*sips tea*


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Source on faithless electors being worth 50?

Is this the bernie meme?


Fuck these people are delusional

You might have 1 or 2 electors willing to throw away their personal reputations and destroy the political careers of their families, but that's about it.

You mean win prestige by preventing dictatorship in the US?

I see what you did there you rascal

Civil war soon.



There have only been 170 in the history of the US. Roughly half of those were because the candidate died. Most of the remaining faithless electors are because of stupid shit like typos

*contracts kuru*


Each elector is a vote. The meme is saying there are 50 of them. There have been 150 or so total in history. Would have to be quite a swing.

This election has been the gift that keeps on giving, and it's not even christmas yet.

wtf? even the guy organizing it admits they have at most maybe 12 thinking about it. How does that translate into 50?

Imagine if she does get 50 faithless electors. All the people who were saying "This is the electoral system we have. Deal with it libshits" would be absolutely BTFO

You mean by voting for Trump?


Why is being a faithless elector even allowed? Each of them has the voting power of about half a million people.

sips sperm

it's not. Half the states have laws against it.

In case anyone is wondering, here is the source of the OP's faggotry


>Chiafolo predicted that the rebellion could go much further than the seven who are currently on board. He said that by his reckoning there were between 50 and 100 electors across the country weighing up whether to vote their own way as a protest against Trump, though he conceded that his estimate was not backed by hard evidence.

I voted for Hillary and even I don't find it terribly likely or a good idea to flip the vote in the Electoral College. Everyone knew the rules going in. Plus, Trump voters haven't exactly handled the win with dignity and poise, so we can imagine what would happen if victory was snatched away from them at the last second, even if it was fully legal. It would make all the post-election anti-Trump protests look like a hug party.

Be honest. There are Hillary supporters that would think that's even more retarded than what happened.

>though he conceded that his estimate was not backed by hard evidence.

So, wishful thinking then.

Even if there were 100 faithless electors that would still not change the outcome of the election.

At this point the Clinton Cunts are humiliating themselves. Clinton herself is a disgraceful sore loser. We know she's behind the recounts and we know she's pushing the faithless electors. She's a bitter old hag.

What happened to her Twitter? Dont you think it is quite embarrasing for all the Hillary supporters that she has literally given up all hope/gone into hiding after Nov. 9th?

Trump is not even elected yet and he literally is doing work. Clinton was never a good choice, would be the badest deal to have her as the president of the United States of America. Sad!

What about all the libshits who were crying foul at the elctoral college? Do they suddenly have their past words erased?

Eh, it's not as if Trump voters would have just shrugged it off if the roles were reversed. Hillary voters have a good reason to be upset, and so would Trump supporters if the EC flipped the vote. Both situations are legal and both are pretty unfair.

Let's not mention she conceded to the Don.

Does a concession actually mean anything legally?


50 faithless electors is a signal that the trumps party has subverted the candidate enough to destroy itself. That number would indicate that the system itself is so against the candidate that anything Trump would try to work with the system is undermined by the system itself.

I dont really see whats unfair in either of them.

Not really.

The concession can be wiped away. With a cloth.

Their argument would be



Correct. She did what Al Gore did in 2000: concede in order to assure a smooth transfer of power. Anyone hoping the Electoral College will go rogue doesn't seem to appreciate this aspect, and it's an idea that's fundamental to a functional United States.

>implying they would vote for Hillary

Voting for a candidate that didn't receive a plurality of votes isn't 'going rogue'

Nah. It would mean that the electoral college's elector requirement needs to die. Just have the points assigned on a particular date when they're all confirmed (We'll say Dec 13 anywy)

Here's what would happen if the electoral college was manipulated into electing Hillary president: the 30% of the country that thinks this is a great idea would be slaughtered by the 30% that knows how to use a gun. The other 40% would be too busy watching reality shows to notice.

Only down by 38



How do you manage to wipe your ass and breathe at the same time? Goddamn, you're dumb.

Electors are appointed by the state to vote for their state's winner.


Even if Trump loses, she CAN'T be a president.

For fucks sake.

I don't disagree, but it would be unprecedented and the fallout would have ramifications beyond what we might expect.

If she gains 38, those 38 have to come from somewhere. Electors don't just pop into existence - so they'd have to come from Trump.

Ergo, 38 electors switching would be enough.

there's laws preventing a lot of them from disobeying the election and some of them would literally be shot for doing so just because california voted for queen bitch
with each passing day Trump looks more presidential and this rebellion looks more juvenile

Maybe he holds his breath and then wipes.

That's not actually true. There's nothing that legally prevents her from accepting the results of the EC and taking the job. It would be pretty shady, but not illegal.

When is Sup Forums going to accept that Clinton will be president?

There is state that again faithless elector.
If you notice, Hillary has to get faithless elector from hardcore republican state which is impossible.
Also, there is only one Republican elector even say that he will not vote for Trump (which probably already replaced), the other electors say that they vow to not for Trump is in Colorado and Washington (state that Hillary win).

>not as if Trump voters would have just shrugged it off if the roles were reversed

That's because the DNC is on video admitting they commit massive voter fraud in multiple states by busing people to multiple voter stations and either giving them fake IDs or not checking them.

Electors aren't legally bound to their states, you freedomless cur.

Santa was at my local mall for some reason, this early, I don't know why.
I told him, all I want for Christmas is that the electors clear Trump through easily.
He called me a faggot and spit on me and walked away.

While the electoral college is sound, I do support laws that disallow faithless electors.

If those laws were passed in all states you could just go ahead and get rid of the electors and have each electoral vote automatically determined by the results of the general election.
Having physical electors made sense 200 years ago but there's no need for them with modern technology, aside from the faithless thing.

h-holy shit.. Hillary BTFO

Trump is the party, and he is here to fulfill Ronald Reagans destiny

That's what you get for going to the Mall Of America.

If that is true, then A) it wouldn't have any greater effect that Republican voter suppression, B) it's not as if they bused 2.5 million people anyway, and C) you can't tell me that winning the popular vote but still losing the election wouldn't be enough to spin Trump voters into a world of pissed off all by itself.

>Republican voter suppression

Does not exist.

>B 2.5 million

There are over 10,000,000 illegal aliens in this country and there are no voter ID laws in any of the states that Hillary won.


The video evidence of DNC staff admitting to busing people around is proof enough that any pro-Hillary results are suspect.

Combined with the significant illegal population and the lack of voter ID laws, there is no possible way to calmly accept a Hillary victory.

> Freedomless cur

Says the guy with a country without a functioning electoral system, currently wondering if 'faithless electors' might overturn the result.

Oh and guess what? We have voter ID here too. Tell me more about your freedom.

guys, i hear that its actually looking quite likely that she will get the 38 needed.

Is anyone else worried?

I'm afraid that I have to agree here, didn't vote for the God Emperor but with all the concrete evidence surrounding the possibility of Democratic voter fraud, compounded with the illegal situation (The federal law saying that non-citizens can't vote in federal elections is still valid), a Democratic win in this election would have to be heavily contested because it would be the legal and right thing to do. With Trump it is pretty much all just hearsay, and could properly be acted upon, and if you do you just see him losing a few thousand and Clinton losing ten's of thousand like what we saw in Wisconsin and a few counties in Michigan.

TL;DR A protest against a Democratic win has much more actual legal justification that a Republican win would

did they really think spics care more about their commiejew than their neetbux and sanctuary cties