading towards Home Depot and a storage unit (digging on video)
>Suspicious deaths (like murder suicides) have been happening in the surrounding area
All evil requires to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Let's be good men and do something.
Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


We need a hive mind to look into these hidden links.





Please see



The main reason these are suspicious is because of the Marina Abramovic connection. There is also a page linked to a Colorado senator and strange text that may be code.

Development this week. We found out that CNN's Jake Tapper is also involved. If one mainstream media journalist is involved, there are probably others. This is why the MSM are trying to cover this up. washingtonian.com/2015/02/06/jennifer-tapper/

>Found a few strange things the other day.
A suspicious account on Instagram led to this website: gamafarms.com/index.php.
Gama Farms is in California.
If you look at the reviews, people claim that the eggs they sell are shipped in from somewhere else even though the farmers claim there are over 2000 chickens kept there. When the website first appeared there were no pics of chickens on the site and phone numbers listed were out-of-service. In addition, if you view the source code there are a ton of hidden links to other websites. Follow these and there are hundreds of more links. The website of Colorado senator Angela Williams is part of this network. There is also a page linked to a video of Marina Abramovic. Lots of the links are dead but there are some still functioning.

Do you think we are helping the NWO by making all of this information public?

Won't all of this just make them smarter and more discreet in the long run?

This is the basic template for whatever code they are using. Most of the links are the same just with different wording.

It's definitely Mandarin translated to English.


Are you serious? Would you rather the information be kept secret then, closed to the eyes of everyone that's not, you know, in on this then?

Sure, freedom of information has its risks, but its one of the foundations of this site, and the internet as a whole. Remember where you are, and how humanity got to this you imbecile.

fucking australia dump

This is completely new information. Need shitposting boots on the ground.


relevant archived information


Comet Pizza Australia just recently opened, conveniently placed on the Elizabeth Quay pedo signalling city development by the Western Australian grand lodge and their backyard where they go to dump bodies.
Rayney was investigating police corruption in a local murder trial when his wife was disappeared and murdered, with the body being strangely buried in the park with an oil trail leading to it. The way the body was placed was highly occultic. The lawyer who replaced him on the case was a man who defended a satanic pedo ring by basically saying "he dindu nuffin, he goin church now", that lawyer also had Rayney's dead wife's car show up a few metres from his door. Weird!
Let's not forget that Aus produced this documentary.

That temple of set guy was involved with the child molestation incident at the presidio military base. His name is Michael Aquino.


unrelated to perth, but melbourne pizza shop literally owned by satanists and hang babies in cages with knives through them. More depraved than comet.


It's a concern troll senpai. You'll learn to spot them.

i honestly believe they work for free currently. did you realize how they shilled even harder after the election? why that? why not using all resources for their maingoal? getting hillary elected? incidently this also is around the time pizzagate gained traction. now coincidently david brook, head of CTR is ex BF of one of our mainsuspects alefantis. did he maybe employ fellow pedos he met at the pizza party? would explain why they are going full out now because they dont do it for money anymore, but personal involvement. i mean they even try to meme. pretty badly but they try it. i would almost think its cute if they werent doing it for a satanic pedodeathcult.

what's the motive?
why would so many people, elites no less, be into pedo stuff?


I know, I'm just pissed off because of shitposters on /sci/

I blame the jews

Ok. Good to know. Here's the satellite location from a review: 35°15'17.57"N.

I was think that the FBI is probably on a similar track, if that is true then we may have really fucked it up for them.

Also the timing is pretty bad, would have been alot different if Trump was in office when all of this came to light. This allowed them to publish all this "fake news" nonsense that could lead to more censorship.

If this does lead to mass censorship in the media then we essentially are just helping them

I am on your side, When you call me a troll its just dividing us even further, nothing I said was illogical.

led by the spirit of the whore of babylon, they get more power by selling out their soul to satan and forced to do evil shit. mayhill meade. that crwley dude was saying basically the more henious the behavior the more potential "magick" you have available aka more potential involvement with demons/evil


There could be a plethora of reason but its probably a combinations

1. Secreat sexuial inititians to the elite underworld to always have dirt on the other members.

2. They are so rich and powerful that only the most degenerate of activities gets them going.

3. They are heavily invested in the spirtual world and believe they gain power through evil deeds and negative energy

4. They a combination of the previous points plus the ability to harvest human organs and blood for various experiments or uses in their own health longevity.

I found an actual CNN report. They stumbled upon this 5 years ago and shut it down.


a little scared right now for real

This type of shit makes me think some of you are schizos.

Nothing I said was a "troll". If we all have the same viewpoint we are just as bad as an other safespace hugbox.

If we truly want to be smarter than them you need to consider all possibilities and not dismiss logical viewpoints.

Also he was a lieutenant colonel in the military despite being a satanist and after all the child molestation stuff about him came out.

Bump for pizza

I highly recommend you anons watch the JFK movie by Oliver Stone. It portrays a provocative view on the extent to which the government will go to cover up their crimes. Watch best scene on "the truth"


You're suggesting censoring and suppression of information that people should be aware of for nothing more then a brief ego trip. Your grasp on the English language is rudimentary at best as well.

I'm going to say you're either some proxy faggot, a shill, or some underage fag.

Fuck off. This thread is not your personal hugbox, and all you are doing is damaging the efforts being made here, being a burden upon absolutely everyone.

Remember, all the times farmers were mentioned in the Podesta emails? This is probably why. I bet a lot of politicians go to these (((farms))). The produce mentioned is probably also code for something.

And it all ties together in a pretty bow. This rabbit hole runs VERY DEEP, lads. We might be talking about thousands of officials in the gov, mil, and media.

Your stupidity really makes me lose faith in these threads if others here are like you.

I know Im not a shill, so lets say you are wrong and Im not a shill. What does that make you?

It makes you look like a typical moron who believes in controlled opposition like Alex Jones and alien truthers.

Do you not see where this "fake news" agenda can lead? How ignorant are you to see where this buzzword is going? They are trying to use it for more censorship and media control.

Yesterday France saw lil Barry cry on TV because he wasn't selling enough guns.
Make place.

jones is trying to save his family

oh god this is terrifying

no one tells alex what to do, but this '''''''''''witness'''''''''''


just dumping material before going to sleep



I also recommend the "Mr. X" scene, that one was a huge redpill for me.


another one

>I'm not a shill because I say so
Yeah, go take your ego trip somewhere else Shill
>B-but muh fake news
The ones that say that most often are the shills. Absolutely everything you are doing is brazenly giving away that you are a shill. I am not going to respond anymore to your bullshit, because good god man, I don't know who trained you, but you need to go back.

He always seems a bit too reactionary for me to take too seriously, but it does seem like the norm these days, what with what happened with wikileaks and snowden and the like.

Not sure if all of you saw this but it basically confirms that the Catholic church is compromised.


Where does their grasps not reach?

for people still doubting the parents are involved in mccanns dissappearence

Cant access, says error with directory


The media has a lower approval rating than congress. If they start openly pushing for censorship, as it appears they are currently trying to do, why is this a problem?

They have almost no credit with the american populace. Openly pushing for censorship would definitely cause a backlash, especially due to the nature of the ascendant electorate.

We win either way.

It's extremely terrifying.

If by some miracle of a chance that someone out there found truly substantial evidence that would convince even the most delusional of normies that something is very, very wrong - then the world will fall into a state of chaos.

This isn't just the US government. This is also the media, the corporations, the celebs, the religious leaders (although already exposed but still,) the social workers, the medical field and more.

This is global. This would crash the global economy to astronomical levels. Riots would be everywhere. Many of the uniformed ones would experience an indentity crises or state of depression. Poltical, corporate and media vacuums would soon follow, as many of these people would end up getting lynched if the public found an opportunity to do so.

And pizza gate is just the tip of the iceberg of their corruption.

random memes

Based on James Alefantis and all the other pedos that post pics of the pope and have cardboard cut-outs...I think it's safe to say that the pope is in on all this.


this takes hours to share god dammit


holy shit look at this, muh fee fees personified, i don't even think it's a shill what with all the autist rage

>Not sure if all of you saw this but it basically confirms that the Catholic church is compromised.

No shit, I would think the Catholic Church sexual excuse scandal from over 10 years ago would already expose that.


Fuuckk that first link is so strange. How did that restaurant even operate publicly with that baby

last one i think


Comet Pizza customer testimonial WITH PICTURES

>the "m-muh le russian evil shadow government is doing all this"

I honestly wish this was true, because the Russians wouldn't fuck things up so badly, and wouldn't be letting this cancer fester.
I mean, free speech like this would be shut down too, sure, but hey, at least we wouldn't have fuckwits like this.

I thought reddit would've been into this, like it's pretty self-evident
But all it took was to delete some subreddits, manipulate the voting mechanisms, and label everything a 'conspiracy theory'


found an extremely odd video guys
lemme know if you guys can make any sense out of it

link to article w/ video included


There are mobs of people out there, whether they are low IQ or just brainwashed i dont know but they will believe anything they hear on CNN, MSNB, and the rest, a lot of young people. At any moment these people would be willing to give up their own rights and buy into the censoship.

The public still has all the power but when 50% of the people are mindless brainwashed drones they essentially become another arm for the elite plutocracy. Unless more people are aware of the truth censorship and loss of rights will only continue and lead to class wars like they are trying to push.

You are a fucking schizo man. You are going to make the rest of us look illegitimate. people like you just help the opposition by not only dividing but also making us look like your stereotypical conspiracy schizo

>Please stop investigating the pedos.
>Daddy government was going to take care of it, but we're fucking it up.
>This has been going on forever but Trump would have taken care of it if it wasn't for us meddling kids

Yes, a large amount of the populace would agree with them.

A large amount of the populace will agree with just about anything.

It would instantly polarize the country between pro and anti censorship camps, and being anti-1st amendment is a pretty hard sell here.

>Favorite date-night restaurant:
Buck’s Fishing and Camping.

w-w-wat does she mean gguise

wew thread


You sound like a fucking lunatic. These guys are not "getting energy from evil actions." There's a possibility that there's shady shit going on but don't make it pseudoscientific, take your meds

There's a lot of mad people in this thread, and people accusing others of being mad. This thread is quickly going to shit.


Pics of a person biting an apple (or other fruit) are common in pedo accounts. I'm pretty sure one was in James Alefantis's Instagram.


i cant help but think the links are just a wild goose chase. if they wanted to sell children, organs, etc wouldnt they just do it on the dark web?



Pure co-incidence of course you silly goy.

That was mainly a plot from Israel to discredit Christianity even further though.

I never said to stop investigating you retard, I just stated my opinions that the timing is horrible and I brought up the point that it could be helping them in ways.

You have to think like these people if you want to understand them. If you were in their position wouldn't you be glad it was a bunch of internet theorists that first made you realize your crimes have been brought to light and not the FBI?

I agree that if we want to win the only way is for the public to know the truth buy the pessimist inside me that tries to think like they do only says that this is just helping them cover their tracks.

They are the ones partaking in ritualistic satanist debauchery. You think they don't enjoy and believe in what they are doing? These people have shed all of their cognitive dissonance. Everything they do they believe in fully.

it's fucking simple guys

they take little kids, rape them and then offer them to degenerate politicians and anybody else they want dirt on

then they kill the kids and harvest the blood and organs and do blood transfusions as a "fountain of youth" kind of thing - sell the organs to kikes in Israel (Israel has a massive black market organ trade)

Jack Barakat's account had a pic of him biting an apple also (among other creepy photos). It's a strange pic to post.


Remove the . After the php in the link brah

>pic of him biting an apple

I assume that's a reference to "forbidden fruit" from the bible?

Wonder how many Sup Forums anons will go to voat and spam the shit out of this goy and also upvote the ones that have benn downvoted?

Most likely. Most accounts I have seen are pretty satanic also.

Fuck you and those 7s trips...

>implying 7 is lucky, you fucking mick amerifat drunks believe anything
>7 is literally the most evil

those are just doubles tho

Giving a (you) because there's no way in duck this isn't tied in somehow

DO IT. Everybody should go there and downvote the shill.

Reddit is a good example of the type of subversion they attempt. Its a lot easier to pinpoint since they have accounts.

This shit scares me

If they are using meme tactics this heavily for marketing subversion, You can only imagine the other shit they attempt both here and there. Even on normie shit like facebook and tumblr. There is some mass mass brainwashing going on.

Look into the lego star wars stuff and you will see how obvious it actually is. Disney of course.

mmm so is it safe to say these directories are actually child review or discussions? if we assume the specific type of clothing, the color of it, and its discount % is how they categorize them, it sounds logical.

Don't be a crazy conspiracy nut goyim it was just a coincidence

Also the template for the webpage is from Apple which logo can be considered connected but there is a video on each page. We should be looking for patterns here.

3. They are heavily invested in the spirtual world and [believe] they gain power through evil deeds and negative energy

>tfw can't read

Another thing that seemed strange about this site. Fruit seems to be a common theme.

Could be. Clothing and shoe brands are definitely used to communicate something. Not sure what though.

What about lego star wars and Disney?

Oh wow, it's literally nothing

>hey guys, spam links!

This is it boys