Do you idiots even realize you're destroying your own movement?

Do you idiots even realize you're destroying your own movement?

Maybe it just hasn't sunk in yet, but many, many new people visit this forum every day, even moreso with the whole Pizzagate thing being in the news and people trying to understand the views of the people who voted for Trump. Every day you get opportunities to influence and draw scores of potential new voters over to your side.

And what do they see when they come here? Blatant sexism and racism in every thread. People literally praising news stories of women being raped and assaulting and saying they'd love to do the same. People literally calling for the genocide of "niggers," "spics," and "kikes" and anybody else they deem not white. Exactly what the media tries to smear the right wing movement with, except even worse.

If you honestly think that the media hasn't wisened up and won't start pulling things from conservative websites and message boards to smear Trump and other Republicans with in the coming elections, you're a gullible idiot. All it would take is for a few big name news companies to report on some of the stuff that you neanderthals post on here every day and boom. No amount of "BUT THE DEMOCRATS ARE THE TRUE RACISTS! THEY'RE JUST SMEARING US!" is going to save you.

I realize there's a long-shot the troglodytes that reside on here will even read a thread whose first post is over a sentence long, let alone take any of this to heart, but it needs to be said regardless.

Other urls found in this thread:

You have to go back, Spez.

you lost, you stupid nigger faggot, stop being so tsundere

Cute post but you forgot that all posts being made here are satire.

The movement ended when trump won idiot. We did our part now it's trump's turn. There's literally nothing we say or do here that matters beyond our own interests and enjoyment to participate. I don't take away any of these things in saying this as you do what I speak about. My words are accurate. Not here to make you mad. Trump won and your argument is just your method of engaging in enjoyment of this culture that is shitposting

According to Wikileaks the emails of John Podesta have been completely wiped starting on the day Maddie Mccann was kidnapped and then going all the way back. Wikileaks says the first email that shows up is the day after Maddie was kidnapped.

Quite a coincidence, John Podesta generally matches the police sketch that Maddie's parents are pleading with anyone who has information to help them identify this person.

John Podesta has a collection of paintings that feature scantily clad children in situations and poses that imply bondage and guests to his home are on record as being mortified.

John Podesta's whereabouts on May 2nd have already been proven. We just need the next day on May 3rd 2007 when Maddie was kidnapped and then we can close this chapter.

>People literally praising news stories of women being raped and assaulting and saying they'd love to do the same
never seen that

>People literally calling for the genocide of "niggers," "spics," and "kikes" and anybody else they deem not white
this is just banter

>Every day you get opportunities to influence and draw scores of potential new voters over to your side.
this is up to Spencer, Milo, Sargon of Akkad and such people, we are not equipped to redpill the normies, we are just having discussions amongst people who are already redpilled

>The movement ended when trump won idiot.
not really, yurop is still cucked. It's the other way around, with Trump's win, we got more legit, thus more people into our ranks. The work is just beginning, desu

Enjoy the pits of hell

I supported Trump bc he was not as bad as Clinton. Most Trump suporters on this website are just trolling, but if some are actually genuine then I definetly think there is a problem.

Don't you guys know we know what concern trolling is? Your strategies and tactics here have become so predictable that it's boring now. Pizzagate is just the tip of what is probably the deepest, blackest iceberg in all of history. There is no way that something of this order of magnitude that is being discussed daily by millions and millions of people across the globe all across the internet (certainly not just here) can be swept under the rug like happened in the UK and countless times here.

There's just too many people talking about it now. You can't kill them all or make them all disappear at this point. This "fake news" campaign after the American people put up with 18 months of the fakest news I have ever seen in my life has the stench of a frantic coverup and everyone can see it now.

Not sure what is about to happen next. Either you guys socially engineer a massive happening to distract us from it, or people start organizing against you as they find out. The fake alien invasion from Antarctica is starting to seem pretty plausible lately, though.

>Every day you get opportunities to influence and draw scores of potential new voters over to your side.
facts speak for themselves.
facts don't have to come from morally pure sources.
if anyone believes messages and messengers are linked then they aren't ready for the truth.
there are more truths here than just pizzagate.
the shit you're crying about acts as a filter.
a necessary filter.
get used to it or gtfo

Except this pope is a heretic and can be safely disregarded

You're a troglodyte you hyperbolic cunt.

Have fun exaggerating every post you see to slander us, faggot.

Joke's on you, I'm a gommunist

>this is up to Spencer, Milo, Sargon of Akkad and such people, we are not equipped to redpill the normies, we are just having discussions amongst people who are already redpilled

Christ please no. The masses are not going to get redpilled by self-absorbed pseudo intellectuals who love the sound of their own voice. The masses get redpilled through heavily charged redpill memes that convey a memetic ton of powerful information and truth in the most efficient, direct and, most importantly, entertaining way possible.

And those are always made on these imageboards by creative, thoughtful anons who are amateurs with photoshop or ms paint. The media is going to have to either learn to make their own memes to maintain control of the culture and flow of information or get completely overshadowed by what is flowing down all the major information streams of the internet these days. You can skim the front page of reddit and absorb more info about current events in 2 minutes than you could watching 2 hours of the news. No one has time anymore to listen to Wolf Blitzer spend 30min explaining why his opinion on what happened is the correct one and everyone else is stupid for thinking so.

Thankfully I read faster than rain man or I wouldn't have bothered with that shit.

I only have one thing to say.

We won.

We don't need the fucking normies on our side. We already have the numbers where they matter.

Go fuck yourself and have a nice day. .. normie


Yea hillary tried that.

>Uhhh internet trolls... alt right lmao ..... nazis

It was fucking retarded that time too.

Bring it on bitch. it's 2016... aint gunna come

if you take Sup Forums seriously you're a retard. no offence

The will of Kek has already been put into motion

There is no hiding pedophiles. The Frog God is here.

There is only truth now.

Try to shill. Try to hide.

It is impossible.

I see your multiple posts regarding random sites to discredit the movement. You will not win. You may think the power of the Frog God is a joke. Laugh while you can.

I am here.


This is a shill thread. Ignore.

Notice to all the followers of KeK.

KeK has noticed many shill threads popping up. All of the same type, with the same auto responses shortly after created.

These are fake pizzagate threads.

KeK is here. Kek sees right through your nonesense.

There is no hiding, All Pedophiles will cease to exist. Try to run. Try to Hide.

You will not sway the eyes of the public away from the Podesta E-mails. You cannot discredit Julian Assange. It is too late.
The Frog God Has Spoken.

Very well. Have fun trying to win elections with nothing but the white male vote you hopeless retards.

Pro-tip: it's not 1916 anymore, and the voting demographics reflect that.

Everybody is gunna vote for trump when they see that he is a great president.

Kill yourself.

There's plenty of people who are more influenced by things like this than actual politics. I can fully understand as I am seriously tempted to change parties sometimes myself due to how pissed off I am at the sexist bigotry I have to put up with from right wingers, despite disagreeing with the Democrat party on pretty much everything.

Keep digging your own grave. I predicted Trump's victory back when he first announced he was running and put up with everybody laughing at and mocking me for said prediction for the next year and a half. And now I predict the Republican party will crash and burn in the next two elections if it keeps up with allowing its members to spout toxic rhetoric like you morons are. Because the media WILL use your words against your party the next time around you.

Keep digging your own grave.

>Sup Forums is the republican party

No, it really isn't. Sup Forums is a place where edgy teenagers come to say ugly shit that they wouldn't say in person.

Sup Forums is the place where we grind shit into diamonds.

Truth is ugly, and it always will be.

it's a cluster metapolitical movement not a political party u retard
we are not here to silence opinions

Sup Forums gonna Sup Forums user, you can't just change the motives and actions of an entire website in just one post

fuck off nignog

You're right. We should be ashamed of ourselves, OP.

You think that liberals would dare to venture into this place? They avoid us like the plague.

That IS the movement though you Alt Liter

>That IS the movement
It really isn't. "Alt-light", as you call it, is way way bigger than the alt right and comprises the movement that everybody is talking about.

The social footprint of spencer types is very very small by comparison.

Drumpfkins ARE fucktards

Yep. They'll spend the next 2-4 years on here saying horrific things about women and non-whites and then whine and moan that they've been "betrayed" when everybody but white males votes Democrat. They are literally not even intelligent enough to understand basic cause and effect.

Golly gee yes, it is Trump and his followers that are totally destroyed.

> if you say so OP.

>never seen that

Then lurk more. Sup Forums is misogyny central with only 1 common denominator: Hatred of women and/or women's rights.

Your webm is bullshit. There are barely stormfags on Sup Forums let alone on Sup Forums.

>And what do they see when they come here? Blatant sexism and racism in every thread. People literally praising news stories of women being raped and assaulting and saying they'd love to do the same. People literally calling for the genocide of "niggers," "spics," and "kikes" and anybody else they deem not white. Exactly what the media tries to smear the right wing movement with, except even worse.
What are we doing wrong again?

This. I get all my news through memes now. Democracy has never been healthier.

That's what we want people to see when they come here, dummkopf

you liberals will never understand

We don't exist for your education or to win people over.

We're not going to PR cuck

Except we don't want a big tent.

We want white male rule.

Memes are the information age's political pamphlets. Make them short, easy to digest, and cheap to make. Produce 10s of thousands of them and pass them out to people on the street, nail them to church doors, whatever it takes to get it out.

Now all we have to do is post it to reddit, get enough people to initially upvote it so it gets visibility, and within 1-2 hours 10s of millions of people have read it and formed their own views on it already. No cable network can pull that off.

Cuckservitives like you have already dug your own grave and burried yourselves in it.

You're fucking over, you don't matter anymore and you will never matter ever again.

No it's 2016 and we just won the election being racist as shit.

Yes, haha, it's all satire. But uh, you know, gas the kikes.

No. Really. Gas the kikes. xDDDDDD satire!

You are a pedo. We know you're scared.

Either you get swallowed by the beast, or you walk away. The truth is impregnable.


What movement? I just wanted to meme a president into office. I don't care what happens from here.

Oh wow I guess I'm voting for Hillary now...

These posts are made to destroy the abundant #pizzagate evidence.

Do not fall for them.

Movements are constructs.
I am an individual.

I exist. Movements exist only in your mind.

Your move, lefty.

>Do you idiots even realize you're destroying your own movement?

Stopped right there. Until the day I die, that is my sole objective.

>Blatant sexism and racism in every thread.

Good, that keeps the roasties away. Roasties are uncorrectable libtards anyway and there's not a single field (aside from porn) where an influx of roasties had a beneficial effect.

People aren't meant to find Sup Forums. Idiots like milo keep advertising it.

Bump for truth.

The sperglord autists and KGB shills on this board won't care though.

>Sup Forums

Normies stay the fuck off my board