White women voted against having the first (also white) woman president and for a guy with a bunch of sexual assault...

>white women voted against having the first (also white) woman president and for a guy with a bunch of sexual assault allegations who was recorded saying to "grab [women] by the pussy"

Is there more hope than we thought? They said Trump would only win white men, but he won white women too, and it wasn't even close.

Women love alphas.

My grandma voted for Trump. I think my mom did but she doesn't want to admit it. My sister voted for Stein.

People just hated that corrupt bitch. People need to get over it.

Older, married white women voted for Trump. I am still skeptical of white women my age.


Do all vocal liberals lack self-awareness, or is it just the twitter ones?

>sips tea

well done trump, however

Women don't like women that much

It's almost like people are capable of voting for who has the best policies instead of identity politics and pointless scandal.

It's not that hard to explain: Trump laid out this huge family worker plan written by Ivanka to help mothers both have a job and raise a family on top of all his pro domestic business, antiwar, and security message. Clinton was just like "muh vagina"

One of the first rules about dating women is that women are not fond of other women.

My mother hates clinton with a passion. She used to respect her but telling her the rundown of what happened at Benghazi made her hate her. I wasn't even putting any spin on it and she thinks she's a murderer now. She says this of Trump: "Trump's better than Hillary but he's a bit scary because while he could be an absolutely fantastic president for the American economy, he could also be absolutely terrible because his ego and stubbornness might cause all sorts of problems"

Among white women only single mothers vote Democrat

American women usually vote for a male candidate over a female candidate by a ratio of 3:1. Clinton did unusually well with women solely by explicitly saying women had to vote for her because she had a vagina and they might die before the next time they got the chance to vote for a vagina.

Also forgot to mention that Clinton literally stayed with her cheating husband with no consequences

Most of the politically illiterate women I know including my mother and grandmother's knitting circle do not look favorable on that

It's cool, Hillary only married him to put being married to someone famous on her resume.

Women generally don't have foresight though and have no problem with bigger government as men pay far more taxes.

>believing Trump will have a small government

Every woman in my family voted trump because we all have been redpilled by living in the hell that is Southern California

White women know about other white women. Something minorities have yet to learn.

White people are on top for a reason, maybe you should start smartening the fuck up instead of consuming this media garbage that tells you you're special then shits on you at ever chance it gets because all it wants from you is your money and attention.

>"grab [women] by the pussy"
Why don't you give the full quote in context? Surely your point will stand with all the information won't it?

He wants huge tax cuts for both people and companies, hates regulation of most types, often defers to the states, and hates centralized education. He only wants large government for the military, protectionism, and unfortunately keeping social security. He's supposed against gay marriage and abortion but won't do anything about either.

Women are the majority of voters (around 53%), and congress is 80% male. Why is that?

This is the dark secret that nobody wants to acknowledge: women actually don't like voting for other women. They see every flaw, are hyper critical and jealous. Most women would actually rather vote for a well dressed man

I'm a supporter, I just can't believe white women in general gave him a pass on that. I suppose taking it out of context makes it look more like sexual assault, but I don't see it that way so I didn't think even about it.


There are a lot of single mothers out there working factory jobs scared their work will move to another country. They need jobs ro support their kids. Everyone underestimated their numbers.

Women aren't dumb, they know how men talk about them. Trump sounded bad, but every man has said something worse in the "locker room" context.

If you show me two candidates names that I know nothing about. Without seeing what they look like or anything and ask me to choose, I'll choose the man. I can't fully explain why. Except that I trust men with leadership roles over women. Maybe it's just that simple. With that being said, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't vote for a woman who had proven herself to me. But with a blind pick, I'll roll the dice with the dude.

Democrats could've run almost any other woman and she'd be a better candidate than Hillary